Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1714: : Yaoxing College Tianzi Class

In the small farmyard under the cliff, a man in a white robe was sitting in the yard, wiping the green sword in his hand. His movements suddenly stopped, and when he looked up, he saw a seat of strong black clothes carrying the ancients. The sword of Bai Chen fell to the ground with Su Yue.

"Bai Chen?"

The man tilted his head curiously, obviously a little surprised.

This person is... Han Lingsha's brother?

"Lu Li, long time no see." Bai Chen smiled calmly and found that the sword in Lu Li's hand was unusual.

Seeing the two actually met, Su Yue thought for a while, remembering that Han Lingsha was from Apocalypse Academy, and suddenly looked at Bai Chen curiously: "Why didn't sister Lingsha come with you?"

"She is responsible for staying at the college, and I am responsible for supporting you." Bai Chen said lightly.


Su Yue curled her lips and walked to a little yellow dog in the distance.

Seeing that she was squatting on the ground, rubbing the little yellow dog's head with her hands all over her face, Bai Chen raised her eyebrows in surprise: "No, there are only you two in this Tianzi class, how about the others?"

"Duojue went to perform the task, Senior Sister Ari seems to be still dating, Liu Huo seems to have gone to the imperial capital, I am afraid it is also the task, everyone else should be in other parts of the college."

"Is it."

Bai Chen still cares about the name Dugujue.

Since I can't see him for the time being, there is nothing to be excited about.

"Bai Chen, how is my sister in Tianqi?" Lu Li suddenly raised his eyes and asked.

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled and nodded: "She is fine, and the well-prepared dean is here, very safe."

"That's good." Lu Li stood up with a complicated expression. After a moment of silence, he said: "Bai Chen, I heard that you previously joined forces with Beichen Academy Ji Shengyu to repel the devil ancestor?"

"Ah~ be it." Bai Chen smiled calmly.

Obviously he himself secretly added the power of the super **** in the disappearance of all thoughts, and this suppressed the demon ancestor who was already seriously injured. How did it become that he and Ji Shengyu joined forces?

"Then, Ji Shengyu is in the Chaos Realm now?" Lu Li asked again.

"No, the pinnacle of the stars~"


Hearing this answer, Lu Li's eyes seemed to be filled with disappointment, then he turned around and walked to a thatched cottage.

"I'll go back and rest first, Su Yue, Haosheng entertains the distinguished guests."

"Yes! Senior Lu!" Su Yue got up quickly and said respectfully to Lu Li.

Seeing that Lu Li said to leave, Bai Chen couldn't help but smiled, "What's the matter with this guy, I will inquire about Ji Shengyu as soon as I meet."

"Hey, he has always wanted to surpass Ji Shengyu, that is his goal."

After hearing Su Yue's words, Bai Chen remembered that Lu Li was ranked fourth on the Star Dou list, just below Ji Shengyu.

No wonder, he regards Ji Shengyu as a target.

"Bai Chen, tell me, how did Ji Shengyu repel the ancestor of the demon immortal in Ten Thousand Demon Valley?" Su Yue suddenly ran over curiously, her bright eyes twinkling.

Do you think so...

Bai Chen smiled helplessly, and said casually: "Ah, I remember it seems that the sword of Ji Shengyu turned into a silver python, and then the demon ancestor was scared away."

"Wow, it's really the swordsmanship of Shengyu!" Su Yue jumped in place two times excitedly, but soon she frowned again: "No, the same magical skill of the imperial weapon, Ji Shengyu How could his swordsmanship be better than the golden boy of the demon ancestor..."

"Ahem! Well, isn't the ancestor of Demon Immortal injured? When he fought with Dean Susu before..."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Su Yue nodded earnestly, and immediately smiled: "Although I couldn't kill the ancestor of the devil immortal, but at least it also destroyed Wuliangjian. Ji Sheng Yu is really handsome, handsome and handsome Strong!"

Although it is different from the academy, when it comes to sacrifice to Shengyu, Su Yue's eyes will twinkle.

The relationship between these people is really weird.

Ji Haoran, among the six immortals of the Northern Wilderness, founded Yaoxing Academy, while Ji Shengyu joined Beichen Academy as a descendant of the priest. Su Yue of Yaoxing Academy was fascinated by Ji Sheng Yu again. Their relationship is really true. What a mess.

While the two were talking, another person fell straight down in the sky. Bai Chen looked up and saw a young man who also wore a white robe, carrying a long blue stick in his hand, and flying towards this side vigorously. Come.

Soon, the young man fell on the ground. He raised his eyes and looked directly at Bai Chen. There was a lot of doubt in his eyes: "Are you Bai Chen from Tianqi Academy?"

Seeing that his attitude was obviously disdainful and provocative, Su Yue's face sank on the spot: "Lin Xiao, he was sent by the Dean of Apocalypse Academy to help us, don't do anything!"

The ninth star on the list, Lin Xiao?

Bai Chen smiled calmly, the eighth Zhao Xiaoyun couldn't match his move, and the ninth was even less impressive.

"I didn't do anything, but I heard that Zhao Xiaoyun lost to him before, so I came to see it specially." Lin Xiao is still self-aware, but the ridicule in his eyes is still not shallow: "It's just that some people hold While wearing the thighs of Shengyu, it was rumored that he defeated the ancestor of the Demon Immortal, and he ostentatiously compared it with the Dugu student. This is really ridiculous."

! !

It's because of rumors again.

Bai Chen raised his eyes with a smile, and his clear eyes flickered a little jokingly: "Compared with the loneliness of your courtyard, this is a rumor from others. What's wrong with me?"

"Ha, rumor? If you don't say such arrogant words, people in the world will rumors at will?"

"So, you think I said it?"

"if not?"

Because of this rumor, Lin Xiao and Bai Chen began to attack Maimang as soon as they met. Su Yue saw it and quickly stopped between them: "Oh, yeah, it's okay, we will fight together in the future. Enemy, don’t start contradicting yourself without waiting for the enemy to fight, okay!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in joining forces with people who like to brag, and there are Dugu students and Ari seniors, the four demons can't touch our Yaoxing Academy."

Upon hearing this, Bai Chen frowned slightly.

The tone of his words, it seems that the so-called "Senior Ari" is second on the Star Dou list!

Star Douban...

The third Ji Shengyu, the fourth Lu Li, the fifth Su Yue, and the sixth Han Lingsha are all star realm peaks.

In this way, that Ari at least also has the strength of the Chaos Realm.


"Oh, it's really lively today."

The surrounding space suddenly twisted, and immediately a man with a slightly feminine face walked out of it.

"Hua Yingbai, let me introduce to you, this is from Tianqi Academy..."

Before Su Yue could finish speaking, Hua Yingbai gave a sneer: "Bai Chen, like Lei Guaner~"

...? !

I don't know why, after seeing this Hua Yingbai, Bai Chen suddenly felt inexplicably disgusted in his heart. This feeling of inexplicability was unclear. What was going on?

[PS: Today's first update. After writing a chapter, send a chapter, there are three more chapters behind! 】

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