Reborn as a Pea Shooter

43. Chapter 43 Ming Xiaofan

First published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

The room was empty, the elf had gone.

Ming Fei still stood there as he was, standing there for a long time before sighing.

He walked to the bed step by step. In fact, he was very tired today. If it was an ordinary seedling, he would have fainted long ago due to the high-intensity exercise. Even he felt very tired.

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However, fortunately, he broke through in the end. With the blessing of holy light, his body was relieved a lot, and it was not so uncomfortable.

Ming Fei sat on the bed and looked at the small branch first, but he couldn't get interested at all. But he still knew that he had to change the water for the small branch. He changed the water stiffly and wandered in the void, and didn't know what to do...

Or... go to sleep.

Thinking of this, Ming Fei fell on the bed... There was a window next to the bed, Ming Fei didn't close it tightly, and the cool breeze at night blew in through the gap, which was very uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, Ming Fei always felt that the water courtyard was more deserted than other places, especially at night, when the temperature would drop a few degrees. As the night deepened, the temperature dropped. So there was never anyone in the water courtyard at night, and they all ran back to the house early.

That little elf... wouldn't he be afraid of the cold? He only wore a white shirt...

Ming Fei shook his head fiercely, admonishing himself to mind his own business! This time, he simply covered his head with the quilt, closed his eyes fiercely, and was determined to sleep!

Maybe... he has been picked up and sent to the patrol team... Don't you know what the upper elves look like? From the strict hierarchy and the deep hatred for the hostile planet... you all know what the result will be for him...

Being... tortured...

Then... executed...

With a start, Ming Fei jumped up suddenly, sleeping like a woolen ball! It's strange that he can sleep like this! Knowing that being soft-hearted is a disease, but still can't stop it, what's going on!

He jumped off the bed and roared in his heart: Fuck the dark elves, fuck the hostile races, this kid has no deep hatred for him, except for biting him lightly, he has never done anything to deserve him.

Just because he 'might' be a big trouble, he doesn't care about his life or death, then Ming Fei's past twenty years have been in vain! They say that raising a tiger will bring trouble, but it's still unclear what that little thing is! For an alien, there is probably no difference between a cat and a tiger cub!

Besides, why did he believe that the little thing would bite back? Why did he sentence him to death for such an unknown crime that has not yet happened?

Be soft-hearted! Anyway, he has to live up to his conscience!

Rushing out, Ming Fei was ready to travel a long distance to find the kid, but after opening the door, he was stunned...

It turned out... There was no need to look for it at all.

The elf didn't leave at all, just stood by the door, his small body trembling slightly because of the cold night wind, his originally milky white face was frozen even paler, even his lips were almost transparent... Only his red eyes were still crystal clear, but blank.

Ming Fei's heart skipped a beat... He suddenly felt like he had done something unforgivable... However, when he saw the little ghost, his fearful mood finally calmed down.

When the elf saw Ming Fei coming out, his big red eyes lit up obviously, but then dimmed immediately. He lowered his head and said, "I... I'll leave now."

Ming Fei was stunned, and immediately realized that the little ghost thought he was here to chase him away?

He couldn't help but hold his forehead. In the little ghost's mind, he was already so cold and ruthless?

"Come in quickly, it's freezing."

The elf's foot just stepped out and stopped... The figure with his back to him was a little unbelievable.

Ming Fei was a little embarrassed, coughed, and pretended to be annoyed and said: "If you don't want to come in, I'll close the door." Although he said that, he didn't give the elf a chance to react, and dragged him in by the hand.

Because of the sudden increase in temperature in the room, the almost frozen elf trembled, and the black curly short hair became more crystal-clear because of the mist turning into water... and the pair of red eyes looked at Ming Fei steadily.

Ming Fei felt very uncomfortable when he was looked at by him. Thinking about his previous attitude, he was really embarrassed... How should he start this? Could he tell him that he was joking just now? Or that he regretted it... Wow, this is too awkward.

After struggling for a long time, Ming Fei suddenly realized that a little kid, why did he explain so much? He simply changed the topic and muddled through it. He cleared his throat and said, "What's your name?"

This topic change was really awkward... But fortunately, the elf didn't seem to understand much about the world. He was very obedient because he could stay. His eyes flickered and he thought seriously for a while before saying, "I don't know..."

"Ahem..." In fact, Ming Fei already knew the answer, but he just wanted to change the topic. However, since it was already here, he decided to continue the discussion: "It can't be that there is no name, or I will give it a name."

The elf nodded.

Ming Fei looked at the elf, looked at him for a long time, and thought for a long time with his chin in his hand. Finally, he clenched his left fist and patted his right hand and said, "Why not call it Heimao?" After all, hair is black... How easy to remember.

The elf blinked and said softly, "Okay."

Ming Fei looked at his fair and tender face, and finally felt that this name was still a bit out of place... So he began to think deeply again...

Three minutes later, after Heimao, Heizi, Xiaohei, Hongyan'er, Xiaohong... Mingfei finally sadly discovered that the level of emotion after naming him was on par with Huangmao's. Is that why they are so in love... …

Mingfei finally let go of his brain cells and said helplessly to the elf: "After all, it's your name. Do you have any ideas?"

The elf had always nodded in agreement before, no matter how outrageous the name Mingfei said, he agreed. Now Mingfei asked him, he tilted his head and thought about it seriously, and suddenly a word flashed in his mind, After thinking for a while, he said: "Brahma..."

Mingfei frowned, Fan? Why does it feel familiar... After thinking for a while, he finally realized, oh, it's His Majesty the pretty boy...

However, this can be regarded as the name that the elf came up with on his own. This is not the same as that. So, Ming Fei made a final decision: "Let's call him Xiaofan! Take my last name and it will be Ming Xiaofan!" It sounds much better than Ming Heimao, Ming Heizi, Ming Hongyan...

The elf naturally had no objections and nodded in agreement.

The name was confirmed, but Mingfei was worried about where he would sleep...

There was only one bed in the room. Although the freshly baked classmate Ming Xiaofan looked like a child, his head was actually only a little smaller than the pea sprout Mingfei... The bed the two of them slept in was not big enough. The bed is still a bit crowded...

However, it was already late at night when this was going on, and there was really no time to prepare, so one pea, one elf, and one branch reluctantly squeezed together and fell asleep.

The elf's sleeping posture was excellent, lying quietly on one side, with his hands on his lower abdomen, his fluffy black hair scattered on the pillow, and his red eyes closed, making him look even more peaceful and cute.

The small branch was soaked in the water basin, but he hesitated all night. He wanted to get closer to Mingfei, but he was afraid that the elf next to him would not get closer, and he couldn't help his instinct... so he was too entangled.

In comparison, Wandou Miao Mingfei sleeps unusually undisciplined, not to mention his sleeping position. His big leaves are folded in all directions, forming a large font, and his head is facing east and west. There is never any quiet time...

And... the most shameful thing is that I love to kick the quilt. It's very cold at night, but the quilt can't cover me.

The little elf who was supposed to be taken care of woke up several times during the night, mostly because of the big leaves... So, he silently helped Mingfei cover him with the quilt, and then lay down to sleep.

This night, Mingfei rarely felt cold...

The next day, Mingfei was awakened by the alarm clock set on Jingyuan... He had spent a lot of money to prepare for the three days before the assessment.

However, based on yesterday's unexpected breakthrough, the time has been greatly shortened. According to the plan, now we should study the auxiliary system to continue to improve ourselves.

When he woke up, he found that the elf was still sleeping, but he was no longer lying on his back, but half on his side, with his two small hands under the pillow, his legs slightly curled up, and his short hair falling softly on his face...

Ming Fei secretly smiled, he was indeed a child and rather sleepy. In fact, he had no idea how busy Ming Xiaofan was last night...

He left a note on the table, took out some of the most 'expensive' snacks, stuffed himself with a baguette, and hurried to the classroom.

On the way, he found Dana, who seemed to be in good spirits. Mingfei thought for a while and told him about his breakthrough last night.

Dana was shocked and couldn't believe it. He was able to break through on his own in such a short period of time without any external force. This was too exaggerated...

Ming Fei briefly mentioned that he had been frightened accidentally, and it was a pure accident... and explained the breakthrough technique to Dana, and Dana finally understood, and made a fist to guarantee that he would not be held back, and he would definitely not be held back. Break through as soon as possible!

Mingfei added: "Don't tell anyone about my breakthrough yet. I will go and ask Sewell today to train on my own...and then go to the library to search for auxiliary and shield wall books so that we can continue in the shortest time." Master more skills in less time.”

Dana nodded: "I understand what you mean, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!"

When he arrived in the classroom, Mingfei was surprised to find that there were many people around Sewell... He leaned over and heard that they were all seedlings who came to ask for training... as many as ten.

Mingfei was a little suspicious. Could it be that they had already made a breakthrough, or had a shortcut to a breakthrough?

Before he could get in front of him, Sewell had already asked everyone to sit back in their seats. He stood on the podium and said: "If you want to do your own exercises, you don't need to ask me to explain, just leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dozen or so people who were surrounding him stood up, saluted Sewell and then left. Mingfei also quickly stood up and left with the crowd.

As soon as he left the classroom door, he heard Miao Miao, who was walking in front, saying in relief: "I'm finally free. If I still train like yesterday, I'll die! I've never heard of doing those weird moves." You can break through level one, and it turns out that young teachers are still unreliable.”

Another one also said: "Tch... I'd rather not take the exam than suffer the consequences. I think Sewell is just toying with those fools!"


Mingfei listened silently, but he understood in his heart... It turned out that there was not a shortcut or a breakthrough, but just giving up. Just because of yesterday's little ordeal, I gave up... and even maliciously speculated on the teacher's kindness.

Ming Fei sighed. Everyone has their own ambitions. There are many people who give up easily. There is no need to take it to heart... I just feel a little sorry for Seville. However, given Seville's personality... he won't care at all.

Thinking of this, Ming Fei didn't bother about it anymore.

He originally wanted to go directly to the library, but now he has another worry and he is not sure about Ming Xiaofan, so he decided to go back to the dormitory first.

He returned to the original route and opened the door. The elf seemed to have just woken up, and his big eyes were still a little confused.

Ming Fei asked him to get up and eat, saying, "I'm going to the library in a while, and I may be back very late."

The elf who was frowning and looking at the chloroplast pizza was stunned and looked up at him.

Ming Fei continued, "You can't walk out of here, understand?"

The elf looked at Ming Fei and said in a soft voice, "I'll go with you."

In fact, Ming Fei was worried about him being alone here, but... with black hair and red eyes, he would probably be arrested without even having to walk if he took him out...

He explained to the elf, "I can't take you out in this state..."

The elf frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "What about this?"

'Bang...' A burst of white mist suddenly rose.

Ming Fei was stunned for a moment, and when the white mist dissipated, his eyes widened completely...

Hey hey... what on earth happened!

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