Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1716: : It really is Wanchao Pavilion!

Water Spirit Skill? !

Everyone was shocked when they heard that, someone performed spiritual skills here last night?

Aunt Jiang was stunned, and then she bit her red lip with her teeth, and said with a shy charm: "This is not a water element spiritual skill, this, oh, you child, how can I say it?"

The shy and unspeakable picture fell into Su Yue's eyes, making her seem to have guessed something, and quickly pulled Bai Chen back with hot cheeks: "Bai Chen, don't talk nonsense, we don't understand some things."

"That's because you don't understand." Bai Chen pushed away her little hand helplessly, then showed a smile, and looked at Aunt Jiang with interest: "There is a kind of pill in this world called Hua Yao Dan, I don't know. Have you heard of it?"

As soon as she said this, Aunt Jiang immediately shook her face and looked away: "You, what demon pill you are talking about, I don't understand..."

"Oh? Don't you really understand?" Bai Chen showed a playful look.

Seeing that, Zhao Xiaoyun immediately stopped in front of Aunt Jiang, his handprint moved, and the silver spear was already in his palm.

"Zhao Xiaoyun, what are you doing!" Su Yue was shocked.

Zhao Xiaoyun was furious: "Ask me what am I doing? Senior Sister Su, what are you doing by this guy? What is he doing!"

"He is the distinguished guest sent by Apocalypse Academy to help us!" Su Yue jumped with anger.

"What distinguished guest, you can trust Tianqi Academy, I can't be trusted!" Zhao Xiaoyun turned to Bai Chen angrily, holding a long spear, unstoppable: "I tell you, never want to bully Aunt Jiang again, otherwise I will be rude to you!"

Unexpectedly, the situation turned out to be like this. Su Yue's complexion flushed red and was about to step forward, but was caught by a palm.

Bai Chen stopped her, and immediately smiled calmly: "Zhao Xiaoyun, I know that people rumors that I am compared with Dugujue make you very uncomfortable, but I never make false statements. It doesn’t matter. If you hate me for this, then I will be with you at any time and you are welcome to ask for advice. But today, if you don’t distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, don’t blame me for being rude."

As he said, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and the fluctuation of the spiritual power of the eight stars suddenly swept the entire prefecture Yin Mansion.

The sudden change caused Zhao Xiaoyun's face to sink. He had fought against him before, and he knew that he was not Bai Chen's all-in-one general at all.

Taking a look at Zhao Xiaoyun helplessly, Bai Chen said in deep thought: "Let’s tell you this, the demon transformation pill is a kind of pill that Wanchaoge has been studying. This kind of pill can make a person demonize and gain very powerful The power of, even an ordinary person like your Aunt Jiang, if he takes the demon-changing pills, he will have the power of a spirit person, and that power is extremely difficult to control, so I made a guess~

Suppose, she secretly took the Demon Pill to gain power, but just last night, her power suddenly lost control, and unfortunately killed her husband, and then waited for dawn to recover her strength and sanity, she was very regretful , Just made up such a story in a hurry, what do you think? "

Bai Chen’s hypothesis shocked everyone, and Zhao Xiaoyun was even more angry and roared: "You are too extreme. If Wanchao Pavilion really has such a magical pill, why don’t they experiment with powerful spiritualists? On the contrary, it is to inject such power into a mortal body. Isn't this a violent thing!

"Yeah, Young Man, your guessing really scared me." Aunt Jiang hid behind Zhao Xiaoyun, shaking her heart.

"Ahhh~" Bai Chen sneered, and walked slowly towards Zhao Xiaoyun.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Xiaoyun's face sank: "Bai Chen, don't force me!"

"You~" Bai Chen shook his head helplessly, then suddenly raised his palm and held it directly on Zhao Xiaoyun's silver gun.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaoyun only felt cold behind him, and immediately a thin palm of his hand was severely pinched on Zhao Xiaoyun's neck.

Just for a moment, the originally poor Aunt Jiang's face was completely withered, and at the same time her body began to change rapidly, becoming like a dead tree.

Become a monster...!

Su Yue witnessed the whole process of Aunt Jiang's transformation from a human to a tree monster, and she was shocked from ear to ear.

"Boy, you'd better not come over, or the old lady will kill him!" An old and low voice came from Aunt Jiang's mouth. An invisible stream of water instantly spread from his palms, and finally took Zhao Xiaoyun's entire body. Wrapped in water.

Zhao Xiaoyun half-opened her mouth, her eyes were stunned: "Auntie Jiang, why..."

"Hahaha, that kid just guessed right, my old lady is taking Demon Pill! What is it!"

"Why do you want to take that kind of pill!" Zhao Xiaoyun clenched fists angrily.

Hearing this, Aunt Jiang gave a bitter smile, and said coldly: "Hehehe, how can you men understand the horror of aging... I think that back then, I was in the first grade of love, so my husband married me in. He would guard by my side every day, recounting those swearing oaths and sweet words that I can't get tired of listening to... But what? Just because I'm old and yellow, and the charm is not as good as in the past, he went outside. Even the little maid at home wouldn’t let it go, but she was the only one who refused to touch me! Shouldn’t such a man deserve to die? Don’t you guys who treat vows as a fart, shouldn’t you die—"

The hysterical roar caused Aunt Jiang's spiritual power to fluctuate, and unexpectedly reached the level of the peak of Po Yuan realm in an instant!

Bai Chen squinted his eyes slightly, this time the boosting effect of the demon transformation pill was obviously stronger than before.

However, it seems that this woman's hatred has blinded her eyes, this should also be the lack of the demon transformation pill.

"So, for this reason, you killed your husband yourself, didn't you..." Zhao Xiaoyun lowered his eyes, the sadness in his eyes was beyond words.

"Ha, I will not only kill him, but I will also kill all the men in the world, so that you men will all die and you will die for me! Hahahaha—"

Aunt Jiang laughed loudly.

Among the laughter was her frantic roar.

And this kind of madness was actually a reaction caused by the Pill of Demon.

However, this time Wanchao Pavilion actually used the Hua Yao Pill on mortals, and it must be more suitable for mortals.

Bai Chen suddenly felt that once this thing was made perfectly, it would bring great disasters.

"Auntie Jiang... I have been in our family for many years, and I... I'd better give you a happy one."

Zhao Xiaoyun suddenly opened the withered palm of her neck, and then under Aunt Jiang's horrified gaze, she turned and swept across!

[PS: Today's third update, there is a chapter behind, I will post it as soon as I finish writing it. 】

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