When Feng Yixuan walked into the room, he saw a lazy lying on the bed, and he was playing a red rim in his hand. Because of the reason he just woke up, the small face was still red, and the white blouse was stolen because Fengyi Xuan got up in the morning. Eating tofu reveals a white and delicate clavicle, and the exposed white skin is covered with deep and shallow hickey marks. It seems to be a little red plum on the white picture, which is quite eye-catching.

Windwing Xuan wrinkled handsome sword eyebrows and finally burst into the heart*, his thoughts always do not need to do anything to make him so eager, this desire is not only physically but also spiritual, always wants I miss myself.

When Feng Yixuan walked to the bed, he would still be in bed and didn't want to get out of bed. He took it and hugged it in his arms. He took clothes that had been put in advance and began to dress for his thoughts. Because they stayed in the medical valley during this time, and the blue songs and other people around them all handled things in the capital and did not bring them into the medical valley, so many of them are personally involved, but have to say that Feng Yi Xuan really does Very good. From the chopping wood and boiled water to take care of the blue and secluded life of the living wing, Xuan Duo has done a good job, did not let Lan Younian feel any incompatibility.

Of course, Lan Younian sees such a "sage" husband, of course, he has to share things, she thinks that she can cook things like things, but she has not been waiting for her to be given by Feng Yixuan and Master. Refused, the two were very united at this time and stood on one side forbidding her to take any business. Because Feng Yixuan did not cook well, she directly sent the disciples of Zhigu to send it, so they still felt wronged. Nian, the blue sacred thoughts are moved and helpless, both of them regard themselves as a child who can't take care of themselves.

"Xuan, have you received it?" Lan Youneng shook his post and asked, let Feng Yixuan dress himself for good hair. Many times, Lan Younian thought that Fengyi Xuan would be himself. As a daughter is raising.

Feng Yi Xuan will put down the post in his hand, and look at the clothes and hair that he cares for, and he nodded slightly. For Feng Yixuan, those trivial things are not as important as the life in mind. .

"Ghost domain has also received this year!" Fengyi Xuanbian said that the breakfast was sent to the doctor's disciples on the table.

The Wulin League will be held every year, with the intention of inviting various factions in the rivers and lakes to learn from each other. It is also necessary to select the martial arts lords of each session. Those who think that they are famous and always gather at the Wulin League will learn from each other. The name of the sect is now powerful.

In the past few years, the ruthless pavilion has been invited by the post to participate in the martial arts league. These people are just like the martial arts league’s nephew. They just want to know how this ruthless ruthless pavilion is, but unfortunately, Lan Younian does not have it every year. Participation, for the former Blue Nian Nian, the ruthless pavilion has not yet established a firm foothold in this continent. If it is to participate in the Wulin League, it will push the ruthless pavilion to the forefront, but now the strength of the ruthless pavilion is already close in the rivers and lakes. The first few, Lan You Nian also have confidence in the power of the ruthless pavilion, so this year...

Ghost domain will not participate in the martial arts league, although the ghost domain does not make anything that people are angry with, but the ghost domain is really irritating for provocations or opponents, many martial arts in the martial arts for the ghost domain There are still fears. After all, there were several sects who were directly annihilated because of the provocation of the ghost domain. A disciple did not survive. That is, the fierce reputation of the ghost domain was picked up in the rivers and lakes, and many people retreated from the ghost domain. A force that can uproot a powerful martial art in a short time is not a martial art.

But it is also because the ghostland is so cruel that many of the sects in the rivers and lakes divide the ghost domain into a demon religion. If it is not afraid of the ghostly power, it is long ago that these self-identified martial arts are sent to the encirclement, and the annual wind Wing Xuan directly threw it when he received these posts.

"Xuan, then you said that we can't go this year?" Lan Younian sang a bowl of glutinous rice porridge for the wind wing Xuan, the little lady is full of style, and for the wind wing Xuan clip some Fengyi Xuan more favorite dishes, although In the medical valley, their meals are very simple, but Fengyi Xuan is still out of the valley from time to time to eat some food into the valley, it is difficult for him a prince to let the blue mourning to eat a different meal every day, but also personally go out to do this, However, Fengyixuan never complained that he didn't feel too hard. On the contrary, for Fengyixuan, these are all things that should be done as a husband. His thoughts should not be so grievous.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the dishes in his bowl and felt very satisfied, even if their identity was far away from the outsiders, but now they are getting along with their usual husband and wife. This kind of warmth is what they most desire.

"You don't have a decision?" Fengyi Xuan smiled. Although they were very good at etiquette, they still chatted and chatted like ordinary people. They didn't let them have a distance because of their noble status.

Lan Nian Nian Xiaoxiao said with dissatisfaction, "Hey, what can you do with you? Xuan, how do you know that I am going to the Wulin League?" Lan Nian thought that many times she and Feng Yixuan really are connected. Feng Yi Xuan knows himself better than himself.

"You!" Feng Yi Xuan put down the tableware that he has already used. "There are people in the rivers and lakes who have been collecting power recently. The ghostland is so ruthless. It is certainly true. One person wants to collect so many forces in the rivers and lakes and want to do things." It’s definitely not easy, so you definitely want to check it out!”

Recently, Fengyi Xuan has let Qi Fu deal with the ghost domain. He also learned that the first sect of the Qingshan School in the rivers and lakes had contacted the ghost domain in private, and wanted to accept the ghost domain for his use, and the conditions given were very attractive. And such conditions are not a small Jianghu martial art can answer, so this must have the connection behind, Feng Yixuan did not know more when he knew it, but his heart has been secretly under investigation.

"Yeah! The ruthless pavilion has been very low-key for many years, and everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that the ruthless pavilion simply ignores the rivers and lakes, but this time a Qingshan faction has given the ruthless court to see all the industries in the future can see the conditions of the four countries. The person behind this is the imperial person!" Lan Younian said that this matter is serious. "It seems that the ambition of the people behind this is really not small, the court wants to be jealous and does not say that today even the rivers and lakes are not Willing to let go..."

"Where is it for the husband and the lady to walk this?" Feng Yi Xuan took the hand of the blue secluded, a light kiss printed on the back of the blue secluded hand.

Lan Nian Nianjiao laughed and hangs like a koala bear in the arms of Fengyixuan. The sparkling eyes are full of happiness and smile. "The little woman is weak, and she hopes that she can protect a small woman from outside." ?"

Feng Yi Xuan picked up his thoughts. The once cold purple eyes were filled with the full figure of the woman in the arms. "How can the woman repay her husband?" Feng Yi Xuan has never told Lan Younian. Every time I miss the soft naughty and call myself "the same", what Fengyi Xuan wants to do is to leave the bones of this little woman!

Blue secluded with a small head and looked at Fengyi Xuan, the eyes were black and white, like the obsidian, but there was no cold and so glaring light. Now the eyes are like washing the lead. Pure and flawless, clear and clear, round and flawless and clean and almost transparent, let the wind wing Xuan could not help but gently kiss the eyes.

"The little girl will be with her husband in the future, so that she can repay her?" Lan Younian stretched out his hands and pulled the skin of Fengyi Xuan, which is better than a woman, and stopped the man who was insatiable. They will not stop, then they will spend another day in bed today.

"Good! Whether you are in this life or in the afterlife, you must stay with me, never leave me!" The style of the wind wing Xuan, gentle, such as vine long vine, clinging to the soul of the blue mourning, directly smothering her heart buried The deepest desire...

When Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian tidy up the next thing to leave the medical valley, the two did not have any accidental seeing the ghost doctor.

"Little thoughts, are you going out of the valley?" The ghost doctor was still wearing the gray robes in the pharmacy, holding the herbs he was developing in his hands, and the white hair was so messy that even the white beard was upturned. .

"Yeah!" Lan Younian wiped the medicinal juice that was still contaminated by the ghost doctor. "The martial arts association invited the ruthless pavilion to participate, and I want to see it."

The ghost doctor also knows that the ghost domain is the power of Fengyixuan. This is not the case that Lan Younian told him. Instead, Feng Yixuan told the ghost doctor and the ghost one of them. Feng Yixuan told them that they wanted to let them know. Your own strength is qualified to protect your mind, and it is also the trust and attention of these people.

The ghost doctor also knows that his apprentice is not a simple healer. So for many years, although he does not ask the power of the ruthless pavilion, he also knows how difficult it is for a woman to create such a force. Now he is also old. Just ask yourself that these apprentices can be safe and secure.

"Smelly boy also goes?" Ghost doctor looked at Feng Yixuan and asked him, but he knew that this stinky boy is not easy. Whether it is martial arts or power, he has a stinky boy to accompany him.

"Yes, Master!" Windwing Xuan nodded, and of course he would be there.

The ghost doctor is old but the light is the eye of the eye, and when I see the posture of the wind wing Xuan, I feel relieved, even if his heart is very dissatisfied with a younger generation, how cold, but also know this stinky boy. There is indeed a rampant capital.


The Wulin League will be held in a happy city in Huaguo, and the address of the Qingshan School is the address of the Qingshan School. The Qingshan School has been standing in the rivers and lakes for many years. In the eyes of the people of Jianghu, the Qingshan School is a representative of justice and fairness. The Qingshan School also enjoys a great reputation and status throughout the rivers and lakes.

But this is superficial. According to the investigation of the Ghost Domain, the Qingshan School changed its position after a few years ago. The Qingshan School has become a smoky smog. The disciples who once had chivalry in the Qingshan School have been tried by the heads of today. They have been driven out of the Castle Peak faction or have been secretly murdered. The rest of the Qingshan School today are the narrow-minded villains and the plagues who later joined.

"Master, we have entered the Happy City!" The dark four sat outside the carriage and said softly, they are all low-key into the Happy City. After all, the identity of the master and the mother is still Pluto and Pluto, if it is discovered Their identity is almost chaotic.

Lan Younian picked up the curtain and looked at the city of Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao City is a city combining romance and solemnity. The high-rise tower and the stone lion set up at the gate of the city, the streets are full of warriors with long swords. A woman with a face full of anger, from time to time will find a man who has learned martial arts. It can be said that this happy city is a river.

"Xuan, we don't have to separate?" Lan Younuan put down the curtain and looked at the wing wing Xuan who was holding a book in his hand.

This time, Lan You Nian and Feng Yi Xuan participated in the Wulin League with the identity of the ruthless ruthless son and the ghost host. Although no one knows their true identity, but for the sake of insurance, Lan Nian thought two People still have to be separated early, and they should change to menswear!

Feng Yixuan put down the books in his hand, and when he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Lan Younian. "Don't tell me that you have a place in Xiaoyao City?" Blue Yu Nian thought more and more incredible, round eyes Looking at the wind wing Xuan.

In the surprised eyes of Blue Nian Nian, Feng Yi Xuan smiled and nodded, then saw a speechless speech in the arms of Feng Yi Xuan.

Blue You Nian always felt that his financial resources could not be compared with Feng Yi Xuan. After all, the development of the ruthless pavilion is a commercial matter, but after so many people, the blue secluded mind has already seen that she can’t even afford the financial resources. Wing Xuan.

Windwing Xuan smiled and held the mind in his arms to let the dark four-wheel drive their pre-arranged courtyard. In fact, he did not have a house in Xiaoyao City, but when he received a post from the Wulin League, Feng Yixuan guessed it. I was so eager to come, so at that time, people immediately set up a courtyard in Xiaoyao City. This was just to make it easier to live here.

------Off topic ------

Title: Reborn Prince Edward

Author: Zhenzhen situation into three: Han Xuan Hao stroking more beautiful than a woman, "the man" of black hair: deity do not care about ethical code, not afraid of gossip, and more fearless vision of the world, children only willing mind body side, blissful silence Look at your heart and smile.

Situation 4: Leng Yufeng stands side by side with the "men" around him: Hell Heaven, Knife Mountain Fire, the generals are willing to wander with the heart, this Jiangshan he is willing to fight for the heart, this mountain river he is willing to guard for the heart!

Scenario 5: Magic Moche always looks away from the "men" who hate himself: if the heart wants to disturb the world, the son is willing to live and die, if the heart thinks about the world, Angong, this son is willing to enter the temple. The world!

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