Reborn as a Pea Shooter

48. Chapter 48 Elemental Monsters

First published in Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

The teleportation hall, as the name suggests, has the largest teleportation array in Sarsha, which can instantly teleport anywhere on the planet. It is a crucial location for dispatching troops for rapid defense.

This time, a small teleportation array was activated to teleport the participating seedlings to a blank place.

The so-called blank land is actually Sarsha's unopened territory...

There are various rumors about this place. Some say it is a dangerous place and you will die if you set foot in it; others say it is a treasure place that contains the most precious resources of Sarsha. There are even rumors that there are rare skill books hidden there... In short, people will always use their imagination to imagine unknown places and make them far from reality. Even if they are exaggerated several times, it is not surprising.

However, regardless of treasures, wealth and abilities, there is no doubt that there... is absolutely dangerous! There are countless elemental monsters wandering around, mindless but aggressive, attacking any living thing indiscriminately. For the weak seedlings, they face the danger of life and death.

The tasks for passing the preliminary round were also announced to the public at this time.

He actually hunted ten elemental hearts in a blank land in seven days!

The Heart of Elements may be a bit unfamiliar to the seedlings. But for adults, it is a very common minor material with wide applications. Although it is not rare, it is common knowledge that this kind of thing can only be obtained by killing elemental monsters.

Smart people, at this time, finally realized why the task was released at the last minute. Although the elemental heart is expensive, there are also characters in the seedlings who are not short of money. If you know the mission in advance, you can buy it at a high price in the market. In this way, you only need to enter the empty space to show off, and you can pass the level.

But now, it is already the last moment, and there is no chance to do anything again. Therefore, the only way to obtain ten elemental hearts is to face the elemental monsters directly!

However, another problem arises.

Palant's protection laws for minors are extremely harsh and serious, although they are much more relaxed for seedlings that have already entered school. After all, they cannot grow without hardship. However, this act of directly throwing incompetent children into a dangerous place is still inhumane.

Even if His Majesty is noble enough to do such a thing, he will be impeached by the Parliament and is not allowed.

However, before this flaw appeared, Van La personally came forward to explain. Throughout the preliminary competition, he mobilized three main elves to support remote sensing and monitor the entire area to ensure that no life would be caused. Danger.

Moreover, before entering the teleportation array, each seedling's crystal element was remodified. First, the communication system was completely closed and only locked to the rescue signal.

The next step is to inject an automatic protection system into the crystal. When encountering an attack that exceeds the body's load, a powerful protective shield will be immediately put up. However, this will also mean that you have lost your qualifications and will be directly escorted back to the inner city by the guards.

Under such multiple protections, people who want to use this incident to stir up trouble are completely blocked. After all, in this way, the rigor of this assessment has exceeded that of the grade examination.

You must know that in the annual grade examination, there is no guarantee that all seedlings will be safe and sound. After all, we will face real battles in the future, and no one would be so naive as to think that they can grow into a capable warrior without experiencing setbacks!

Because they will survive there for seven days, each participating seedling is equipped with enough food. There is only a small space in the Jingyuan, so the food is placed in a small backpack. The backpack is not big, so it contains food that is simple to satisfy hunger and easy to preserve. After all...there still has to be some space left to place the Heart of Elements.

Before entering the teleportation array, there is still a short preparation time for the seedlings to check the packages and reasonably distribute all the things they carry...

Mingfei got together with Colin and Dana, and after checking each other's equipment, they began to discuss countermeasures.

In fact, after hearing about the conditions, Mingfei had an idea in his mind.

He glanced at Colin, who obviously also had thoughts, but he said to Mingfei: "You tell me."

Mingfei nodded and said to them: "We will definitely not be separated. We may not even meet a single seedling, and we are also very unfamiliar with elemental monsters. The most important thing is that we have not mastered the offensive spells." "So..." He paused, looked at Dana specifically and said, "Let's not rush! Don't rush to find the elemental monsters. It's best to find a relatively safe place and spend enough time to learn all the spells." , and after you become proficient, go look for elemental monsters, so you can get twice the result with half the effort!”

Colin nodded and fully agreed. He thought so too. This was the best plan. If you attack elemental monsters rashly and you are not proficient in attack skills, you will end up being teleported and losing your qualifications for the assessment. This is not worth the gain.

Dana also understood and nodded to express his understanding.

Colin added: "You must pay attention to safety. Although your life is safe, don't let your body cause serious harm."

Mingfei was still worried about Huang Mao, but the communicator had been locked and could not contact him. There were many seedlings in the hall, and the departments were far apart, so he could not find Huang Mao. Although I was very worried, there was nothing I could do.

Colin happened to look at him at this time, knowing his worry at a glance, and comforted: "He will be fine. The above-average qualifications are not a joke, and with Min Lan here, I guess his skills have already been improved." Learn how to deal with elemental monsters, it won’t be a problem.”

After saying this, Mingfei felt much more at ease. Indeed... the situation at Huang Mao's side must be much better than his own. This is the first level, so there must be no problem!

With his hanging heart settled a little, he reluctantly came back to his senses and started discussing with Colin Dana again.

There was not much time. After a while, the three of them checked each other's equipment again, and after giving more instructions, they had to enter the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is a huge circle with an unknown pattern painted on it. Sky-blue light emanates from the pattern, reaching straight to the roof, looking magnificent and mysterious.

The moment they stepped into the teleportation array, the three of them looked at each other again, seeing the same unswerving look in each other's eyes.

In the first step, they made an appointment to walk together!


The secret of the teleportation array lies in its extraordinary speed, which is close to teleportation. The moment Mingfei's entire body was shrouded in blue light, he also felt a strong pulling sensation, and then his vision went black. Although he did not completely lose consciousness, he was unable to control his body.

However, fortunately, this weird feeling was extremely short-lived. Before he could fully appreciate it, his eyes lit up, his body sank slightly, and he felt a sense of being down to earth.

It seems that he has entered a blank space.

The name is called the Blank Land, but in fact, on this gorgeous planet of Sarsha, never think about what the word blank means.

Mingfei opened his eyes, and what he saw was a wild and sparkling world without any polish. All kinds of jewelry crystals, like the trees growing here, are entangled in various places at will. All kinds of unimaginable colors, but all sparkle amazingly, and the shapes are weird, but because there are no carvings, they show an alternative beauty.

Gorgeous and casual can also create such ultimate beauty.

Rao Mingfei, a real earthling who has become slightly accustomed to Sarsa's characteristics, can't move his eyes away now.

However, his resistance finally improved. After being shocked for a while, he finally came back to his senses and silently hypnotized himself in his heart: These are just colorful stones, don't think too much...

After calming down, Mingfei discovered another serious problem... This place is like the original forest of the earth, but the earth is densely covered with weeds and hidden in swamps, so walking is inconvenient.

But here, it is because it is too smooth or too sharp, making it impossible to walk.

You know, in Sarsha, although the floors are also paved with jade, they are polished and textured to prevent slipping and make walking easier.

But here it is pure wildness, or it is a large piece of gem as bright as a mirror, and you will fall if you step on it. Or there are rows and rows of spiky spar forests. Let alone walking, if you step on it, the big leaves will be penetrated directly...

Mingfei grimaced and slowly moved the big leaf, trying to use his feet as suction cups. Although he walked slowly, he would not fall down.

According to the original plan, he had to find a place to settle down first. Mingfei took a look at this blind spot and discovered a medium-sized cave under a huge alexandrite...

This unexpected discovery made him particularly happy. The distance was not far away, so it was not a problem to move over there to see how the situation was and whether it was suitable for a temporary residence.

Thinking this way, his foot speed increased slightly, but this special environment really did not allow him to walk too fast.

Because there was no one around, Ming Xiaofan, who had been silent, spoke up: "Can I change back?"

Mingfei looked at the slippery crystal ground in front of him. His big leaves could also serve as suckers, but the little elf's tender feet would probably be slippery as soon as they fell down, making him unable to find them...

When he thought of that scene, Mingfei decisively denied it: "Wait a little longer, it's not easy to walk here. Let's wait until we get to the cave ahead to see the situation."

Ming Xiaofan said "hmm".

So, Mingfei carried her bag and began to move forward with difficulty.

After a while, he finally arrived at his destination. He took a deep breath and looked back. He saw that there wasn't much of a way to go, but it took a lot of hard work.

Considering that seven days was not enough time, Mingfei did not intend to waste time and quietly walked into the cave.

Because it is a hole in the middle of a whole piece of jadeite, the sunlight shines on it, and the hole is filled with green light, which makes it look a bit weird and cold...

However, the gemstone floor in this cave is actually naturally frosted, which makes walking much easier. Although it is a bit eerie, the overall conditions are really good, and shelter from wind and rain is not a problem.

Mingfei was in a good mood and was still worried about the state of the twig, so he quickly took it out. Although it hasn't been long, the small branches are already looking a little wilted.

Ming Xiaofan tacitly handed over the basin and the water bottle that had been filled in advance. Mingfei took it and arranged the small branches after some fiddling.

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With a stable place and enough food prepared, Mingfei decided to concentrate on studying magic.

Seven days is a lot less time, but a lot more time. And to get ten elemental hearts, you need to hunt an elemental monster. There are many books in this list.

Mingfei's plan is to use two days to learn the spell, and in the remaining five days, he will hunt an average of two per day. As the skill proficiency increases, it will become easier and easier, so that the task may be completed in less than five days. !

So, the most urgent thing is to read the book quickly.

Unfortunately, there is a saying that goes - plans cannot keep up with changes.

His plan was very beautiful, and if he followed the plan step by step, he would have a chance to succeed. However, there are always many unexpected things in life. Ming Fei thought very carefully, but it was far from perfect.

He had never seen elemental monsters, nor had he studied their habits.

So, naturally, he didn't know that elemental monsters were nocturnal monsters. He didn't know that they would avoid sunlight and fall into a deep sleep during the day.

And... the elemental monsters awakened during the day... would fall into an unprecedented violent state...

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