Reborn as a Pea Shooter

101, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

This time, Ming Fei did not rely on Fanla to transform, but under his guidance, he experienced it for a while.

However, Ming Fei could only simulate an external surface, but he was not good at the internal elemental properties, so he left it completely to Fanla.

After the two were armed, the chubby little branch became particularly eye-catching. The little branch blinked its brown eyes and just wanted to act coquettishly to Ming Fei, but it felt the sharp sight whizzing around.

So, it pouted and said aggrievedly: "I... I can become the way I was before and stay in the crystal..."

Ming Fei frowned. Of course, he could feel the pressure from Fanla on the little branch, but in the current situation, to be honest, it was safest to let the little branch stay in the crystal. Although this little thing was afraid of the dark, if there was any accident, it would be more harm than good.

Therefore, it could only be wronged.

After a few more coaxings, the little branch pursed its mouth and hid in the crystal aggrievedly.

Vanla and Mingfei then walked towards the center of the base.

Speaking of which, although they could change exactly, they could not obtain the memories of the two people. The only information they had was obtained during the previous ambush.

The dark elf Vanla changed into was called Sachi and Mingfei changed into Kaido.

Apart from the names and some insignificant words, there was no other information, which was really risky.

But there was no other way. What was being tested now was the ability to adapt to circumstances.

However, Vanla still had other plans. The existence of intelligent brains was indispensable in any base. As long as they could enter the interior and avoid the mind shield, it would be easy to invade the intelligent brain.

By then, they would know everything.

Coincidentally, the two had not walked a few steps when an elf came over from afar. He waved to Vanla and Mingfei and said anxiously: "Emergency meeting, hurry back to the headquarters."

Vanla and Mingfei looked at each other and did not speak, but followed.

Just when they were worried about no one to lead the way, one came up.

The elf who came over was called Kachia. His clothes were no different from theirs. He looked like he was at the same level. He seemed to be very familiar with them from the conversation. He kept talking all the way and chattered a lot.

Ming Fei was guilty and didn't dare to interrupt, for fear of being exposed. Vanla didn't say much, but he cleverly followed Kachia's words in his conversation, and said every word without revealing anything, so that Kachia didn't notice anything unusual.

He even got a lot of words inadvertently.

However, in order not to be suspected, he didn't dare to really test anything, but it would be too strange if he didn't say a word along the way.

The location of the base surprised Ming Fei a little.

Although he had made mental preparations, such as being built underground in the water, he had suspected all kinds of guesses, but he didn't expect that it was actually suspended in the air.

And the whole color is translucent, and it can't be found without a close look. This special material similar to invisibility shocked Ming Fei.

At this time, Fanla explained to him through his thoughts that this special material is actually a rare crystal. The wonder of it is that it is not transparent, or it should be said that it has no color. Its ability is to absorb all the light and shadows projected, and then release them, creating the illusion of real existence.

This material is not simply transparent. If it is just transparent, then the information inside will be completely exposed. It is unilaterally transparent and can cover the inside, but it also becomes transparent to the outside because of the illusion.

Because of this absorption and refraction, anything made of it has a similar effect of invisibility. It is not real invisibility, but deceiving vision.

However, while deceiving vision, it also opens a powerful thought shielding shield, so it is almost real invisibility.

Ming Fei was very surprised. Could it be that the legendary invisibility cloak is also made of this special material?

This thought flashed by, and another thought followed closely. He couldn't help but say to Fanla: "This material is very expensive, right? '

'Yes, it is absolutely beyond your imagination. '

Ming Fei did not ask any more questions. As the ruler of a country, Vanla said such a thing. There is no doubt that the price of this thing is beyond words.

What worries Ming Fei is that such a huge base appeared on a deserted planet, and the entire base was made of such unimaginable luxury materials. How important is this existence?

Originally, he thought it was just a branch base of a planet, but now, he directly denied it. This base must have a big man of Zanmu Bo, or it should be said that it is the location of some important secrets.

But now, there is no point in hesitation. Having come to this point, he can only go on with his head held high.

As if sensing his nervousness, Vanla glanced at him and comforted him slightly.

Ming Fei felt the comfort from Vanla at the place where thoughts were connected, and he felt relieved.

The three of them took a flying vehicle, approached the base, walked through a corridor of the same material, and stopped at the end.

Kachia turned his head and looked at Mingfei, smiling and saying, "Little Kaido, let you go first this time, don't say I always bully you."

Mingfei was stunned for a long time before he realized that she was calling him.

But he didn't understand what Kachia was saying. What did he mean by let him go first? What did he mean?

Seeing that he was about to enter the base, he never expected that something like this would happen. Mingfei's heart suddenly rose to his throat, knowing that if he said something wrong or did something wrong, his secret would be exposed!

Kachia was still looking at him with a smile.

Mingfei was extremely nervous. At this time, Fanla's voice sounded in his mind: "Don't be anxious, just follow his wishes."

Mingfei reluctantly calmed down and couldn't help but respond to Kachia. He thought for a while and decided to take a gamble based on Kachia's tone.

Pretending to be dissatisfied, Ming Fei looked at Kachia and said, "Who cares about you giving in?"

Kachia was stunned, but this surprise caused Mingfei to break into a cold sweat... His palms clenched into balls unconsciously, and even Van La was already on alert and prepared for the worst.

But he was just stunned for a moment. Kachia looked at Mingfei and said narrowly: "You boy, are you ambitious?" After saying that, he glanced at Fanla again, smiled and said: "I think you are timid and scared. So be tough."

Mingfei snorted coldly and turned his head.

Kachia stopped teasing him and smiled contentedly. He stretched out his hand and touched an almost undetectable point on the upper right. Then a red light flashed, revealing a pure black door in the originally empty place. Kachia pushed the door open, turned around and waved to the two of them and said, "I'll take a step first, follow me." Then he looked at Mingfei and winked: "Little Kaido, don't cry out of fear. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared in an instant.

It was only then that Mingfei's heart finally fell to the ground. The forced expression on his face could no longer be maintained, and his palms were clenched tightly, leaving traces on his nails. As for his back, it had been wet with cold sweat earlier. Fortunately, he was wearing a stiff black military uniform, so there was nothing unusual about it.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked at Van La with lingering fear.

Fanla had been watching him, and these details naturally fell into his eyes. When he met Mingfei's eyes that were moistened unconsciously due to nervousness, his heart softened and he couldn't help but hold his hand and whispered: "It's okay. You did very well."

Mingfei forced a smile and said, "Let's go in quickly."

Valla nodded, followed Kachia's example, reached out and touched the button, and as soon as he pulled out, a black door appeared.

Fanla held Mingfei's hand tightly, and the two of them pushed open the door together. Then a strong pulling force came. Before any reaction, the body was already falling rapidly!

The body was almost unable to bear the overwhelming feeling, there was a roar in the ears, a strong sense of weightlessness came over, and the whole body seemed to be out of control.

At this critical moment, Fan La put his arms around Ming Fei and held Ming Fei in his arms. The two of them were close to each other, and the warmth coming through their clothes brought a stream of heat to the inescapable rush.

Gradually, his body adapted and Mingfei's spirit also recovered.

At this time, Fanla’s voice came: ‘Follow me. ’

Thoughts followed closely. When he first entered the door, the barrier of thoughts had been lifted. Fanla's thoughts invaded the system as quickly as possible. He waited until Mingfei got used to it before calling him together.

Mingfei's thoughts are no longer empty. Because of his previous training, he has mastered the trick and knows how to digest and absorb to help Fanla share this massive amount of information.

Instead of absorbing the same information together with Valla, they work together through division of labor. Valla copies and reads a large amount of information at an astonishing speed exceeding the speed of light, while Mingfei also attacks in the other direction at a speed close to the speed of light.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

The countless information stored in the brain of the base is like a huge piece of pizza, quickly eaten from different angles by two people who have a tacit understanding.

If you can no longer determine what information is needed in a short period of time, then simply swallow it whole! This is also the main purpose of the two people sneaking into the base.

During the constant digestion, Ming Fei felt a little regretful, but it was a pity that the small branch was hidden in the crystal. If it was carried close to the body, with the combination of the thoughts and feelings of the three of them, the speed would definitely increase to a greater level!

However, it is useless to think about this. If the twig does not exist in the wonderful isolated space of Jingyuan, the heresy may be discovered.

The body's descent was slowing down, and the two realized that they were about to reach their destination.

But the competition between SiSense and the database is still going on.

However, after arriving at the destination, this intrusion will inevitably slow down, because it requires distraction to talk to others and maintain the changes in the body.

Therefore, when his feet landed on the ground, Mingfei retracted all his thoughts, and Fanla also retracted one-third.

Opening their eyes, the two separated from each other.

Fanla walked in front, Mingfei followed behind him.

After walking a few steps, there was a dazzling light in front of him. Mingfei squinted his eyes, but was suddenly startled. In the dazzling white light, he vaguely saw Fanla's anxious expression, but... he couldn't move.

There was a sharp pain in his lower back, and then all the strength in his body disappeared, and he completely lost control of his body.

At this time, a lazy voice sounded: "If you don't want him to die, don't resist."

Mingfei couldn't move his body, but his consciousness was very clear. He saw a person sitting on a large high-backed chair directly in front of him. He was wearing a pure black dress, with purple hair behind him, but half of his face was hidden in a strange look. Behind the mask, the only exposed chin is a cold and ruthless line.

It was this person who spoke, and what he said was obviously directed at Van La.

The light gathered in Van La's palm suddenly extinguished, and he stood tall, his gaze far-reaching and unafraid.

The stranger stood up from his chair, his robe dragging on the ground. He wore delicate white gloves on his hands, crossed his hands, and turned his head slightly, as if talking to the void: "My princess, how much database loss?"

A sweet and pleasant voice sounded out of thin air: "The invasion is as high as 30%."

The stranger paused, his expression hidden behind the mask was unclear, but his eyes were much colder: "Immediately perform self-repair."


After communicating with the intelligent brain, he walked down the platform and stopped five meters away from Vanla. He curled his lips and said softly: "In just 30 seconds, he was able to plunder 30%. The consciousness can reach such a high speed. Let me guess... the two are..."

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