Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1977: : Endless Hate (2)

"I know you are not afraid of death, so I didn't plan to let you die at all." Bai Chen came to the gray wolf, stepped on his head, stomped his face on the ground, and then forcefully Crushed.

Rubbing and rubbing, it looks very interesting.

Feeling the heavy gravity from above his head, the face of the gray wolf was already **** and blood was red on the ground at the moment, and he didn't even have the strength to resist.

"I said, you don't want to get any information about the master from my mouth!"

The face was ground and changed, and the wolf was still roaring hysterically.

But Bai Chen was in it, and as he flicked his finger, a strange black flame fell on the gray wolf's arm.

At this moment, the Primordial Chaos Flame began to blaze in his hand, and within a moment, the burnt smell pervaded.

The **** eyes stared at the gradually scorched flesh and blood of his arm, and the white and yellowed bones, sweat fell like rain, the old eyes of the gray wolf Gujing gradually closed, allowing him to ravage.

Seeing the black flame spread from his arm to his shoulders, Bai Chen's mouth twitched, and suddenly he held the Fengshen Sword, swept it past, and Canglang's left arm was cut off.

Kicking away the severed arm, he squatted down and took out a sapphire porcelain vase from his waist.

Open the mouth of the bottle, and inside is a hemostatic medicine.

A pill was delivered into Canglang's mouth, Bai Chen's handprint moved, and he whispered softly: "Bin Shen Ling."

With a sound of falling, the golden light flew out of his palm in an instant, and finally fixed the wolf to the wall.

"Drunk Eight Immortals! Are you really a disciple of Cat Emperor!"

Hearing the horror of the wolf, Bai Chen smiled indifferently, "No comment."



Boom boom boom boom...


Jiang Xiaofan and Jiang Chen stood far away outside the cave, and they heard bangs from inside the cave. Even if they couldn't see them, they knew what Bai Chen would do to the wolf.

"He didn't use that long-haired monster as a sandbag, did he?" Jiang Chen couldn't help his horror at the sound of fists.

"Who knows, but this person must be En Gong's enemy, so En Gong is so angry."

"Okay, let Egong go on his way, I'm going to get some food."

Jiang Chen pouted his lips disapprovingly and walked out.


The bursts of fists continued from the night to the second night.

Jiang Chen also cooked the hot soup for the fifth time outside the cave.

Finally, Bai Chen dragged his tired body out.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen was overjoyed and hurriedly took a bowl of hot soup and ran over: "Yun Gong is hungry, drink a bowl of hot soup."

Originally, Bai Chen wasn't hungry, but seeing Jiang Chen's small face, which was not dyed with Fendai, was also unkempt at the moment. He had no choice but to smile and took the hot soup.

After taking two sips at will, Bai Chen suddenly discovered that Jiang Chen's craftsmanship is very good. As a lady, he still has such cooking skills. It is really not easy.

Seeing Bai Chen's complexion improved, Jiang Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Gongong, who exactly is there?"

"People from Wanchao Pavilion."

Bai Chen said lightly.

Wanchao Pavilion?

"Do you have any grudges between En Gong and Wan Chao Ge?"

Jiang Chen looked curiously.

Bai Chen nodded, the sharpness of his eyes was revealed: "A sea of ​​blood and a deep hatred."

! !

Hearing these words, Jiang Chen's eyes changed in an instant.

She stood up coldly, and walked towards the cave.

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen frowned: "Don't go in, you will be sick!"

"No, I am not a vase in the greenhouse."

Jiang Chen picked up a stone casually and walked directly into the cave without heeding Bai Chen's advice.

Soon, there was a bang again in the cave, the sound of rocks hitting.

Unexpectedly, this little girl was very ruthless when she moved her hands. Bai Chen gave a wry smile, thinking that it is not without reason that the Jiang brothers and sisters have been able to stand firm in Jinzhou for so many years.

After eating and drinking, Bai Chen walked into the cave and forcibly pulled Jiang Chen out. At this time, Jiang Chen's blue dress was covered with blood.

"Go find a place to take a good shower, and leave the torture to me."

Bai Chen walked into the cave again.

Immediately afterwards, a fist fell, and ripples again shook.


In this way, Bai Chen would treat the Canglang as a sandbag every day, playing hard from morning to night.

In the morning seven days later, the gray wolf finally became unbearable and swallowed his last breath.

As a member of the Deep Blue Comet, Canglang defended his dignity with death, and a strong man in the chaos realm just died under Bai Chen's boxing.

The cave was filled with the smell of blood, Jiang Chen was still cleaning in the cave, Bai Chen and Jiang Xiaofan were sitting by the campfire, looking at the shining galaxy in the sky, drinking and chatting joyfully.

It has to be said that by beating the Canglang alive, Bai Chen can be said to be soothing and invigorating, and at the same time happy.

In the next time, he continued to let the Jiang family's secret whistle go out and always pay attention to the great changes in the world, while he stayed in the mountains to practice.


on the other hand.

Under the guidance of Shadow Dragon, Fatty Guo also embarked on a new path of cultivation.

It is the canyon plain between the two Tongtian peaks, and there is a huge ancient temple.

There was originally only Shadow Dragon in the ancient hall, but Susu and others came to harass, breaking the long-lost tranquility.

Susu and Ye Luo both stood in the room, looking into the distance along the window, and they could see the golden light behind the mountain, rising up into the sky from time to time.

"Unexpectedly, there is really only one person in the altar of falling dragon, wouldn't he feel lonely?" Ye Luo frowned.

"He should have been accustomed to such loneliness." Susu turned his eyes to look at the lawn outside the temple, where there were two figures sitting cross-legged, doing selfless cultivating day and night.

Both Han Lingsha and Zi Mo regarded Ting Xue as their greatest enemy, one was the lifelong disability of the foster father who was killed by Ting Xue, and the other was the grandfather's death in the hands of Ting Xue.

However, with their talents, it would take at least tens of thousands of years for Han Lingsha to surpass Ting Xue, and Zi Mo would never have such a possibility.

Susu clenched his right fist in grief, staring directly at the rolling clouds on the horizon, and couldn't help but move.

Even if it was her, she was not Ting Xue's one-of-a-kind general. The only ones who could really avenge the three senior brothers were Bai Chen and Guo Fatty.

Pinning hopes on the two of them is the only thing Susu can do right now, she can only watch it quietly, and doing more is useless.

Ye Luo put his hands on the window sill, staring at the distant mountains around him, he couldn't help but be a little curious: "Isn’t it said that the place where the **** of destruction fell was here, but why hasn’t been here for so long? It."

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