"Director! It's not good!"

Director Gao saw that his female secretary looked anxious, as if she had something important to report.

"Xiao Tang, I have told you so many times that you should be calm at any time."

"Look at you now, you have not grasped the essence of it at all."

"Let's go to the hotel together tonight and teach you again."

Director Gao looked at the young and beautiful face of the female secretary, interrupted her anxious words, and said teasingly.

In his opinion, the current life is simply better than living a god.

The position under his buttocks is extremely stable, and the other old guys in Optoelectronics have no possibility of squeezing him out, so what bad things will happen.

"Director, it's really a big deal."

"There are a lot of articles on the Internet about you keeping mistresses, owning multiple properties and naked officials!"

"Let's think of a way quickly to see if we can save it."

Secretary Tang ignored Director Gao's ridicule and continued to speak excitedly.


"Which website dares to expose me?!"

"Don't they review these articles before publishing?"

When Director Gao heard what the secretary said, he stood up from his chair.

He even tripped over the tea beside him.

It was no secret in the circle that he kept a mistress and had multiple properties.

But no one dared to report such things, and ordinary reports were of no use to him.

Director Gao had already arranged all kinds of relationships.

He didn't have to do anything himself, the relevant departments would help him suppress the problem.

And he thought he was also very safe on the Internet.

After all, the China Optoelectronics Administration is one of the competent departments of those Internet companies. Director Gao is a powerful figure in optoelectronics. Who dares to offend him?

Let alone him. On the entire Internet, there is no improper behavior of any employee of the optoelectronics department. All you see are praises.

But now the secretary said that there are a lot of articles on the Internet that violate the law.

Which Internet company has such courage? Do they still want to survive! ?

"Director Gao, it was Feixun Group that first exposed you."

"Afterwards, these articles were forwarded by many self-media and big Vs."

"Now many related articles have appeared on the top Internet platforms such as Podcast, Wangyi, Sohu, Qiandu, etc., and even directly rushed to the hot search list of each platform."

Secretary Tang was completely unsteady and looked anxious.

Director Gao is her backer in the Optoelectronics Bureau. If he falls, then her future life will not be easy.

Especially in the past two years, she has relied on the solid backer to exclude and bully other colleagues in the Optoelectronics Bureau, and has offended many people.

If Director Gao did not support her, she would have a hard time in the future.

"Don't panic, contact all the major Internet platforms first and ask them to immediately remove the hot searches and delete the relevant articles."

"Then issue a statement on the Internet to ask the majority of netizens not to spread rumors or believe in them!"

"And I will contact Feixun in person now to see where they got the courage to publish such an article!"

Director Gao suppressed his anger and made arrangements one by one.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart why Feixun would expose his various illegal and disorderly things on the Internet.

It should be caused by the letter he asked Huaguo Optoelectronics to send to Xingyu Entertainment two days ago to revoke its program production license.

After all, Xingyu Entertainment and Feixun are in the same group and stand on the same front, so Director Gao can understand it.

But understanding is understanding, and such things have happened many times in China in the past.

Other groups did not resist, so why did your Li Chengyu Group dare to resist! ?

You are so rebellious!

However, the matter has been exposed, and Director Gao still has some regrets in his heart.

He didn't expect the other party to be so stubborn that he didn't even give face to the China Optoelectronics Administration.

Otherwise, he would have weighed it before taking action, or even simply not taken this hot potato, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

Unfortunately, everything was too late.

Director Gao could only try to calm the situation first, and wait until the storm was over before deciding whether to settle accounts with the other party.

He quickly found the mobile phone number of Jiang Mingqi, the general manager of Feixun, through the internal data platform of Optoelectronics, and then called him directly.

The phone was connected after a few rings.

"Hello, I am the director of the office of the China Optoelectronics Administration, my surname is Gao."

"There are a lot of slanderous remarks about me on your Feixun public account platform, you must get rid of it as soon as possibleDelete them completely."

"Otherwise, if serious consequences are caused, it is not something that your Feixun Group can afford."

Director Gao did not speak in an official tone on the phone, and went straight to the point.

"Oh? Director Gao of the China Optoelectronics Administration?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what the slanderous remarks you are talking about are."

Jiang Mingqi's faint voice came from the other side.

"It's those articles about me keeping mistresses, multiple properties, and naked officials!"

Director Gao heard that the other party seemed to be pretending to be confused, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.

"You keep mistresses, multiple properties, and naked officials?"

"Oh, according to the analysis and comparative search of our staff, it has been confirmed that the contents of those articles are real."

"And it's not the slander you said, Director Gao."

"Like this kind of legal and compliant articles that truly disclose information, we will not delete them at will."

"To delete them, the relevant departments need to issue a notice. ”

“Director Gao, your personal phone call is not counted.”

The voice of Jiang Mingqi on the other side was still very calm.

“Director Jiang, you Feixun Group is determined to go against me?”

“Don’t think that Feixun is doing well now, but we, the China Optoelectronics Bureau, have a hundred ways to deal with you!”

Director Gao saw that he had called in person, but the other party was still so ungrateful, and his voice suddenly became louder.

“Haha, then we will wait and see.”

Jiang Mingqi’s chuckle came from the other side again, as if he didn’t take Director Gao seriously at all.

And after saying this, the other party hung up the phone directly, leaving no place for the curse that was about to be sprayed.

“Bang! "

Director Gao looked at the teacup that was tilted on the desk, picked it up and threw it on the ground, breaking it into pieces.

Since he took his current position at the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, he has been flattered wherever he goes. He has never been treated like this before!

It is totally unjust! It is totally lawless!

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