Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 779: fugitives in the tunnel

Underground of the Thracian Palace, in the tunnel leading to the outside of the city, a group of people was hurriedly escaping.

The person in the lead was not tall, with a slightly hunched back, making him look even shorter. He was wearing a dark gray robe, and the whole person looked like he was shrouded in a black mist, which was frightening.

Following him was a knight in full armor with a shield on his back. Judging by the thickness of the shield, one could tell that he was a heavily armored warrior commonly known as the "tin can".

Generally speaking, this profession exists exclusively for defense, and he is no exception.

Not far behind him, two strong men in casual clothes each carried a small child, a boy and a girl, both with splendid blond hair. The boy was about four or five years old, and the girl was a little older, about seven or eight years old.

Further back, there are a few nervous knights and maids. While they hurried on their way, they looked back from time to time, as if they were wary of something.

Among the group, there is probably only the little boy who is not yet sensible and has no fear. He even asked with a smile, "Where are we going? Are we practicing as urgently as last time?"

Hearing the prince's question, the knight behind his back sighed, not knowing how to answer. On the contrary, the maid next to him squeezed out a smile and said gently, "Yes, we are practicing urgently. Although we have practiced last time, important things must be practiced frequently to ensure proficiency."

"I know! It's like practicing martial arts!" Prince Charles Thrace, who was only four years old, smiled happily, "My father told me that there is no ability in the world that is not obtained from hard training, even if it is the sea. Grandpa Yinrich has also worked hard for many, many years to become so strong!"

Hearing his words, Alan Weiner, the "King of Shadows" who was walking at the forefront, trembled slightly, but said nothing and continued on his way in silence.

He used to sit in the central army tent, and after receiving the news of the accident in the palace, he immediately rushed back to the capital with a teleportation tool, only to find that the palace had been shrouded in a seal. He was shocked and went to the underground of the palace from the secret passage, only to find that the legendary powerhouse of the necromancy force who was supposed to be here had gone somewhere—in fact, when those guys saw the fight in the palace, they guessed and felt that The passers-by were not easy to deal with, and they were afraid of causing trouble by revealing their identities, so they simply sold their teammates and ran away ahead of time.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Alan Weiner, who was good at using knives instead of brains, suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do. At this moment, he discovered the knights and maids who were escaping from the secret passage with Richard and his son and daughter to the outside of the city according to the secret training rules that had been carried out after the traveler first attacked the palace.

Seeing that the prince and princess were safe, Alan Weiner finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately transformed from an assassin to a bodyguard to protect them from retreating.

He knew the inside story of the palace seal formation. As soon as the seal formation was launched, he knew that His Majesty Richard had suffered misfortune. Now the prince and princess are the hope of the country. Only by protecting them can the division and demise of Thrace be avoided.

Although... even if he lacked political knowledge, he felt that a four-year-old king or a seven-year-old queen was very unreliable, but he had no choice, and Thrace had no choice.

There are many members of the Thracian family. If the prince or princess is not allowed to inherit, just because of the issue of inheritance rights, all the Thracian surnames will bleed first. In that case, the Thracian kingdom definitely has no future.

Thinking of this, Alan Weiner couldn't help but sighed inwardly.

( did things turn out like this?)

He asked himself, but he didn't understand.

Don't we have a great advantage? Shouldn't this battle be won? Why did it turn out like this?

Owens is dead, His Majesty is also in the seal, Lord Sword Saint is fighting hard, good and bad are unpredictable.

If there is another accident from the Sword Saint, do you want him, a necromancer assassin who neither understands politics nor is suitable for publicity, to take over the job of the Sword Saint and become the backbone of the country?

How is that possible!

He is undead! It's the undead! If the identity is exposed, God knows how much trouble it will bring to the country!

At the same time, Alan Weiner also secretly rejoices at his original choice, fortunately he chose to transform into a undead, otherwise, wouldn't there be no one to protect the prince and princess now?

Those knights and maids? What are they for!

If there is not even a legendary strong beside a young king, I am afraid that if you die at night, you will not know how to die!

The undead also has the benefits of the undead. There is no need to eat or sleep. It can guard the king around the clock without rest. It will never give assassins an opportunity. This is something that a living person can't do.

As long as Her Royal Highness the Prince or Princess can successfully ascend the throne, Alan Vina has the confidence to protect them until they reach adulthood.

Of course, it would be best if Lord Juggernaut could come back! In any case, the Juggernaut is the Optimus Prime of Thrace. With him, everyone will have confidence in their hearts. His strength and prestige are beyond the reach of Alan Weiner.

However... can Lord Sword Saint come back?

Alan Weiner was a little gloomy. He told himself that now was not the time to think wildly, but he couldn't help but worry.

(Lord Heinrich, you must come back safely!)

The Frost Sword Saint naturally couldn't hear Alan Weiner's voice, and even if he could hear it, he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

In the face of the siege of five legendary powerhouses, even him, it was extremely difficult to deal with.

Although these five legendary powerhouses are not particularly strong, they are not much stronger than the sword king who has recovered to his peak state, and the old sage who has cooperated with the sword king for 800 years. The frequency of shots is comparable to where the two of them are going.

In the face of the sword king and the old sage, he can also rely on his keen reaction to deal with, roughly seven points defense and three point attack. But in the face of the siege of the five legendary powerhouses, the Dwarf King, the Dragon Lord, the Blood Axe, the Sage of the Mountain, and the Mermaid Queen, he tried his best to defend and evade, and occasionally devote a little energy to counterattack. The opponent did not dare to chase after him without hesitation.

Just this occasional counterattack has exhausted his energy, leaving him with no time to think about other things.

As time went by, the battle situation gradually developed in a direction unfavorable to him.

In the previous battle, the Juggernaut had already been injured, and the injury was not minor. Although during the time he was talking nonsense with Liu Daoqing, he gave himself some treatment and recovered a lot, but the injury caused by the sword king, how could it be possible to recover so quickly!

It's fine when he doesn't fight, or when the intensity of the fight is not high. Once he falls into a fierce battle, he will soon feel that the wounds from before will continue to sting, and his body will gradually become tired and weak. Slow down.

Once the action is slow, death is not far away.

Of course he can't die here!

So he gritted his teeth, desperately squeezed strength from his injured body, maintained the fiercest fighting stance as possible, and swung his long sword like lightning, blocking the attack of the Dwarf King and the Blood Axe head-on.

Only in this way can he free up enough energy to deal with the spells of the three spellcasters.

The dragon lord's super-high-speed dragon language magic, the mountain-moving sage's leyline spell, and the mermaid queen's illusion, even if only one of these three spells, combined with the frontal attack of the dwarf king and the blood axe, is enough to suppress the juggernaut. At this moment, he was dealing with three spells at the same time, but he could still hold it. The key was that the three spellcasters had never cooperated before, and the spells not only could not complement each other, but also interfered with each other from time to time.

But as the battle progresses, the situation where the three spells interfere with each other is improving significantly. The three legendary powerhouses have gradually adapted to each other's fighting style and are slowly developing a tacit understanding.

It didn't take long before they were able to play nice together.

By that time, it will be the death of the Sword Saint!

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