Two hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters...

Li Chengyu never reached his destination.

Even though the water in the Spanish sea was extremely clear, the sunlight on the sea surface could not penetrate at all, and the surroundings turned completely dark.

Fortunately, Li Chengyu's physique had already surpassed the scope of ordinary creatures, and he also had some immortal cultivation.

So even in such an environment, he could still see everything around him clearly.

Eight hundred meters, one thousand meters, one thousand three hundred meters...

The pressure on Li Chengyu began to increase.

At this point, conventional submarines could no longer reach it.

If he had been before practicing Qiankun Zhenjing, he would not have been able to withstand such a strong pressure.

But after practicing the new technique, he absorbed several rounds of initial heaven and earth aura, as well as some flexible chaotic aura.

His strength has achieved a qualitative leap, and it is still far from his limit.

When he reached a position of one thousand six hundred meters, Li Chengyu finally touched the bottom of the sea.

However, the depth he was currently in had completely eliminated the beautiful underwater scenery.

The colorful corals, seaweeds, and various gorgeous fish were completely isolated from this place.

Only some extremely ugly creatures such as swallowing eels, viper fish, anglerfish, giant isopods, etc. lived here.

The entire seabed was covered with gray deep-sea sediments.

However, through these deep-sea sediments, Li Chengyu could still see some human buildings.

However, most of these buildings were in ruins, and only some houses built with solid rocks could vaguely see their original appearance.

And less than a hundred meters away from Li Chengyu, there was a cave that was about to be submerged by deep-sea sediments.

Of course, it was not a cave, but just the gate of a castle.

With the passage of long years, there was only a narrow space left to enter this gate.

Li Chengyu could clearly sense that strands of pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth were constantly pouring out of the cave.

He no longer hesitated and went straight in.


Suddenly, a huge tentacle stretched out from the back of the cave entrance towards Li Chengyu.

On the tentacle, there were bowl-sized suction cups.

And around the suction cups, there were needle-like spikes.

Once ordinary creatures were entangled by it, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, Li Chengyu had already anticipated the attack of the tentacle.

He glared at his left front, and a powerful mental shock wave spread out.

After the owner of the tentacle endured this shock wave, he immediately lost his life and drooped down directly.

It was a huge deep-sea octopus with eight long tentacles and a circumference of more than ten meters.

Ordinary sharks would probably only become food in front of it.

But now facing Li Chengyu, it couldn't even bear a glance.

However, Li Chengyu's face was not very good either.

"I didn't expect that an octopus would get there first."

The initial spiritual energy of this spiritual energy revival source has already dissipated a lot.

And the flexible chaotic spiritual energy contained in it is only about half of that in the previous caves.

Li Chengyu estimated that a considerable part of them was absorbed by the deep-sea octopus in front of him.

Because the largest deep-sea octopus found in the world so far has a circumference of only 9.1 meters.

But the one in front of him has reached a full thirteen meters.

At the same time, Li Chengyu can clearly feel that there is still some mysterious energy in the octopus's body that has not been completely digested.

This powerful energy is constantly transforming the octopus's body.

And it has freed it from the shackles of race and can grow without limit.

If Li Chengyu didn't kill it today.

Then this octopus is very likely to become the overlord of the sea in the future.

It is not a dream to grow to hundreds of meters or thousands of meters one day.

In addition, when it absorbs all the mysterious energy in the body, it may even produce some magical powers, automatically learn several innate magical powers, and become one of the protagonists between heaven and earth.

However, the future that has not yet taken off has been completely extinguished today.

Li Chengyu sat cross-legged in this dark and deep underwater space and began to practice the Qiankun Zhenjing Gong method, fully absorbing the remaining initial spiritual energy and flexible chaotic spiritual energy here.

And all kinds of spiritual energy nearby also swarmed in and continued to sink into his body.

Li Chengyu's previous dantian and meridians were completely dissolved by the Qiankun Zhenjing some time ago.All absorbed by the body.

But now he has a new true essence in his Dantian and meridians.

Well, it may not be called true essence.

Because this mysterious energy obtained by practicing the Qiankun Sutra, its strength and purity have long exceeded the scope of true essence.

Even the immortal essence that Li Chengyu had in his previous life was far inferior to it.

This powerful force is very likely the magic power recorded in ancient myths.

Li Chengyu didn't expect that in the early stage of practicing the Qiankun Sutra, he would directly obtain the powerful power that he had always dreamed of in his previous reincarnations.

However, he is still in the foundation-building stage, and the magic power in his body is very scarce, so he can't perform too powerful spells.

Fortunately, Li Chengyu's cultivation realm is finally about to usher in a new breakthrough.

When he practiced deep in the sea for almost two days, the surrounding initial spiritual energy had been absorbed by him.


A faint sound suddenly came out from Li Chengyu's body.

As if he had gotten rid of some kind of restraint, his physical strength began to increase rapidly, and the mana in his meridians became more turbulent.

And the various spiritual energies in the castle space seemed to have been pressed on the acceleration key, and were constantly absorbed by Li Chengyu's body at a speed several times faster than before.

Only half an hour later, all the initial spiritual energy and chaotic spiritual energy around him were consumed by him.

Fortunately, this is one of the nine sources of spiritual energy recovery. Even after the initial spiritual energy is absorbed, new spiritual energy will soon emerge to continuously supply his cultivation needs.

Time passed by bit by bit, and half a day passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Chengyu, who was immersed in cultivation, finally consolidated the new realm and began to slowly finish his practice.

"Well, this method is really different."

Li Chengyu stood up, carefully felt his own condition, and thought silently.

According to the general cultivation process, after the foundation-building stage comes the golden elixir stage.

At that time, a round golden elixir will condense in the dantian of the body.

And cultivating the golden elixir also means that the cultivator has broken free from the shackles of the mundane world and is on the road to cultivating immortals.

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