Reborn as a Pea Shooter

77, Latest update (12)

This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

Mingfei's heart skipped a beat. Big Leaf stretched out his hand but didn't press the accept button for a long time.

Jingyuan kept flashing, and Xiaofan, who was sitting on the armchair, also noticed something strange about him and asked: "Who is it?"

Mingfei looked at Jingyuan blankly and whispered, "Huang Mao."

"Why didn't you answer?"

Mingfei hesitated for a moment before whispering: "My next match... is with Huang Mao."

Xiaofan raised his eyebrows, closed the book with a snap, walked to Mingfei and asked in a low voice: "Are you worried?"

Mingfei nodded.

Xiaofan asked again: "What are you worried about?"


"What are you worried about when you know it's virtual and it's a competition?" Xiaofan looked directly at him and suddenly slowed down and asked, "Are you worried that you will break up with Huang Mao because of a duel? Your relationship will never be the same again. At first?"

Mingfei raised his head suddenly: "No, of course not!"

Xiaofan smiled slightly: "If it's not the case, then why are you hesitating? There will be no injuries in the virtual competition. This is just a competition between friends. Don't you want to see what Huang Mao has grown into?"

"But..." Mingfei hesitated, not knowing how to refute.

"Mingfei." Xiaofan called him in a low voice.

Mingfei was stunned. This was the first time Xiaofan called him by his name... He had a very subtle feeling when he heard it, as if Xiaofan shouldn't call him that, but if he thought about it carefully... how should he call him?

Xiaofan didn't say anything more, he just said in a descriptive tone:

"You worry too much."

One sentence made Mingfei suddenly wake up.

Xiaofan glanced at the flashing Jingyuan and said, "I'll stay away for a while, and you answer the communication first." As soon as he finished speaking, black mist suddenly rose, and rubies fell beside him.

Mingfei felt a sudden warmth in his heart as he looked at Ruby, who was silent and unglamorous but hard to ignore. After adjusting his mood, he answered Huang Mao's request.

As soon as the screen flashed, the little head of the pea sprout appeared out of thin air.

Through the communicator, Huang Mao's voice was full of energy: "Mingfei, what are you busy with? I haven't been able to contact you. If you don't get through, I will rush over to find you!"

Facing this extra-energetic little pea, Mingfei suddenly felt dumbfounded when he thought of his previous struggles. He pretended to cough and said calmly: "An unexpected supplement before the game."

Huang Mao's small green eyes suddenly widened, and then asked: "Is it a secret weapon? Wait... don't tell me, I have to see it with my own eyes tomorrow."

As he spoke, he rolled his eyes again and said mysteriously: "I also have a secret weapon! Don't be too surprised tomorrow, hahaha!"

Seeing his proud look, Mingfei couldn't help but roll his eyes: "You have it! Just wait and call me brother tomorrow!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai not, I'm so powerful now. They all say I'm a shield wall type strange... um..." He frowned and thought for a moment before patting the big leaf and said: "It's Qi. eight!"

Mingfei laughed out loud now, and he exposed him unceremoniously: "It's a weird thing! A weird thing!"

Huang Mao blinked, cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "It all means the same thing... Anyway, I'm very powerful."

Huang Mao kept bragging, and Ming Fei smiled and hit him. The two chatted for a long time, until someone from Huang Mao called him, he hurriedly hung up the communication, said: "See you tomorrow." and hurriedly walked away.

After all this torment, Mingfei felt relaxed.

Recalling the previous struggles, I deeply felt that I was over the top.

Xiaofan was right, he worried too much.

It was originally a competition for discussion, a duel that would not cause harm. It was like holding the Olympics on earth. Is it possible that the opponent should abstain if he is a friend?

This is not only disrespectful to myself, but also disrespectful to Huang Mao.

He has always considered himself an adult, so he treats Huang Mao as a child. But in fact, Huang Mao is his friend. Friends are equal. No one has to take care of anyone in particular. Real friends are true friends when they respect each other, encourage each other and work together.

As for the pain, he thought too much.

There will indeed be some pain, but to be honest, in a normal, fair and serious duel, that pain is nothing.

He is not Fierna, and he will not torture Huang Mao...

After figuring this out, my knot suddenly unraveled.

He quickly lowered his head and sent a message to Colin and Dana respectively.

I received a reply shortly:

Colin: OK.

Dana: ~\\(rq)/~No problem.

After a good night's sleep, the three of them went to have a good meal together the next day before they dared to go to the competition hall.

As soon as Mingfei walked into the hall, he heard a squealing sound, and then Huang Mao gave him a warm bear hug.

He barely stood still, but muttered: "Huang Mao, you are fat!"

When Huang Mao heard this, he immediately corrected him: "I am strong!"

Ming Fei raised his eyebrows, looked at it and said, "Is this called strong?"

Huang Mao blinked and asked the people around him unwillingly: "Min Lan! Am I fat? Really fat?"

Min Lan turned his head and ignored it.

But he said hello to Colin beside him: "Long time no see. You seem to be doing well?"

Colin smiled and said, "Very good."

Afterwards, the six people introduced each other and became acquainted.

When the countdown started, a group of people walked towards the virtual warehouse.

Min Lan was one step behind and was walking beside Ming Fei. He watched Huang Mao enter the virtual warehouse first, and then said to Ming Fei: "Although you are his friend, I will not show mercy."

Mingfei looked at him and smiled slightly: "Just because we are friends, we won't show mercy."

Min Lan raised her eyebrows, with some surprise in her eyes.

Mingfei has strode into the virtual warehouse.

Darkness...light suddenly stood in the field.

Ming Fei opened his eyes and finally saw the venue clearly. Although he had experienced many games and felt that he had become resistant to the cheating level of the venue, when he suddenly saw the scene in front of him... he still couldn't help but want to curse.

This,'s really the most deceptive thing, not even more deceptive.

The venue is bigger than ever, but in a sense... smaller than ever.

The wide rectangular space, the sun is shining high, the breeze is blowing, and the weather is incredible.

Just looking down, I am not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful weather.

Yes, the cheating place is on the ground... This time it is no longer a flat ground, but an arrangement of countless stone pillars of different heights. The gaps between each stone pillar are not too big or too small, just enough for the size of a seedling. jump over.

Mingfei watched silently, and what came to his mind was - this must be the legendary plum blossom pile!

It's just that this plum blossom pile is a little different. The pile is very high. Mingfei made a simple visual inspection and thought in his mind, if he stepped on it wrongly and fell... don't think about it, he would be eliminated immediately!

Other people also appeared one after another. After seeing this place, they were all worried.

No matter how embarrassing the venue is, they have already chosen it, and the countdown to the game is ringing.

Mingfei had already had a brief discussion with Colin Dana, and after the final countdown rang in his ears, the three of them moved extremely quickly.

Dana held up the shield and was in the front row. When Colin moved to the second square, he quickly fired a pea cannon at Min Lan.

And Mingfei was unambiguous. When he jumped to the third square, he threw a holy strike directly at Min Lan.

These actions were only in the blink of an eye, but they were accurate at the start of the game. This sharp reaction is really beyond words.

Ming Fei's calculation was that the spells used for instant attacks had low attack power, and if they were used to attack Huang Mao, they would have no effect at all.

If you attack separately, it won't have any effect, but if you add the Pea Cannon and the Holy Strike, and target Min Lan, the auxiliary system with the lowest defense, the effect will be completely different!

Moreover, Mingfei had determined that the location where Min Lan appeared was far away from Huang Mao. Under the sudden attack, if Huang Mao could not catch up with the rescue, Min Lan's situation would be in danger.

The plan is good, but Huang Mao’s so-called ‘Qi Ba’ is not just a boast.

Seeing that the double attack was about to rush towards Min Lan, Old God Min Lan remained motionless, while Huang Mao, who was three blocks away from him, jumped over at an extremely fast speed, and when he was only one block away from Min Lan, he just held up A huge shield covering two blocks blocked Min Lan's attack.

Such a large-scale shield is indeed very rare, but it is obviously consumed very quickly. After blocking the attack, the shield disappears quickly, and Min Lan also quickly recharges Huang Mao.

But just for a moment, they had escaped the crisis and had a chance to breathe.

Huang Mao still had time to yell, "Isn't it handsome? My super huge shield..."

Mingfei was not far away from him, so he could naturally hear him clearly. Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, he could still imagine it.

Turning around, Huang Mao shouted to them again: "Mingfei, it's officially started! If you lose, you have to call me brother..."

Suddenly, Mingfei felt like he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Don't call me brother," a crisp female voice said from the side, "just call me sister."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light flew over with a sudden sound.

Fortunately, Mingfei and the others stood up in formation early. This powerful spell hit Dana's shield and caused a crack. What an attack power it was.

If it hit either Mingfei or Colin, it would be a tragedy of disappearing directly.

Although Caroline is a seedling with low qualifications, it is obvious that... her strength cannot be underestimated!

After a brief trial, the battle officially begins!

The plum blossom pile venue is very inconvenient to move around, so everyone subconsciously puts some of their thoughts on their feet. There is nothing they can do about it. It would be an injustice if someone steps on it in the wrong direction and falls down.

However, it is also because of this distraction that it is not easy to display the true strength.

It was very frustrating for Huang Mao to be so impatient. Ming Fei could hear his heart pounding as he wanted to unleash his special attack.

Mingfei felt funny at the same time, but also a little wary. Now that the duel has begun, he must pay attention to it. Huang Mao's strengths and weaknesses are too obvious. Ming Fei already had some vague feelings after watching the video of his game before, but this time he experienced it more clearly in person.

He wants to be in the limelight, he is so happy about his achievements, and he can't control his temper, but he has an incredible advantage. He is extremely talented. From the spells he has displayed so far, it can be seen that he has an amazing amount of skill mastery and a very high hit rate.

However, in this way, another big shortcoming will be exposed. He frequently changes spells, but cannot use the spells most skillfully. In the end, he will exhaust the auxiliary system and his own energy. We can't fight a protracted war!

Comparing the two, Dana has a completely different style from Huangmao. Because he has a low level of skills, he focuses on the clever use of two spells. Because of his personality, he is very persistent. Coupled with Mingfei's continuous and accurate assistance, from the perspective of endurance, he is definitely far ahead.

After thinking this way, Mingfei has already made a plan in his mind. Since the duel has begun, don't waste it. At least let Huangmao suffer a loss and remember it for a long time. It would be better if he can restrain himself in the future!

Compared with words, actual actions are much more effective.

Mingfei whispered to Colin and Dana, and then counted silently in his heart and retreated three squares. This distance is just out of Caroline's attack range, but within Mingfei's auxiliary range. Therefore, even without the protection of the shield, Caroline can't attack Mingfei. But Mingfei can charge Dana.

It's just a pity. After all, Mingfei himself is out of the attack range, so he can't attack Huangmao, and it doesn't seem to have much effect.

Therefore, Min Lan and Caroline didn't take it too seriously.

But as time went on... the gap slowly showed up.

Colin's attack power was comparable to Caroline's, and there was even a hint of him being better. And the difference between Ming Fei and Min Lan's auxiliary abilities was even smaller. At least for now, both of them were calm and had no tendency to be exhausted.

The only thing that could make a difference was the shield wall system of the two teams.

Huang Mao was much stronger than Dina, but... they were also far behind.

In this kind of stalemate, what matters is not how strong your instantaneous defense ability is, but your continuous defense ability.

As time went on, Ming Fei's move to leave the battle circle also revealed its deep meaning.

He withdrew from Dina's protection range, which seemed to be a very dangerous move, but with sophisticated calculations, it was a disguised way to reduce Dina's burden. The strength of protecting only one person and protecting two people was very different.

It was not obvious in a short time, but once the stalemate, Dina's endurance was greatly improved.

By the time Min Lan discovered Ming Fei's thoughts, it was too late. Huang Mao was taking care of two people at the same time, which consumed a lot of energy. Because he used powerful spells carelessly, he was doubling the consumption. Min Lan had been charging him, so he could naturally feel it.

No, we can't drag it on any longer. We have to fight quickly!

Realizing this problem, Min Lan winked at Caroline and Huang Mao. After all, the three of them had cooperated for a long time and had a tacit understanding. They immediately understood what he meant.

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Huang Mao's eyes sparkled and he excitedly released a huge shield with two widths horizontally. Min Lan stepped forward and stood side by side with Caroline, and the three stood in a triangle.

Then Min Lan and Caroline closed their eyes at the same time and began to recite the spell silently with concentration.

This posture... what is going to do, it is simply clear at a glance.

Relying on the yellow-haired man's short-term defense to support the universal shield, Min Lan and Caroline have time to recite the spell silently. The longer the spell, the stronger the spell attack power, and it is double... This is really not easy to deal with!

Colin looked at Ming Fei quickly. They both knew that Dana would definitely not be able to hold on! If Min Lan and Caroline's spells were released successfully, then it would be a one-shot kill!

But... there is no other way. It is true that the yellow-haired man's endurance is not good, but he can definitely hold on to the chanting spell. During this time, they can't break through the yellow-haired man's defense!

Unable to interrupt the spell, and unable to withstand this attack power, is there no other way?

Impossible, there must be a way!

Ming Fei looked at the yellow-haired man, through the shield lingering with a faint golden color, the expressions of the yellow-haired Min Lan and Caroline were clear at a glance.

After a long battle... the faces of the three people were inevitably a little tired...

Wait... a thought flashed through his mind quickly.

They are gambling! Bet this attack will hit!

In an instant, Ming Fei figured out Min Lan's thoughts. It was obvious that Min Lan had seen that a protracted war was not good for them, so he gathered strength to launch this double attack that exceeded their load.

However, relatively speaking, after the attack, Min Lan, Caroline and Huangmao were already at their limit!

Ming Fei figured it out in an instant.

He had previously thought about protecting Dyna, Colin and himself, but in fact, it was not necessary at all! In this situation, as long as Colin could be saved, it would be enough!

He and Dyna desperately protected Colin, which was still a good chance of winning!

In a flash, Ming Fei quickly approached Colin and Dyna, and told them the plan.

Colin was a little confused, not knowing how Ming Fei would resist the attack with Dyna, but the current situation did not allow him to think too much, so he just said he understood.

Ming Fei asked Dyna to release the Ring of Justice and bless Colin with all the defensive power, while he closed his eyes and silently recited the spell that he had memorized.

That's right... I learned this trick from Miss Ferna!

At the moment of receiving the attack, release a huge healing spell that is enough to resist to offset the attack power!

On the opposite side, Min Lan and Caroline's spell chanting is coming to an end, and the yellow-haired shield has obviously become much lighter.

Suddenly, the double-superimposed powerful attack spell rushed towards Dina like two giant snakes entangled together.

Under this dazzling attack, Dina's shield seemed small and fragile, truly vulnerable.


At this moment, the fragile shield has suddenly changed into a light blue aura, all around Colin.

At the same time, the giant snake has approached and ruthlessly tore the aqua blue aura held up by Dyna.

Ming Fei opened his eyes abruptly, and the powerful healing technique released by exhausting all his physical strength was all blessed on Colin, colliding with the golden giant python, bursting with a powerful light, so dazzling that it was impossible to tell whether there was anyone in the center.

Ming Fei, who was in the center of the aperture, could not see the result at all, but it was an indisputable fact that his body was disappearing.

As long as Colin was still there... they won!

Ming Fei walked out of the virtual warehouse and saw Dyna without any surprise.

The two did not even have time to say hello, and rushed to the screen to watch the game.

Colin... is still there!

Ming Fei stared at the screen without blinking. Sure enough, Huangmao Min Lan and Caroline were already at their limit. Although they had an advantage in numbers, they could not resist Colin's pea cannon at all.

Ming Fei could not estimate Colin's condition, but as long as they could fire the pea cannon, they would win!

His heart was beating fast. At the critical moment of deciding the outcome, time always passed very slowly.

The competition hall was full of seedlings, but they all held their breath and looked at the screen anxiously.

Colin stood up, walked forward one square, raised his head and quickly fired a pea cannon, aiming at Caroline, two squares to the left of Huangmao!

At this distance, unless Huangmao released a huge shield with a range of three squares in his heyday, he could not protect Caroline at all.

But now, Huangmao has no energy at all, and he can't even release a simple holy shield.

Seeing that the pea cannon was about to explode around Caroline, Huangmao moved in an instant.

When everyone thought he had no chance, this kid came up with another surprise!

A golden light shield flew out of his hand and almost covered Caroline!

Pea cannon! Blocked!

There were gasps outside the field, and a sharp-eyed seedling shouted: "It's the Flying Shield Technique! A shield wall spell that can only be released at level 3!"

Ming Fei was stunned. He didn't expect that Huang Mao's strength had reached such a level.

The situation in the field became delicate again.

Before, Huang Mao couldn't fight a protracted war, but this time it was the other way around.

Colin must fight quickly. If the time drags on, if Min Lan or Caroline recovers energy, then it's all over!

But he doesn't have much energy himself, and he can only release a few pea cannons. If they are all blocked by Huang Mao, then there's no hope.

Everyone knows the current situation. Huang Mao looks at Colin. Although his face is a little pale due to exhaustion, his eyes are shining, and it's hard to tell whether he has any energy left.

Colin paused for a moment, narrowed his eyes, faced Caroline, and fired the pea cannon again!

The yellow-haired man stretched out his big leaf again, and the golden light shield enveloped Caroline!

The pea cannon was blocked again!

Colin curled his lips slightly, and almost at the same time, another pea cannon suddenly exploded at Min Lan.

This time, the yellow-haired man was completely unable to react. When the light shield flew over, Min Lan was no longer on the plum blossom pile.

Cheers suddenly broke out outside the field, for Colin's unexpected feint to the east and attack to the west.

Min Lan came out of the virtual warehouse and walked towards Ming Fei and Dina. He looked at the screen calmly without much expression: "We lost."

Ming Fei was stunned and looked at the screen.

On the screen, Colin closed his eyes and chanted a spell.

The yellow-haired man was a little dumbfounded. His flying shield technique was not mature. It was good enough to barely block the pea cannon. He had no way to deal with slightly stronger attacks.

Obviously, Colin also saw this, so he didn't plan to defeat them one by one, but directly used all his energy to release a range spell within his power, so that the two vulnerable seedlings were directly eliminated!

After the double cannon exploded, there was no suspense, and only Colin was left in the field.

The battle ended, and the result was announced: Ming Fei's team won!

At this time, Huangmao also jumped out of the virtual warehouse. He rushed towards Ming Fei with a roar, shouting: "Next time, next time! I must make you call me brother!"

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