Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1939: : Liu Xiner's guess

"So far you still refuse to trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't want you to know this secret and be implicated!" Qin Ruoruo insisted, because this secret is really implicated.

So she can't risk the lives of the Jiang brothers and sisters.

Seeing that Qin Ruoruo was so stubborn, Jiang Chen had a bitter face and had to give up the questioning. It seemed that everything could only be discussed after his brother came back.


At night in Yanzhou, the streets were silent, because Fen Tianzong's aggressive search for Qin Ruoruo made the entire Yanzhou quiet in panic.

But even so, there is still a brave master who walks on the street at night.

A few drunks wore ragged clothes, walking in the alleys, cursing all the way.

"What kind of **** Qin Ruoruo is just a person who betrayed Tianzong Fen Tianzong, why should we all the people of Yanzhou pay for her!"

"That's right, I think the Burning Heaven Sect is bullying people with power. They have defectors, what should we do~"

"Brother, look at it!"

At this moment, the thin man among the three suddenly raised his finger to the distance.

At the end of the street, a small blue-robed woman was walking towards this side.

Under the cold moonlight, the woman's face in the ice world was very eye-catching. Although she was a little loli, she was still beautiful and indispensable.

These three people were originally this famous land ruffian, the people who lived at the bottom. They suddenly saw such a beautiful person this big night, and every night, there was no one in the silence, and they suddenly felt evil.

"Hey hey, little beauty, aren't you afraid to walk alone on the street at this night? Do you want to find a place to play with the three of our brothers~"

The boss headed by the three, shaking his back and waist, strode to the woman's side, raised his big hand, and grabbed her by the fragrant shoulder.

But at this moment, the woman lifted Bai Temp's small hand like lightning, and she grabbed that person's palm in an instant.

With a creak, the man's five fingers were directly broken onto the back of his hand!


The severe pain of the broken fingers caused the man to cry loudly on the spot, but the next moment, the woman's fingers swept across the air, and the man's body was completely divided into two.

"Weird, monster!"

After witnessing this appalling scene with their own eyes, the two of them immediately sobered up, turned and ran away crying.

Hearing the sound of the wind behind them, the two fell silent in a pool of blood.

"Even I dare to provoke, a bunch of foolish fools!"

Ting Xue waved the blood stains casually and continued to move forward. At this moment, several disciples of Fen Tianzong wearing red robes rushed to hear the movement.

When everyone saw the three dead in the streets, they looked at Ting Xue and said, "Who are you, but Qin Ruoruo's accomplice?"

"Qin Ruoruo?"

Hearing the name, Ting Xue raised her small face indifferently, and her beautiful eyes showed a touch of contempt: "Does that kind of ants deserve to be compared with me?"

"What, what do you mean?!"

Everyone in Burning Tianzong was shocked.

Qin Ruoruo, the traveler, is an ant?

Just when they were confused, Ting Xue suddenly passed the street like a black lightning.

When her back disappeared under the night sky, a dozen people from Fen Tianzong instantly exploded into blood mist and drifted away.

Appearing on an eaves under the moon, Ting Xue with arms around her chest, proudly looked around at the countless figures of Fen Tianzong disciples around her, she couldn't help but frowned, "What is going on with this Fen Tianzong? How did you look for Qin Ruoruo's whereabouts with such fanfare?"

She suddenly became a little curious about what Fen Tianzong's intention was.


After another half a month, Fen Tianzong still failed to find Qin Ruoruo's whereabouts. Seeing the deadline was approaching, Sheng Xin was already on the verge of madness.

Even if he escaped from the Burning Heaven Sect, he would not be willing. Finally, he and Liu Lang were the only four masters of Burning Heaven Sect. Once Liu Lang has three strengths and two shortcomings in the future, he is most likely to become Burning Heaven Sect. Candidates for the elders.

After finally getting to this step of the field, how could he be willing.

Just when Shengxin was desperate, a letter was suddenly delivered to him.


In a restaurant wing room, there is no singing and dancing, and there is no pleasant atmosphere.

Sheng Xin sat at the table, staring at the woman with a golden hairpin on her face and a graceful face. She couldn't help but frown: "Liu Xin'er, you specifically asked me to come here, why?"

"Look at what you said, I can't find you out for a drink if you are fine~" Liu Xiner is the daughter of the Liu family, the richest man in Yanzhou. From her golden glazed dress and red makeup face, It is not difficult to see her nobility.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Liu family may be a rich and powerful person who can't afford to provoke, but in front of Fen Tianzong, the Shang clan is a shit.

Moreover, Shengxin has not much time left now, and he is not in the mood to drink with her, and immediately stands up impatiently: "I think you are really idle and boring!"

Seeing Sheng Xin was about to leave, Liu Xin'er didn't stop her, playing with the wine glass at will, taking a sip, and then faintly said: "If I said I might be able to guess where Qin Ruoruo is?"

! !

As soon as this remark came out, Sheng Xin's steps froze immediately.

"After this glass of wine, I will tell you my opinion~"

Hearing this, Sheng Xin took the wine glass, looked at the light red mark on the mouth of the glass, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

After drinking it all, Shengxin sat down: "Can you tell me this time?"

"Okay~" Liu Xiner's beautiful eyes were gentle, she deliberately leaned forward a certain amount, and then deliberately lowered it: "Just imagine that since Qin Ruoruo has been seriously injured, it proves that she can't escape far. Zhou, besides your Fen Tianzong and my Liu family, which family dare to take her in?"

"Dare to take her in?" Ignoring the whiteness in front of him, Shengxin stared at him: "Could you say it was the Jiang family?"

"It's all right at one point, it's worthy of a victory hero, the little girl admires it very much~"

"Put away your set!" Sheng Xin said with a cold face and indifferently: "The business dispute between your Liu family and the Jiang family is a matter between you. Don't use me to help you get rid of the Jiang family. They just A Shang clan would never dare to be an enemy of my Fen Tianzong!"

"Really? That's just your cognition." Liu Xin'er sat up and said meaningfully: "The Jiang family's brothers and sisters have always been kind, and they are also famous in Yanzhou. If Qin Ruoruo touched Ni Lin is something harmful to the people of the world. With the nature of the Jiang family’s brothers and sisters, even if they carry the disaster on their backs, they will definitely help each other. Besides, my people have found that Jiang Chen has not come out for a long time, and most What is surprising is that Jiang Xiaofan, who went to the imperial capital to talk about business, suddenly returned to Jiang’s family this morning. Think about it, why this seemingly peaceful Jiang’s family suddenly did nothing, so Jiang Xiaofan hurriedly Recruiting it? Isn’t it worth your thoughts~"

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