Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

Attached to Antra [To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works with both Android and Apple. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】Planet No. 8, which is the deserted star where Mingfei and the others landed.

The desolate star is not a desolate star in the true sense. It is just that the technology is not developed enough and the resources are scarce, but there are still suitable places to live, especially suitable for some races that are not very particular.

For example - zombies.

However, Mingfei and Vanla are currently out of reach of the aborigines because they are not on the surface at all.

The small life-saving capsule, if it were not protected by Vanla's energy shield, would not be able to break through the unique dark atmosphere of the Zan Tomb Galaxy.

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However, the resistance of this atmosphere was beyond their imagination. The extremely large friction caused the shield to wear out rapidly, and the value increased and fell to an astonishing degree.

Even with the support of the weird energy cycle between the two, it was still miserable.

After breaking through the atmosphere, the remaining impact force made the survival capsule plunge straight into the earth's surface like a sharp sword, and it barely stopped after it penetrated dozens of meters underground.

By this time, the two people in the cabin had already passed out.

Mingfei was woken up by Fan La. Use thoughts and feelings.

No need to ask, he already knows the current situation.

Valla's tone was quite relaxed: "We are really destined to this life-support cabin."

But there is a real destiny. In a small survival cabin, two people are crowded together. Looking at the entire universe, this thing probably doesn't happen a few times.

Mingfei reluctantly opened his eyes. In fact, it didn't make much sense to open his eyes. He couldn't see anything in the darkness. In fact, he didn't need his eyes to see at all. If he let his thoughts go, everything would have been clear at a glance.

Including someone's sparkling eyes and slightly curved smile at the corner of his mouth, I used to think this face was very good-looking, but aloof and alienating. But now, good-looking is still good-looking, but it has become a little more familiar and a little closer, making him seem...even more unable to take his eyes away.

However, the current situation did not allow him to turn his head, so he simply looked at it openly, from the person's delicate eyebrows to the high bridge of his nose and the slightly curved corners of his mouth that looked like a smile but not a smile...

His eyes fell on those lips, and Mingfei's little heart couldn't help but beat a little... Suddenly he recalled what it felt like to kiss him accidentally... but he couldn't remember it, but when he thought about it, My mouth feels dry again.

He was in a daze for a long time, but then he heard Fan La pressing his ear and saying in a low voice: "Little Pea, you are so beautiful."

This time... Mingfei's little heart didn't skip a beat, it was beating so hard that it was about to pop out! His eyes became more and more immovable, and suddenly he felt that the whole atmosphere was getting hotter.

The two people's hot breaths and bodies were touching. Although they were separated by clothes, they were so hot that they seemed to burn the clothes.

Mingfei was completely stuck in the life-support tank, so he couldn't move at all. At this time, he was even glad that he couldn't move. If he could move just a little bit, even just his head, he would definitely not be able to help kissing him... …

This thought flashed through his mind, and Mingfei was suddenly startled... Come on, come on! No matter how good-looking this pretty boy is, he is still a man. How could he want to kiss a man? Go ahead, he got kicked in the head by a donkey, that's for sure!

After barely calming down the messy emotions, Mingfei finally moved his eyes away from the thin lips. He tried to cool down his hot head, and then tried to change the topic:

"...Why do you always suppress me?"

As soon as these words came out... Mingfei wanted to bite off his tongue, what nonsense was he talking about. Is there such a way to change the subject? Although I am stating the facts, no, no, I can quickly explain: "I mean... why was I the one down there both times..." Let me go! That’s even more unreliable!

Mingfei was about to cry but had no tears left. He obviously wanted to talk about why every time he was in the life-support cabin, he was always down there and felt so uncomfortable...

But after meeting Van La's eyes, he couldn't say anything.

Those deep blue eyes were locked on his lips.

Being stared at by such a blazing gaze, Mingfei felt even more thirsty and thirsty. Unable to resist, he licked his lower lip.

This small gesture was like the last spark that lit a firecracker, burning it completely.

No longer able to endure it, Valala lowered his head slightly and pressed roughly on the slightly trembling lips.

Mingfei's eyes suddenly widened, but all the nerves in his body seemed to be concentrated on his lips. A wave of unspeakable shudders went straight to the top of his head, but when their lips met, he actually felt like he had longed for it for a long time.

The movements on the lips could not be called gentle. Fan La was even rubbing and biting. Ming Fei felt pain and let out a whimper. His lips were saved, but then the entire mouth was occupied crazily.

After Mingfei was stunned for a short time, he began to respond clumsily. He only touched the tip of his tongue slightly, but it resulted in an even more intense fight.

The two of them were as passionate as wild beasts that had been hungry all winter. Their lips and tongues were entangled, as if they wanted to tear each other's bones apart in order to be satisfied.

It was a feeling that he had never experienced before. Mingfei had never thought that a kiss could make his whole body feel like an electric shock and he was completely addicted to it.

It was unknown how long it took before Vanla finally let him go. Ming Fei took a deep breath and did not move. His mind was blank due to lack of oxygen. His face was hot. Fortunately, it was dark around him and he could not see anything... Well, he had forgotten that Vanla did not need his eyes to see him...

Looking at the boy's slightly red cheeks and slightly swollen lips, Vanla lowered his head and kissed him again, and then whispered, "Let's go out first."

Ming Fei's eyes flickered, and a word came out of his throat: "Okay."

Then, rumble... The earthquake shook the mountain.

The small life support cabin broke out of the ground and landed on the ground silently.

The hatch opened and two people walked out of the life support cabin.

Zamub galaxy, because of some special substances, has not seen sunlight all year round. This desolate planet is also dark. Looking up at the sky, although it is not thick black, it is also like a rainy day with dark clouds.

The sun was blocked, the sky was gray, but surprisingly clean.

Ming Fei looked around, the surroundings were extremely desolate, no grass grew, and the brown-yellow crystal fragments close to the color of the earth covered the ground, like the Gobi Desert in the northwest. Although it was desolate, it showed another kind of vigor because of the vast vision.

Ming Fei took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and suddenly felt in a good mood.

Fan La approached him, his hands passed through his waist very naturally, and hugged him from behind.

Ming Fei's body stiffened slightly, although he did not break free, he was still a little uncomfortable. He was much shorter than Fan La, and this posture was like leaning on his arms. If you want to see him, you have to raise your head.

As soon as you raise your head, Fan La bowed his head and kissed you gently.

Ming Fei blinked, suddenly curved his eyes, turned around, took the initiative to hug Fan La, and responded enthusiastically. He tried to recall how boys kiss girls on TV. It seems that they should put their hands on the girls' waists? So, Ming Fei put his hands on Fanla's waist, which seemed to be more proactive? So he kissed harder...

Two minutes later...

The hand on the waist hung on the neck, and the active request turned into difficulty breathing.

Fanla let him go and whispered in his ear: "I need to breathe."

Ming Fei's cheeks flushed, and he panted loudly. He was not confident but his voice was not low: "I, I know!"

"Then do it again."


Thirty seconds later, his brain was blank. He had long forgotten how boys should kiss girls, and by the way, he also forgot how to breathe... He put his hands around Fanla's neck, stood on tiptoe, closed his eyes, and kissed with extra dedication.

Fanla squinted at him, with undisguised desire in his eyes. One hand held his waist, and the other hand gently stroked his back, bringing waves of tremors.

"Do you like it?"

Ming Fei's eyes flickered, and he coughed before pretending to be calm and said, "Not bad."

Fan La smiled slightly, approached him and said, "I like it very much."

Ming Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he turned away, finally breaking free and pulling away from him.

The two of them were not close to each other, and it was much cooler. Ming Fei stood farther away, facing the wind. In fact, he really wanted to take a cold shower now. Just a few kisses, just a few words, his brother was already too horny.

He silently recited in his heart that color is emptiness and emptiness is color, but it just didn't cool down!

Ming Fei silently turned his head to see Fan La's calm face, and then compared himself, it was really... too frustrated.

But fortunately, he was wearing a black robe, so even if it was like this, nothing could be seen.

After a while, Vanla came over and finally said business: "This is the 8th planet of Antra's attachment. We chose to land here not just to hide our tracks, but more because we need some time."

Ming Fei cleared his throat and calmed down a little. Although he didn't dare to look at him, he whispered back: "Why?"

Vanla said: "It takes time to guide your ability."

"Hmm?" Ming Fei finally took it seriously, looked up at him, and motioned him to continue.

"I believe you also felt the special energy cycle between us before."

Ming Fei nodded. Of course he noticed it, because that energy cycle benefited him a lot. Not only did he greatly increase his own energy quota, but also because of this cycle, he learned more skills from Vanla that he could never imagine before.

Vanla is the chief mage, but at the same time, he is also a rare triple practitioner, majoring in the attack system, but also practicing the auxiliary system and the shield wall system, and the level of practice is not low. This is why his shield can allow the life support capsule to pass through the atmosphere without breaking.

It is not enough to have only energy, but also requires corresponding skill proficiency.

Therefore, through the special energy cycle between the two, Vanla obtains a steady stream of energy, while Mingfei obtains unimaginable knowledge from it.

This effect is much more powerful than teaching, personal experience, direct teaching, and super high efficiency.

Thinking of this, Mingfei asked Vanla: "Did you make the energy cycle?"

"No, it was spontaneously generated by you."

Mingfei was stunned: "It's impossible, I don't feel it at all."

Vanla said: "So we need time to figure out what's going on." He paused and said: "Because of this energy cycle, I was able to fully explore the element system in your body, and I can be very sure that you are not a water system."

Ming Fei frowned slightly. He was not surprised to hear this. In fact, he had been confused as early as the qualification assessment. And what the two elves said was always in his mind. The inner phase was covered by a huge mass of matter, with only a slight water system. It was precisely because of this that he was judged as a water system.

Afterwards, Ming Fei always wanted to check the relevant information, but he had no chance. However, he had a vague guess in his heart that perhaps, the huge mass of matter was the real element attribute, and the water system might just be an impurity.

This was also Ming Fei's lack of scientific knowledge. In fact, the biggest reason why the examiner of the qualification assessment judged him as a water element was that any rare attribute was not compatible with the four main system attributes. Therefore, as long as there was a main system element in the body, it could not be a rare attribute.

But unfortunately, there are always accidents, and Ming Fei... unfortunately became this accident.

After thinking for a while, Ming Fei asked, "Do you know what my attribute is?"

Fan La pondered for a moment: "I'm not sure. There is an element that disappeared in ancient times, which is very consistent with your characteristics. At first, I also thought you were born with a source body constitution, but in fact you are not a source body. There is an element that can nourish and enhance the abilities of all life forms in the entire Palant - the earth element."

Earth? Earth! Ming Fei was dumbfounded. He thought it was some cool element. Thunder and lightning sounded awesome, but this earth, what use is it!

He asked back with some disappointment: "Are you sure? Are you mistaken?"

Fan La said: "It's true that I can't be sure. The earth element disappeared for too long. It is a very rare element in Palant. After tens of thousands of years, no life of the earth element has ever appeared. So, I'm just guessing."

... Ming Fei was very speechless. Suddenly, he remembered that the entire planet of Sarsha was shining with crystal jewels, but he really didn't see any soil or sand. Look at this barren planet again, very good... The brown-yellow color does look like soil, but in fact, the ground is still frosted crystal.

If you need soil, go to Earth! Think about his hometown, the whole planet is nothing but water and soil...

A thought flashed through Ming Fei's mind... If these two planets can open up trade exchanges, it will be really profitable, and exchanging soil for jewelry will no longer be a dream.

Well... Ming Fei, who was thinking about this, felt that he was completely dreaming.

Fanla continued to say: "Regardless of your elemental attributes, but with your unique energy cycle, after connecting with me for a few days, it will be very easy for you to break through the fifth level of combat."

As soon as these words came out, Ming Fei's eyes were full of stars!

Five-level combat level! In that case, you can transform between peas and elves at will!

That's great! Ming Fei immediately said, "What are we waiting for? Let's start practicing!"

Fan La coughed slightly and said, "Wait for me for a moment."

Ming Fei was puzzled: "Is there anything else to prepare?"

Fan La avoided his sight and said uncomfortably, "Solve some small problems."

Ming Fei was even more puzzled.

Fan La didn't say anything more, just propped up a huge shield around Ming Fei, and then walked away.

Fan La didn't walk too far. Even with the shield, he didn't dare to walk out of the safe sight. After all, this is an unknown place. Who knows what will happen.

Through the light shield, Ming Fei looked over curiously.

In an instant, there was a roar, and then, a torrential rain suddenly fell where Fan La was standing, and Fan La stood straight, without any water-proof spells, letting the cold rain pour down...

Ming Fei was dumbfounded. What is this for? Take a cold shower for nothing?

After a while, the rain stopped. It was good to know magic. His Majesty Fanla, who was soaked like a drowned chicken, was dry in the blink of an eye. His long hair fluttered and his smile was beautiful beyond measure.

He approached Ming Fei, squinting his eyes and slightly curling his lips: "Next time I won't stall like this."

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