Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1559: : Owner of Streamer Island

"Chen Sancrazy, this is Liuguang Island, hurry up and take me to see your island owner!" Tang Qin hurriedly said.

Hearing this, Chen Sancrazy's old face twitched, and his eyes were full of fear: " can't let the island owner see."


Everyone was startled.

Seeing that Chen San couldn't say anything crazy, Bai Chen flew in front of him: "Three crazy brothers, you made a big mistake that day, and I returned the exercises to you, so that you can save you from being punished by the island owner. Others are kind to you, and now you are killed, shouldn't you help?"

He knew that although Chen Sanfeng was stupid, he should be considered honest.

Sure enough, after he said this, Chen Sancrazy obviously showed a look of guilt.

"I want to help you, but I'm afraid Lord Island is angry. If she is angry, you will all die."


Bai Qilin and Wang Xiaoyu looked at each other in surprise. It seemed that the owner of Liuguang Island was very scary.

But anyway, there are strong enemies behind, and they have no choice.

"Three crazy brothers, let us go, there are two bad guys behind, who are about to chase them, and if you drag it down, maybe you will all be in danger on Liuguang Island."

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Chen Sancrazy was startled at first, and then couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Hahaha, who can threaten my Liuguangdao in this world, brother, you are too young."

"I'll just ask you, let us not pass..." Bai Chen really didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.

Upon hearing this, Chen San shook his head madly.

"Okay!" Turning his eyes, Bai Chen suddenly shouted at Tang Qin and the others: "You see, this Chen Sancrazy is an ungrateful white-eyed wolf, and the people on Liuguang Island seem to have this style~"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Sanfeng immediately flushed.

Upon seeing this, Tang Qin and the others understood it, and they all smiled and disgusted: "Yes, ungrateful, heartless, we don't want to see such a person."

"That is, what streamer island, just call Wangen Island."


An endless stream of satirical words made Chen Sancrazy's face turn from red to purple: "Hey, what are you doing like this!"

"What are we? You are ungrateful and embarrassed Liuguangdao~" Bai Chen shrugged.

"Oh okay, you go over, I don't care whether it is alive or dead!"

Chen Sanfeng simply sat cross-legged in the air, looking very angry.

Seeing this guy finally let go, Bai Chen smiled calmly, and thanked him with a fist: "Thank you, then you go with us, otherwise you will be in danger if the two bad guys chase after you."

"Hey, I'm not leaving." Chen San shook his head madly.

"Hey, you? You are in the Star Sea Realm, don't you just walk here and wait for death!" Nie Feiyan jumped anxiously, wondering if this fool's brain was kicked by a donkey.

But Chen Sancrazy still insisted.

"Brother Bai Chen, time is running out, let's go to the island owner first, and then ask her to come and save the three crazy." Tang Qin suggested.


Bai Chen let out a long sigh, his body moved, and the five people turned into streamers again and flew towards the sky.

Unexpectedly, on the way of fleeing, the accidental hit and accident could actually come to the rumored Liuguang Island, Bai Chen really had to sigh, the world is unpredictable.

But despite this, he still couldn't rest assured, no matter how strong Streaming Island was, it would be difficult to resist the cold words.

You have to find a way to find the island owner and discuss the countermeasures. Otherwise, when Han Shuyan comes, they will all die without a place to be buried!

As they galloped all the way, the green sea in front of them was gradually passed by, and Bai Chen and others finally came under the white tower.

The tower is small, with only five floors. The tower is very clean and does not stain any dust, but it is somewhat unique.

"There is no danger in it, right?" Tang Qin's eyes were filled with dread.

Hearing this, Bai Chen held her little hand and smiled lightly: "It's a blessing or a curse. It's a curse that cannot be avoided. Go ahead and talk about it."



Just when Bai Chen and others walked into the White Tower, the figures of God Lord Xia and Ye Guyue finally reached the forest.

"How come there is an island!" Ye Guyue frowned.

God Lord Xia narrowed his eyes: "I'm afraid, we just broke through a spiritual formation that obscures our vision..."

While the two were talking, a figure suddenly shot from a distance, it was Chen Sancrazy!

"Are you the two bad guys!"

Chen Sanfeng raised his hand and pointed angrily. The fluctuation of the spiritual power at the peak of the Star Sea Realm swept across the sky in an instant, causing the dense forest below to teeter.

Hearing that, God Lord Xia stood with his hand in his hand, and smiled with a cold smile: "The old man is a bad person, what can you do to the old man?"

"Bad guy, trespassing on Stream Island, must die!"

Chen Sancrazy's figure flashed, and he couldn't help but rushed towards God Lord Xia.

Looking directly at the guy who came with a punch, God Lord Xia shook his head helplessly, slapped his backhand directly on Chen Sanfeng's face.

With a crisp sound, resounding through the entire forest, Chen Sanfeng slammed into the forest, causing smoke to skyrocket.


Bai Chen and the others walked into the White Pagoda. There were huge stone pillars lined on two sides. The ancient characters on the stone pillars made everyone amazed.

They rushed all the way to the front of the hall, and finally saw a figure from the back, standing on the hall.

From the back, she should be a woman with a very good figure. There should be something, nothing should be done, and she is very graceful.

"Excuse me, you are the owner of Liuguang Island?" The five people paused, and Bai Chen clasped his fists.

"Yes~" The woman's voice was soft.

Hearing this voice, Bai Qilin couldn't help feeling numb all over, thinking that this voice was more than that of Little Tianhu...

"I'm curious, who on earth are you guys who have the ability to come here." The island owner stretched his lotus arm and turned around suddenly, but when she saw Bai Chen's dark red eyes, she was cold and cold. His little face changed suddenly!

"Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy, crazy master?!"

[PS: The plot is getting more and more exciting. Recently, the mentality has been adjusted back. Don't rush me. If there is a delay in uploading every day, don't scold me. I'm really innocent ==! I will write about the evil emperor seriously. There are many people in the book friends' skirts. I have asked them. They all like to see the evil emperor, looking forward to the ending, but don't want to end early. I don't know what everyone thinks? And for the Night of the Gods, the Star Pavilion and the Wanchao Pavilion, which power do you look forward to most? The red heart is down, please don't hesitate to like it. 】

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