Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

Fan La frowned, pretending not to hear, refusing to let go of the person in her arms, and continued to rub her lips.

Mingfei was not so shameless. After he came to his senses, he pushed someone hard, but he didn't push... He immediately became angry, and he tried to bite someone's tongue, but he didn't bite... but he finally let go.

With a blush still hanging on his face, Mingfei ignored it and immediately turned his head to look at the source of the screaming voice.

After just one glance, I was a little dumbfounded.

What is this……

Is that a little monster standing next to them?

About less than one meter tall, the little body is brown, has arms and legs, the little head is square, the eyes are dark and round, and above the head are a few bunches of green tree leaves?

Mingfei blinked and asked in confusion: "Where did this little monster come from?"

As soon as these words came out... the little monster immediately turned into tears, his dark eyes filled with tears, and they would probably flow into rivers if he poked them.


Under Mingfei's continued doubtful gaze, he burst into tears and burst into tears.

Although the body was small, it was round and round. He sat on the ground and cried heartbrokenly.

Ming Fei panicked. He hated to see people cry. Well, although this didn't look like a human being, it was probably a child. He squatted down and coaxed helplessly: "Don't cry... I didn't mean that."

"Woo hoo... the master said that the little tree is a little monster. The little tree, the little tree, the little tree... is not alive anymore..."

Mingfei's face is covered with black lines, what is going on? !

The little thing cried non-stop. It was because he didn't know what it was talking about and couldn't coax it. Instead, it made more mistakes and made the little thing cry harder.

At this time, His Majesty Vanla, who was in a bad mood, was looking down at the two of them, with a calm expression that seemed to say: You are asking for it if you abandon me and take care of him.

The corners of Mingfei's mouth twitched, and he stood up and asked Fan La: "What's going on?"

Fanla was very dissatisfied because she had been pushed away just now. Hearing that Mingfei's tone was not as good as expected, she became even more unhappy. She turned her head and pretended not to hear.

Mingfei looked at the little thing rolling and crying on the ground, then looked up at a certain great majesty who was having trouble, and was speechless.

If you can't coax the little ones, coax the older ones first.

He thought about it for a while, and then he felt a sudden change in his heart. He prayed for his goosebumps for a while, then slowly approached Van La, adjusted his facial muscles, forced an extremely bright smile, and then held his hand calmly. , raised his head and shouted softly: "Your Majesty..."

A certain wise and mighty Majesty immediately took the hand that came towards him with his backhand, and held it tightly with his ten fingers, but his face was still calm: "My name."

Mingfei was stunned, then immediately lowered his voice and called as softly as possible: "Fan La..."

Someone's raised eyebrows finally softened, and although his blue eyes were slightly squinted, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was in a good mood. However, he still pretended to be calm and pointed at his lips with his free hand, which was a very obvious hint.

How could Mingfei not understand what he meant? While secretly cursing the pretty face, he comforted himself that he was a man and he had to be tolerant. As a good man, when his wife got into trouble, he naturally had to coax her. coax.

Thinking about it this way, I felt quite happy.

He stood up on his tiptoes and raised his head to kiss her.

The moment their lips collided, the awkward person was finally completely happy. He tossed and turned and rubbed, completely taking advantage of the interrupted kiss...

Xiaozhi's classmate, who was rolling and crying on the side, saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he stopped crying in vain. He looked at the two people hugging each other with his mouth curled up, and could only hold his arms angrily - squatting and waiting.

After Mingfei was about to protest and Fanla was slightly satisfied, the two separated.

And at that moment, Xiao Zhi reacted quickly, tears quickly gathered, and started a new round of crying...

Mingfei gasped for breath, his head was in a daze, but when he heard the crisp cry, he immediately woke up for the most part. Looking at him with a headache, he was already lying on the ground, waving his fat limbs, crying extra hard. little things.

Then he turned his head and looked at His Majesty beside him who was full of food and drink, his eyes slightly narrowed and lazily, and asked in a bad tone but with some lack of energy: "What the hell is going on!"

When Vanla was in a happy mood, she had the energy to mind her own business.

He walked towards the small branch, and under Ming Fei's surprised eyes, kicked it with his foot, yes, with his foot, and looked at it condescendingly: "Get up."

The small branch lying on the ground had long sensed the danger and jumped up, but it was still howling, and it had a tendency to howl louder.

Mingfei really wanted to cover his ears.

Fan La stared at the small branch and asked coldly: "Are you still crying?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhi immediately tightened his mouth and made no sound.

After his ears were cleaned, Mingfei walked to Fan La and raised his head to take aim at the little monster.

When I saw it, I suddenly felt a little distressed. Although this little thing was silent, the tears still flowed endlessly as if they were free. Mingfei felt soft. Although he didn't know what this thing was, he shouldn't let Fanla get angry. The devil bullied it, it was obviously just a child.

Fan La frowned, and finally said the words to light the firecrackers: "If you cry again, I will eat you."

After being stunned for half a second, the little branch finally couldn't stand it anymore, and pounced on Ming Fei with a howl, buried his head in his arms, and sobbed: "Master, master... the bad guy.. . the bad guy wants to eat the little branch, the bad guy has wanted to eat the little branch for a long time, 嘤嘤嘤..."

Ming Fei understood it now, and the three words "little branch" were finally uttered clearly. He looked at the little black boy in his arms in surprise, and then thought about it, it seemed... it seemed... it really looked a bit like a little branch?

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Ming Fei plays bad and reduces capital omb sewing porcelain hem hoop

But after knowing who it was, we can prescribe the right medicine.

Under Ming Fei's repeated coaxing, the frightened heart of the little branch finally returned to its place. Although it was still twitching, it had generally calmed down.

And Ming Fei also figured out what was going on.

He had kept the little branch in the crystal. After a series of struggles, although the little branch was in the crystal, it was already dying due to lack of water and light until it fell on the barren planet.

When Ming Fei and Fan La were practicing, it was accidentally awakened, stimulated its life energy, and actually evolved into an intelligent life. This was unexpected.

After saying this, the little branch began to secretly accuse Fan La.

It said that the big bad guy wanted to eat it a long time ago. When Ming Fei was not at home, the big bad guy was still a little bad guy and kept looking at it with very hungry eyes...

Ming Fei understood about 80% of it. He knew that the little branch mistook Fan La for Xiao Fan.

When he thought of Xiao Fan, his heart ached. Since he started to escape, he had never stopped. He was either in a coma or in a life-threatening situation. But as long as he was free, he would think of Xiao Fan and feel very uneasy.

Huang Mao and the others will be fine with the care of Elena and others. They are probably safe and sound in Saint Erfujia, and may have started to study.

But Xiaofan... He didn't know what to do without him.

What would happen if a little dark elf fell into the hands of his mortal enemy?

When he thought of this, his heart was in a knot. While comforting himself that it would not be so dangerous, he couldn't help but think of the worse.

Although he said that his action at that time was to save Xiaofan, now that he is alive and well, he can't help but feel that his behavior is abandoning Xiaofan.

The black-haired and red-eyed boy flashed in his mind, and his heart was in pain.

If anything happened to Xiaofan, he would never forgive himself.

Feeling his depression, Xiaozhizhi looked at Mingfei anxiously, blinking his little eyes, and asked anxiously: "Master, master, what's wrong with you?"

Mingfei came back to his senses, smiled at Xiaozhizhi and said, "It's okay."

Fanla also came over and glared at Xiaozhizhi, and Xiaozhizhi jumped out of Mingfei's arms neatly.

Vanla whispered to Mingfei: "What's wrong?"

Mingfei opened his mouth, knowing that it was useless to speak. They had completely lost contact with Palant, and Vanla had no way to deal with it.

So he tried to control his emotions and said: "Nothing."

Seeing Vanla didn't believe it, Mingfei couldn't help but change the subject: "We have been missing for so long, the spaceship must have arrived in Saint Erfuga a long time ago, wouldn't Her Highness Elena be so anxious to death when she found out that you were missing?"

This is indeed a problem. Vanla is not an idle person. As the leader of a country, his disappearance would cause a huge sensation.

Vanla was not anxious, but smiled, looking at Mingfei ambiguously and said: "Didn't you leave me behind?"

Mingfei was stunned and didn't understand: "What do you mean? You're not here?"

Vanla looked at him, couldn't help but pecked him on the lips before saying: "Really didn't see it at all? We obviously slept in the same bed for so many days. You hugged me so tightly..."

Mingfei was even more confused... What on earth does this mean?

Time goes back, and it freezes at the moment when the battleship Marshal Betty is about to end the warp thrust.

Elena has the ability to wake up from the warp thrust in advance. She can wake up naturally at the second jump point she enters and the second jump point she leaves.

The hatch of the life support box is opened, and she immediately walks out and strides towards the No. 32 life support cabin.

At the same time, because she is connected to the intelligent brain Betty, the images that happened in the No. 32 life support cabin are also transmitted to her in time.

When she arrives at the life support cabin, the image is also played.

Elena looks at the empty No. 21 life support cabin, her heart sinks to the bottom, and her sexy face is unprecedentedly cold.

Someone actually dared to do this on her ship!

The anger and the worry about Vanla are all entangled in her heart. She barely stabilizes, gives a series of instructions to Betty, and transmits the images to the Imperial Chancellor Meyer in Saint Elvga.

Then she turns her head and sees the ruby ​​in the corner.

With a thought in her mind, she walked over and put the ruby ​​away.

She strode out of the life support cabin. At this time, the warp thrust had ended. Betty completed the jump and appeared in the outer space of the main planet of Saint Erfuga.

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