Reborn as a Pea Shooter

9. Chapter 10 Qualification Assessment (I)

An hour later, Mingfei was stunned.

The elf dropped those words and left. Just when Mingfei was wondering what the solution would be, the solution was right in front of him.

After the overwhelming scandal, all the crazy outpourings were unilateral doubts about Ming Fei!

"Her Royal Highness the Princess has been with His Majesty Vanla from beginning to end, and has not met any outsiders by chance. Was this incident maliciously planned by a malicious person? What is the purpose?"

"Underage peas actually have such intentions. Does the nursery's seedling education need to be strengthened?"


News like this covered the whole city in an instant, but in just half a day, the people's attention was completely diverted, and all the artillery fire was focused on Ming Fei.

The entire incident has completely turned into a scam concocted by the shameless Mingfei to promote himself.

According to the so-called "insider" spoilers, Wandou Mingfei has never met Her Royal Highness the Princess at all. It was just by chance that she learned that Her Majesty would take the princess to Sarsha, so he directed and acted a farce. He even laid an ambush on the road where Her Royal Highness passed by, calling her loudly, just to let others take pictures of the scene, so as to misunderstand that the princess was related to him.

As soon as this 'truth' appeared, it immediately caused a huge sensation. Mingfei immediately transformed into a powerful professional tank. He didn't even need the taunting skill to draw all the hatred onto himself...

The public's focus has long since shifted from the scandal between the princess and Peas to "the scheming Peas, who does whatever it takes to gain a high position."

.........This was actually the so-called solution. Mingfei simply didn't know what expression to use to face it.

Huang Mao had been by his side, and now he was breathing fire from his nostrils and said angrily:

"Them! Why did they frame you like this! I have to tell them clearly that this is not the case!!"

After saying that, he was about to rush out like a fire-breathing dragon. Mingfei quickly grabbed him:

"do not go."

"Why? I know what's going on. I'm going to tell them clearly!"

"Huang Mao, listen to me, this is inexplicable!"

Huang Mao was unconvinced, holding his neck and yelled: "How could it be? The truth is not what they said, you are not a bad person, they don't know anything, why are they making it up?!"

Mingfei's head was already pounding, how could he explain this to him?

Huang Mao looked straight at him, Mung Bean's little eyes full of determination.

Ming Fei was heartbroken, pushed Huang Mao into the room, closed the door first, and looked at him solemnly:

"Listen to me, you only have one mouth and they have thousands of mouths. How can your voice be louder than theirs? No matter how loud you shout, they can't hear you. So, don't say anything."

Huang Mao was unwilling to accept it: "But..."

Mingfei immediately interrupted him: "No matter what, don't say it. The current situation is like a burning fire, and anything you say is fuel to fuel the fire. Think about it, what's the use of saying it? It will only make the fire bigger." Burning more will do no good."

Huang Mao was stunned, obviously this metaphor helped him understand a little bit.

Mingfei had no choice but to keep up his efforts: "Don't worry, they are just spreading some rumors. They are talking about breaking the sky. It doesn't hurt me. As long as I hide in this seedling place, it will subside in a few days and I will be fine."

Huang Mao finally wavered, but Mung Bean's little eyes were still full of tears, feeling very aggrieved.

Mingfei knew that Huang Mao was doing his best, and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He said to Huang Mao as if he were saying to himself: "It's okay, it's better than hurting Ivory. She's a girl with a relatively good reputation." Not as important as our elders." He paused and said, "Avery is very good to you. You don't want her to get married, right?"

Huang Mao immediately shook his head vigorously.

Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's it, that's it."

Three days later.

Palant’s triennial ‘Qualification Review’ is about to begin.

Ming Fei and Huang Mao were finally liberated from the seedlings. Fortunately, the owner of Falsai Restaurant, Wo Gua, came to support them, otherwise they would all have to starve to death in the house.

Three bloody days have passed, and it is true as the laughing low elf said. At the beginning of the qualification evaluation, all newspapers seemed to be counterattacked, all of them were related reports, and some of the underage peas, sunflowers, mushrooms, etc. were widely publicized and highly focus on.

After all, every time the qualifications are evaluated, the future stars of Palant will be selected. Those with excellent qualifications will definitely enter colleges and universities. After graduation, they will directly join the army. If they make military exploits on the battlefield, they will reach the sky in one step. The future is limitless.

Everyone says this, and the manual also writes this, but Mingfei always feels that no matter how hard a plant struggles, it is still a plant. Compared with that group of elves who are obviously superior to others, the future is clear... …

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

He looked at Huang Mao, who was full of enthusiasm and ambition, but after all, he still didn't tell the cruel truth. However, what he didn't know was that precisely because he was afraid of hitting Huang Mao, he was hit hard not long after.

The seedlings, which attracted the attention of thousands of people, finally got up early on June 6th, washed themselves and stood at attention, and walked together towards the assessment hall at the end of Salsha Second Avenue.

Huang Mao has always been a good boy who goes to bed early and gets up early, and he got up extra early today. Fortunately, Mingfei also got up early. When Huang Mao rushed into his room, Mingfei was applying it on his body.

Huang Mao was surprised: "What are you doing? How can a manly man paint these rouge and gouache!"

Oh my god, it's rare for Huangmao to be so knowledgeable, Mingfei felt embarrassed. But! Mingfei yelled at him: "Do you think I want to? This is a necessary preparation for a safe trip."

Huangmao was stunned and immediately understood Mingfei's intention... Mingfei's green head has been known to everyone these days. If he doesn't want to be spit on in public, he still has to disguise himself.

But... Huangmao frowned, blinked, and finally said:

"You dress so fancy, it will only attract more attention..."

... Mingfei was petrified. He rushed to the mirror and looked at himself. He was in tears. His makeup skills were so good that I couldn't hold it.

He got up early in the morning to do it. The disguise technique described in the novel is indeed not something that ordinary people can do in a short time.

But what to do? If he doesn't remove his makeup, he will be watched. If he removes his makeup, he will probably be watched again... Mingfei is entangled.

Fortunately, the yellow-haired man was very helpful at the critical moment. He rushed back to his room like a whirlwind and then came back with a piece of black gauze in his hand.

"Come on, put this on and no one will see your face."

Ming Fei took a look and found that it was a hood. This thing was good. He immediately took off his makeup and put it on his head. But it was conspicuous enough. He asked doubtfully: "Would ordinary people wear one? It would also be suspicious, right?"

The yellow-haired man said: "Don't worry, this is for chickenpox. Everyone knows."

Ming Fei staggered. He really learned something. It turned out that peas also had chickenpox...

The two of them struggled for most of the day and finally got it done. They walked out of the seedling institute together.

Sarsa has plenty of sunshine, which always sprinkles countless lights on this gem city. It is so dazzling that you need to squint your eyes to adapt when you go out.

Although the past few days were very tragic, Ming Fei was optimistic and Huang Mao was forgetful. Therefore, when the two saw the beautiful Sarsa again, they were in a very good mood and wanted to run a few laps.

And this hood is also very useful. Just like Huang Mao said, everyone understands that except for taking a pitiful look and taking a detour, there is not much sensation.

The Second Avenue inherited the overall architectural style of Sarsa. It is gorgeous and gorgeous. The light pink crystal stone is paved on the ground, and the whole dreamy color is so suffocating that it makes girls suffocate.

In fact, Ming Fei was almost suffocating. He was not thinking about any romantic sentiment. It was really human instinct. He was greedy for money. Any earthling would probably be breathless when seeing this scene.

There were all kinds of seedlings on the road. Ming Fei and Huang Mao walked and looked all the way. Except for Ming Fei's occasional deep breath, it was very harmonious.

The assessment hall is located at the end of the Second Avenue. It is a magnificent high-rise building. In addition to being as shiny as ever, it has an indescribable solemnity.

Perhaps it is because of the architectural design. In the pastoral style of Sarsha full of dome-shaped low houses, the abruptly rising spire and huge area of ​​the assessment hall are particularly eye-catching.

In just over ten minutes, Ming Fei and Huang Mao arrived at their destination.

Ming Fei came prepared with enough homework. He did not forget the huge debt he still owed. According to his understanding of Palant law in the past few days, if he could not pay back this huge amount of money, he would not only be imprisoned for a few years of labor reform, but also be deprived of all citizen rights.

Ming Fei himself did not have such a strong sense of substitution, but he had to consider Huang Mao. Huang Mao was a real Palant star. If he lost all citizen rights, he would become a complete waste. There would be no future in this life.

So, no matter what, he had to pay back Huang Mao's money first. Huang Mao treated him as a brother, and Ming Fei had no reason to let his brother suffer for him.

Although he had studied a lot, in fact, this assessment was also closely related to chance. As the saying goes, what is born is not something that can be obtained through hard work.

If he and Huang Mao couldn't even pass the first level, there was nothing that could be done. Ming Fei could only work hard to pay off his debts in this month.

He had to do his best and leave it to fate. When it really came to the moment, Ming Fei was indifferent. Anyway, he had done what he should do. Whether he could pass it depended on how this pea Ming Fei was born.

And Huang Mao, at this time, his extremely thick nerves finally showed another advantage. He was a newborn calf that was not afraid of a tiger. This guy had never worried at all. He was highly confident that he must have very high qualifications, and patted his chest to let Ming Fei rest assured that when he entered the advanced class, he would pay off all his debts in one go and treat Ming Fei to a big meal.

Ming Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Just when he was about to strike back at Huang Mao, he heard a voice that spread to every corner in an instant:

"Young seedlings from various nurseries, please stand on the open space marked with your own nursery number."

It seems that the so-called "qualification assessment" is about to begin.

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