This means that no matter how the two giant beasts struggled, they would eventually die.

But in the face of Liu Mang's ridicule, the black tiger king sneered, stared at Liu Mang with a fierce look, and sneered:"You are not very capable, but you are very arrogant."

After hearing this, Liu Mang did not refute the two guys.

Because the two guys will know how capable he is later.

At the same time, although Liu Mang's attention was focused on the black tiger king, he did not forget that there was a white tiger.

This white tiger is very good at sneak attacks, especially when he is distracted, he will always sneak attack him inadvertently.

Sure enough, after several tentative attacks, seeing that Liu Mang's reaction speed was always very slow, the two brothers immediately became more confident.

With this turtle-like speed, they can easily kill Liu Mang!

At the same time, Liu Mang, who had always deliberately paralyzed the two brothers, was also looking for the best opportunity.

Even in the process of looking for the best opportunity, he was inflicted with many wounds on his body by the two brothers, but he didn't care at all.

Let the two brothers be proud for a while!

If they are not allowed to be proud, how can the two brothers have confidence and blindly think that they can kill him?

At this time, seeing that Liu Mang was always in a defensive state, the Black Tiger King couldn't help but sneer:"That's it? Your mouth is much more capable than you!" Here it comes! The opportunity is here!

This guy is attracting his attention again.

Then he will definitely take the opportunity to attack him later!

Sure enough, just when Liu Mang pretended that his attention was all attracted by the Black Tiger King, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind again.

Liu Mang immediately guessed that the White Tiger King was here to attack again!

This old man! I've been waiting for you for a long time!

Liu Mang sneered in his heart, then turned his head as fast as lightning, opened his bloody mouth and bit the White Tiger King who was flying over without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, the White Tiger King who was flying over was stunned for a moment. How could this guy's reaction speed be so fast!

Was he pretending before?

Without time to think, the White Tiger King, who was unable to control his retreat in the air, finally bit the bullet and used his sharp claws to go straight for Liu Mang's cold snake eyes.

No matter what creature, the eyes are the most vulnerable. If Liu Mang didn't want to be blinded by it, he would have to give in!

But what it never expected was that Liu Mang didn't give in at all. He just dodged when it was about to catch the snake eyes, and then bit its waist with a bloody mouth!

Under Liu Mang's terrifying bite force, the White Tiger King immediately screamed in pain!

But Liu Mang didn't pay any attention to it at all. The moment he bit the White Tiger King, his fangs injected a large amount of venom!

Seeing this scene, the Black Tiger King not far away was stunned!

It never expected that its eldest brother would miss!

What it didn't expect was that Liu Mang's speed was so fast!

In other words, this guy was deliberately showing weakness to the enemy to paralyze them!

This damn guy!

It's so despicable!

It didn't have time to think about it. Worried about the safety of the White Tiger King, it didn't dare to let Liu Mang entangle the White Tiger King.

In the Ten Thousand Beasts Continent, almost all creatures knew that once they were entangled by python-like creatures, especially when they were smaller than pythons, being entangled meant death!

""Brother! I'm here to help you!"

After roaring, the Black Tiger King leaped up and rushed forward.

After hearing the noise, Liu Mang instantly opened his bloody mouth.

He had no intention of entangled the other party to death.

Because the White Tiger King, who was hit by his fangs, could only wait to die.

Therefore, after opening his bloody mouth, Liu Mang turned around and rushed towards the Black Tiger King who was also rushing over.

After seeing Liu Mang's even more terrifying speed, the Black Tiger King trembled a little, and then roared without hesitation:

""Brother, hurry up! This guy is very fast! Much faster than us!"

After saying that, the Black Tiger King jumped up when he was less than a hundred meters away from Liu Mang, trying to jump over Liu Mang's head and not fight Liu Mang head-on.

Obviously, it just wanted to delay Liu Mang and give its elder brother a chance to escape.

But after seeing this scene.

Liu Mang couldn't help laughing.

Who are you looking down on at a height of hundreds of meters? Do you really think I can't jump up?

The next moment, Liu Mang instantly charged his body, and at the same time rushed straight to the Black Tiger King like a sharp arrow. The distance between the two sides was infinitely shortened in the air.

Seeing this scene, the Black Tiger King was instantly shocked!

Damn! Can a python also charge and jump so high?

The next moment, the Black Tiger King in the air couldn't avoid Liu Mang at all, and suddenly panicked. He had to wave his four claws around, trying to slap Liu Mang down.

But the result was of no avail.

After Liu Mang's body flew out like a sharp arrow, he opened his bloody mouth in the air and bit Biting the Black Tiger King's hind legs!

The next moment, the Black Tiger King couldn't help but let out a scream of pain!

But the moment he bit the Black Tiger King, Liu Mang refused to let go, and immediately injected a large amount of venom into his fangs.


When the huge bodies of both sides fell to the ground.

Many huge trees were instantly crushed and broken.

At this time, the Black Tiger King opened his bloody mouth and spit out a mouthful of black flames at Liu Mang.

Under the burning pain of the flames, Liu Mang easily let go of his bloody mouth, and the Black Tiger King immediately seized the opportunity and instantly opened up the distance.

Moreover, at this time, his eldest brother had already gotten rid of Liu Mang and opened up a very long distance.

At this moment, Liu Mang, who had rubbed the huge snake head on the ground for a while, finally put out the flames.

Looking at the two guys who were hiding far away, he couldn't help laughing, opened his bloody mouth and said,"Not bad, you run pretty fast!" Hearing this

, the White Tiger King and the Black Tiger King in the distance had very ferocious faces and extremely gloomy eyes.

���After concealing their own speed, they immediately discovered how big the gap between the two sides was!

Seeing Liu Mang's unbridled and unscrupulous appearance, the Black Tiger King looked grim, and then opened his bloody mouth and said:

"Big brother, let's go! This guy's fighting power is much stronger than the rumors say. With its speed, it will be very difficult for us to defeat it."

At this point, the Black Tiger King gritted his teeth and looked at Liu Mang, saying sadly:

"I originally thought those guys were just exaggerating your achievements, so I never took you seriously."

"But it was not until I fought with you that I realized they were not exaggerating at all."

"There won't be too many creatures in the early stage of the giant beast realm who want to defeat you at the same level!"

Obviously, the Black Tiger King acknowledged Liu Mang's powerful strength.

In particular, Liu Mang's terrifying speed frightened them.

Because if the speed just shown was just an occasional burst, it would be fine.

But the problem is that from the perspective of Liu Mang, it doesn't look like he is accumulating power to burst out!

Thinking of this, the Black Tiger King was already afraid!

If you lose, you lose. At worst, you don't want the territory!

After saying that, the Black Tiger King turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mang couldn't help laughing, and opened his bloody mouth and said:

"Go? Where do you want to go? Do you think I will let you go?"

Hearing this, the Black Tiger King instantly became nervous.

He looked at Liu Mang with red eyes and gritted his teeth:

"Do you really want to fight us to the death?"

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