Reborn as a Pea Shooter

5. Chapter 5: Avery (12)

The hall, built with countless crystals, is spacious, bright, and exquisite. It exudes nobility and elegance everywhere. Even the air is clean and refreshing. With the slow and soft music, people are intoxicated.

At this time, on the white marble table by the window, there are two plants sitting around.

Or should I say an elf and two peas.

The peas are naturally Ming Fei and Huang Mao, and the elf is a girl who calls herself Avery, who was "molested" by Ming Fei.

Avery and Huang Mao are talking happily, while Ming Fei has black lines all over his head, and the whole person sinks into the shadows and silently draws circles...

To explain this matter, we have to go back half an hour ago.

Ming Fei was too excited to see the "human", and he forgot the fact that he was a pea in an impulse.

He hurriedly ran behind Avery, but the height of his pea was not even up to her waist. He originally wanted to pull Avery's sleeve, but because the pea's body was not flexible, he misplaced it and pulled her sleeve instead of her hips...

So, in full view of everyone, a noble elf was molested by an immature pea...

The reason why elves are noble, as Huangmao said, is not only because they are tall, but also because they are strong.

Avery suddenly felt that such a sensitive part was invaded. In panic, she instinctively turned around and did a roundhouse kick before she could scream, kicking the wretched fake uncle real pea dozens of meters away...

When she turned around and saw the instigator, she was very surprised that the one who did such a bad thing was actually an immature pea...

After being surprised, she suddenly came to her senses. She kicked with the strength she would use against a zombie. Could this pea withstand it? Would she be kicked off by her... It's over, she finally managed to sneak out and got into trouble, it's over, she's dead now!

As for being molested, she didn't think a pea could do anything to her at all, she just thought it was a misunderstanding... She hurriedly walked to Ming Fei, who was dozens of meters away, to check on him.

The yellow-haired man had already run to Mingfei's side, holding up Mingfei's head while crying and shouting: "Mingfei, Mingfei, what's wrong with you... Wuwuwu, Mingfei, can you still speak? Mingfei, are you disabled? Mingfei, you just broke your head and your leg, you..."

Avry was even more panicked when she heard this, but at least she remembered her duty and immediately said to the yellow-haired man: "I'll save him!"

The yellow-haired man's eyes were full of tears, but at least he knew that Mingfei had offended Avry just now, so he was kicked in the backhand... He explained timidly: "Don't be angry, Mingfei offended you because his head was broken before..."

Avry interrupted him immediately: "If you don't give him to me, I can't save him!"

When the yellow-haired man heard this, his green face became even greener, and he immediately handed Mingfei to him.

Avry took a deep breath and took Mingfei. A ball of water-blue light quickly formed in her white palm. As the light ball covered Mingfei, his miserable body recovered quickly.

Ming Fei slowly woke up, the yellow-haired man cried with joy, and Avri finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ming Fei opened his eyes, and before he could figure out what was going on, he heard the extremely beautiful girl in front of him say in a clear and pleasant voice:

"I'm so tired... I'm hungry, let's go eat!"

The yellow-haired man clapped his hands in agreement. Before Ming Fei could understand what was going on, he was dragged into a restaurant that was very impressive just by looking at the facade...

After sitting down and ordering the dishes, the yellow-haired man briefly and quickly told Ming Fei everything that had happened.

Avri smiled at him, and it seemed that she didn't mind his obscene behavior at all.

Ming Fei, who heard everything, finally remembered that he seemed to have touched a different touch before he fainted... After his face experienced red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, he wanted to get under the table!

This is so damn embarrassing! In the 21st century, his behavior of molesting someone in public and being kicked to death would be posted on Tianya Mop and ridiculed and strangled...

So, while waiting for the food to be served, Avery and Huangmao were talking happily while Mingfei was depressed and gloomy.

Avery and Huangmao had been talking about four or five topics. Although Mingfei was immersed in a depressed world, he was listening carefully.

The girl's name was Avery, and she was an elf.

It turned out that Palant was not only a plant, but also a rare but very noble elf clan.

They were also born from the Tree of Life, but they had a higher form, stronger power and a clearer perception of nature.

The elves of Palant were different from the weird elves in fairy tales in Mingfei's impression, but were similar to the unique life forms born in Western mythology.

They had slender bodies, and both men and women were extremely handsome, elegant in manners, sharp in eyes, and possessed unique abilities and supreme wisdom.

It is precisely because of this that the elves are the true rulers of Palant. The five main elves of the five main planets and the armies led by them are the ultimate force to protect the plants.

Avriel and Huangmao did not mention much about the elves. These were just what Mingfei inferred and concluded from their few words, but just knowing this information was enough for Mingfei to be entangled...


Why on earth!

Since this world has such advanced creatures, and they are humanoid, why does he, a real human who is used to using a human body, want to become a pea!

Why not become an elf? He is more accustomed to using an elf's body, right? And it is obviously not on the same level as the pea in front of me, it is obviously much higher...

As a result, Mingfei fell into even more depressed and pessimistic thoughts.

Avri asked Huang Mao in a low voice: "What's wrong with him... His green body is almost turning black..."

Huang Mao was startled and turned to look at Mingfei. Sure enough, he found that his whole body seemed to be covered by black clouds. He quickly poked Mingfei and asked worriedly: "Mingfei, Mingfei, what's wrong with you? Could it be?" Are there any sequelae?”

Mingfei raised his head and looked at him with dead eyes and said, "I'm just too hungry."

"Ah...that's it, I'm so hungry too..."

"That being said, I'm also hungry..."

"Does it mean that peas turn black when they are hungry? Why don't you change color, Huangmao?"

"Hmm...well...maybe I'm not hungry enough?"

...At this moment, Mingfei finally understood why these two people couldn't stop talking. They had similar temperaments and couldn't stop them! By the way, don’t elves have supreme wisdom? Could this be the legendary great wisdom and foolishness?

But... Ming Fei glanced at the scattered elves sitting around him. Apart from his appearance, he was not as stunning as Avri, but his behavior, expression, and posture were not elegant and proper. Although he could not hear clearly what he said, They all speak in slow tones and whispers, and what is most impossible to ignore is the hint of arrogance and reserve between their eyebrows, as well as the subtle expressions that glance at their table from time to time...

Ming Fei raised his eyebrows... They were probably shocked that a beautiful elf could have a brain that was synchronized with a pea...

He was thinking wildly, and the food was finally served to the three of them in anticipation.

In a short time, the white jade table was full of things, and the number of things continued to increase...

And Mingfei finally saw the food of Planet Planet.

He had been mentally prepared before. Even if plates after plates of soil were served, he would not be surprised. After all, plants... In his understanding, everything except water is soil...

But in front of me, the table full of food seemed to be really 'food'. There are plate after plate of good-looking dishes. Although I can't tell what they are made of, they are very delicate and full of fragrance, which will seduce the gluttons in my stomach.

In order not to make a joke, Mingfei decided to stay put.

Huang Mao was very considerate. He picked up a light and translucent stick-shaped thing, handed it to Mingfei and said, "Try it, Salsa's classic staple food, baguette."

bread? Baguette? Mingfei was a little hesitant, but after seeing Huang Mao take a bite, he tried to take a bite himself. Suddenly, he was startled. This feeling was so wonderful!

The soft touch melts in your mouth and flows all over your body instantly. You can clearly feel the comfortable feeling of air flow.

This stuff is so delicious! Mingfei hurriedly took another bite.

Huang Mao was also devouring his food, but he did not forget to introduce it to Ming Fei: "Sarsha's baguette is made with carbon dioxide produced in a limited time by the most advanced equipment. You can't eat it anywhere except in Salsa, because The shelf life is too short..."

Ale...carbon dioxide? Mingfei blinked and looked at the light 'bread' in his hand... bread made of carbon dioxide? !

Avri: "Huang Mao, your friend is so interesting. How long do you think he can maintain this posture?"

Huang Mao swallowed the bread in his mouth, coughed and said, "Don't mind it. Mingfei is usually very smart. He just fell down recently and forgot some things. He should be fine after a while."

Avri nodded, but his eyes that were more penetrating than sapphire still glanced at Mingfei from time to time.

Carbon dioxide bread, chloroplast pizza, fried magnesium sulfur, braised three-carbon, fried fiber and simple sugar chips...

Mingfei, who had been numbed by the weather for a long time, finally came back to his senses. He looked at the table full of alternative foods and felt a surge of heart. While comforting himself that they were peas, peas were real peas, he took a sip of carbon dioxide on the left and chloroplasts on the right, and then came again. Focus on magnesium, sulfur and three carbons, and strive for nutritionally balanced and harmonious development...

The three of them seemed to be extremely hungry. They swept away like a storm, and the table full of food was emptied and brought back to them. After three consecutive visits, Mingfei felt comfortable and satiated.

Avri and Huang Mao are still struggling. Avri is an elf after all, and he is very hungry, but he still eats much more decently than Huang Mao. It can be seen that he has a good upbringing that goes deep into his bones.

It's just that... no matter how elegant it is, it will be destroyed by this amazing appetite.

Mingfei had recovered his breath and felt that he was older than the two of them, so he took the initiative to help them with the dishes.

Although I still couldn't look directly at Ivory's too delicate face, but because of the current contact, I understood that she was just a simple girl, so the two of them also talked a lot.

After the meal was finally finished, the three of them seemed to have become friends.

After having enough wine and food, Mingfei also learned from Avri that it was her first time to come to Sarsha. Because she was very yearning for this famous capital of wind, she came all the way from a far away place. .

He also said that he didn't have a place to live yet, and asked implicitly if Mingfei and Huang Mao could take them in for the time being.

Huang Mao immediately patted his chest to ensure that there was no problem.

Mingfei naturally had no objection, but he always felt that something was wrong but couldn't figure it out. But at this moment, I was suddenly awakened by Ivory's words.

Avri: "It turns out you have to pay to eat outside. I've been hungry for many days..."

Yellow Hair was stunned. He had just taken a bite of the chloroplast pizza in his hand when Ming Fei's face turned pale...

This table of food... had to be paid for! He originally planned to take Yellow Hair to fill his stomach, how could he dare to eat such a luxurious thing!

Ming Fei glanced around and felt more and more uneasy. He finally knew why he had always felt a sense of disobedience. This place, let alone how magnificent it was, just say that the customers who came to dine... were all elves, and the only two plants were him and Yellow Hair...

Elves are rare in Palant and have a noble status... A place where all elves dine... How can the cost be low?

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He and Yellow Hair had long been penniless, and the few remaining sunnies on their bodies were probably not enough to fill their teeth.

From what Avri just said, it was obvious that this noble elf girl was also penniless.

At this moment, Ming Fei thought about it a lot. After weighing the difference between eating a free meal and owing a lot of debts that he could never pay off, he finally had the urge to jump out of the window and escape.

Before he could take action, Avery on the opposite side suddenly stood up and said anxiously: "Go, go!"

Ming Fei was stunned. This girl was in sync with him? He looked up and saw Avery staring at the back of him, with an undisguised panic on her fair and beautiful face.

What happened... again?

Before Ming Fei asked, he heard a voice coming from behind, the tone was slow and low, elegant and pleasant:

"Avery, come back with me."

Ming Fei was slightly stunned, turned around, and looked in the direction of Avery's sight.

There were many figures at the door at some point, all of them looked like elves, and their clothes were complicated and complex, much more gorgeous than any elf present, and their expressions and postures were also more sophisticated.

And standing in the front seemed to be the person who had just spoken.

Ming Fei moved his eyes to him, but after taking a look, he couldn't look away.

He had a slender figure and a pair of blue eyes, as clear and transparent as the sky. And the long hair behind him, like flowing water, was shining silver, spreading along the pure white collar to the back, and at this moment, it seemed to absorb all the light, so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it.

As soon as he appeared, the whole hall immediately fell into extreme silence, not because of his appearance, but because of the powerful momentum that could not be ignored.

The next moment, the sound of tables and chairs moving came from the hall, followed by orderly and respectful calls:

"Your Majesty, long live."

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