Reborn as a Pea Shooter

79, Latest update [complete] (12)

This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

Yurika spread her hands helplessly: "Yes, it's him."

Mingfei stood up in a hurry, recalling the ups and downs of the competition, and how disgusted he was by that woman Fierna. All the old and new hatreds were added together, and he was completely angry! How boring could Xia Zuo be to do such a thing?

His head was buzzing with anger, but he suddenly calmed down after meeting Eureka's eyes.

This man... is Xia Zuo's brother!

In Mingfei's impression, Eureka and Xia Zuo have a good relationship, so why do you tell him this?

His anger suppressed, Mingfei looked at Eureka warily and asked, "Why did you tell me?" If he didn't tell, Mingfei wouldn't know!

Yurika was slightly startled, then blinked her charming peach blossom eyes, and said aggrievedly: "Of course it's for my idiot brother."

"For him? To be honest, I really want to grab him and beat him up. If this is what you do, then you succeeded."

"Alas..." Eureka quickly added: "Calm down first, I'm here to help you resolve conflicts!"

Mingfei looked at him with a cold face: "What do you mean?"

Eureka sighed, but changed the subject: "I heard that you have lost your memory?"

Mingfei remained silent. There was no need for everyone to know whether he had lost his memory.

Eureka rubbed her forehead and said feebly: "Sorry, this is a bit presumptuous to ask, but I have to at least confirm your condition so that the whole incident can be explained clearly."

Mingfei's expression relaxed. To be honest, it would be a lie to say that he was not curious. He was just made irritable by Xia Zuo's continuous tossing...

But... if he could really make it clear today, he would be able to take the right medicine and take care of that soulless little pea!

He sat down and calmed down, took another sip of the pink liquid, and then said to Eureka: "Sorry, I was a little impulsive just now. It is true that I can't remember the past clearly because of an accident."

Eureka waved her hands and said there was no need to apologize.

After that, Eureka pondered for a moment before saying: "I don't know about you two at the nursery, but I do know the reason for your falling out. This matter started when Xia Zuo was adopted..."

Xia Zuo was the only one in Nursery No. 77 to be adopted by an elf. It should have been an exciting event, but Xia Zuo didn't look happy at all.

When the elves were brought back to the inner city of Sarshan, he was also listless and uninterested in everything, and seemed indifferent to everything.

Later, someone said that he was betrayed by the seedlings he grew up with. This matter was sealed very tightly in the nursery. Even in the inner city, the seedlings only vaguely knew that they were competing for adoption rights, but the specific inside story was unclear.

Xia Zuo's friend is just a pea shoot, but he has a very serious mind.

Originally, Xia Zuo and he were both relatively outstanding seedlings in No. 77 Nursery, but in the end, the elves who went to select them unanimously selected Xia Zuo.

The pea sprout was unwilling to be eliminated, and somehow obtained the transformation pill, and actually made such a shocking move, using the pill to transform into an elf in a short time... trying to seduce the elf who came to choose... …with the intention of changing the final outcome of the adoption.

Unfortunately, all this happened to be interrupted by another elf who was traveling with him, and Xia Zuo also witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

You can imagine what happened next... Taking care of Palant's minor protection law, the elves hid the matter, so no one else in the nursery knew about it except Xia Zuo.

However, after witnessing all this, Xia Zuo was despairing. He originally didn't want to leave the nursery no matter what, but in the end he followed the elf to the inner city in despair.

This pea shoot... needless to say, is Ming Fei.

When Eureka said this, she paused, took a sip of saliva, and glanced at Mingfei through the cover of the water glass.

Mingfei was stunned, and suddenly what Fierna said back then flashed through his mind - he could steal transformation pills to seduce elves when he was still in the nursery...

So...this really happened?

The original owner of this body... actually did such a thing? !

Mingfei's mind was in turmoil, but a clear voice kept echoing: "No...impossible!"

Eureka looked at Mingfei's complicated expression. He raised his eyebrows slightly before putting down the water glass, and said in a calm tone: "It's not easy to survive in the inner city. There were about a hundred adopted seedlings at first. But when the qualifications were assessed, only ten were left. I won’t go into details about the fierce competition, and it was even more difficult for Xia Zuo to be chosen by his mother in the end. "

Mingfei came back to his senses. He looked at Eureka and asked, "So, it's... because of this..." He didn't continue because he didn't know what to say.

"If that's all..." A sharp light flashed in Yurika's eyes, "Xia Zuo will never pay attention to you at all."

Mingfei was stunned for a moment...but he figured it out in an instant. With a character like Xia Zuo's, if such a thing happened, he would be hit in the head or even be knocked down. long as I stand up again, I will never look at this person again, because it has nothing to do with him anymore! He doesn't even bother with hatred.

Mingfei turned around and stared at Eureka, he wanted to know the follow-up.

But Eureka asked him abruptly: "Have you ever heard of...original body?"

...Original body... Of course he has heard of it, and Colin has repeatedly confirmed that he has this 'special' physique. But what does it matter?

Mingfei was about to say that he had heard of it, but then suddenly remembered Colin's words, 'Very few people know about the origin body...'

He paused for a moment before saying, "I've never heard of it."

Eureka was not surprised by his answer. He told Mingfei in general about the characteristics of this physique, and the content was similar to what Colin said at the beginning.

Then, he continued to return to the previous topic: "At that time, the battle among the seedlings was already intense. Many of the selected seedlings were eliminated again, and no one knew whether they were alive or dead. Ah...that teammate of yours, Colin …His final withdrawal almost marked the end of the Seedling Fight. The only people left at that time were the ten adopted Seedlings.”

"At this time, Xia Zuo had basically adapted to life in the inner city. Because of his tough temperament and innate ruthlessness, he was also very outstanding among the ten seedlings. But at that time, in the seventies What happened in the No. 7 nursery was spread... Almost the entire inner city was vaguely aware of it, especially some seedlings who had been dissatisfied with Xia Zuo and even described the matter in an ugly way. "

Mingfei was stunned and asked, "What next?"

"Then... the scar was uncovered and blood flowed again... However, Xia Zuo beat all the seedlings who talked about it as a joke... He didn't do it, he just beat him up. He didn't know magic, absolutely. It’s just that he himself is miserable in hand-to-hand combat.”

Mingfei was dumb and his imagination was a little weak.

Eureka added: "I came back just at this time, met Xia Zuo, and found out what happened..." Eureka paused, and her mind couldn't help but flash back to the injured face when she first met Xia Zuo. The little pea sprout has a pair of stubborn eyes like a little beast...

"Your Highness Youlika?" Seeing that he was lost in thought, Mingfei called him.

Eureka came back to his senses. He pretended to cough to hide his thoughts and then said: "I naturally have to take care of a child who may become a younger brother."

Mingfei raised his eyebrows... without comment.

"I heard about Xia Zuo's experience. After all, I am a person who has experienced it. Naturally, I know much more inside information than these little seedlings. I believe you can also feel that this whole incident actually has many loopholes." At this point, he saw Xiang Mingfei.

Mingfei pondered for a moment and said: "I don't remember what happened, but according to my knowledge, how can a small seedling born in a nursery have the ability to obtain a transformation pill?"

"Yes, this is very strange...Transformation pills are not worth mentioning for elves, but they are too expensive for seedlings and cannot afford them. And..." Eureka narrowed her eyes and said: " The elves...are not as bright and noble as they appear."

A thought flashed through Mingfei's mind, and Mingfei suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Eureka: "What do you mean?"

"It's just as you think, there are indeed elves with that kind of hobby. I did some research afterwards and found out that the elf who went to your nursery happened to be..."

Mingfei's face was filled with blood after hearing this... No way, he wouldn't be so cheating.

Unfortunately, the truth turned out to be more deceiving than he imagined.

At that time, there were three elves who went to Nursery No. 77 to select seedlings, one of whom was named Barrow. Secretly, he has some special hobbies and is particularly interested in underage elves. But in Palant, boy-looking elves are very rare unless they are natural elves born directly from the Tree of Life.

Needless to say, the nobility of natural spirits is something Barrow may never see in his lifetime. But with this kind of thinking, naturally a lot of crooked ideas will be used. It is impossible to transform into an elf before reaching level five, but the potion master has developed a transformation pill.

To be honest, the original purpose of researching this pill was to provide it to some adopted seedlings for use during banquets and the like. And then to satisfy the curiosity of these noble seedlings about their future...

Speaking of which, the sales volume was not high, and gradually few pharmacists were able to make it.

But... he was noticed by someone who was interested.

After taking the transformation pill, the underage seedlings will also turn into elves, and they will look like the most immature teenagers.

Barrow likes this mouthful, and a few people vaguely know it, but he is only hunting in the military academy. Among the students, the young seedlings in the senior grades are also thoughtful. They cling to power for money, which is always a matter of mutual consent. Although it is not allowed by law, secretly everyone feels shameless. But as long as he doesn't get caught and has no evidence, there's nothing anyone can do.

As time goes by, turning a blind eye will pass.

But no one expected that Barrow would actually focus on the seedlings in the nursery!

Originally, being assigned to go to the nursery to select seedlings was not a good job. It was a waste of time with no fuel, no merit, etc. It was such a thankless job, but Barrow rushed to go. Why... it was obvious.

It is conceivable that the whole incident was not that Little Pea was seducing the elf, but that the elf was forcing Little Pea...

Unfortunately, but also fortunately, at the critical moment... it was actually broken by someone.

The two elves who were traveling together were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. In other words, everyone facing this whole scene was shocked and didn't know how to react.

The only one who reacted was Barrow. He pointed directly at Mingfei and said that he had obtained the transformation pill by unknown means, trying to seduce him, and then asked Barrow to take him to the inner city...

There is no need to mention what happened after that. The news was suppressed and only the person involved knew it.

Xia Zuo was greatly shocked and didn't believe it in his heart. He forced Mingfei to explain the matter clearly.

Mingfei did make it clear, admitting unceremoniously what he had done, and viciously told Xia Zuo that she had disliked him for a long time and had had enough of his bad temper. Why should Xia Zuo be raped? Choose instead of him! Obviously he doesn't need Xia Zuocai in everything, why should he put pressure on him!

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Mingfei's roaring words made Xia Zuo feel completely cold, and he no longer had any reason to question.

But in fact... Mingfei was in trouble and couldn't tell. He didn't want to tell the truth, but Barrow threatened him. If he told him, Xia Zuo's future would be ruined.

In front of the so-called 'noble' elf, Mingfei, who had never left the nursery...shrank.

Gritting his teeth and saying those words to Xia Zuo...he didn't dare to say it to Huang Mao when he turned around. He could only hide in the bed, not even daring to cry.

After Yurika finished narrating everything, Mingfei covered his forehead and said: "This... this is too late at eight o'clock..."

Eureka was confused: "What?"

Mingfei waved his hands hurriedly: "It's nothing, I's just very...very twists and turns..." In fact, he really wanted to say it was bloody, it was so bloody!

Eureka nodded heavily: "I also think it's quite tortuous, but the more tortuous ones are at the back."

"What?" Mingfei looked at him in shock.

Eureka looked at him sympathetically and said: "With my friendly help, your misunderstanding has been resolved. Not only did you not betray Xia Zuo, you were almost bullied because of him, and you silently took the huge blame. I have to bear Xia Zuo's anger...but now that Xia Zuo knows it, he is naturally extremely guilty. If I hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed back to the nursery to find you."

Ming Fei frowned. Indeed, the misunderstanding was resolved. Xia Zuo shouldn't make things difficult for him anymore, right? Did something happen next?

"Xia Zuo was comforted by me and is waiting to meet you again during the qualification assessment."

Mingfei couldn't help but complain: "He was mocking me the first time we met."

Eureka coughed: "Just listen to me."

"Uh... you continue."

"During this period, another thing happened, which I believe you know, which was the visit of Her Royal Highness the Princess. At that time, Xia Zuo had gained quite a lot of attention from his mother, so he also met Her Royal Highness..."

"It was also at this time...Xia Zuo heard about the origin body for the first time."

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