Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1536: : Night Exploration of the Void League

The cold moon, long hanging high in the sky, filled with clouds, somehow, there was a pale blood under the moon.

There is a hidden stone cave in the back mountain of the Tianxu League where the cold wind is whistling. Outside the cave is guarded by two disciples. These two people are tall and straight, with extraordinary aura, and the subtle and transparent spiritual fluctuations make this grassland, Birds and beasts dare not approach easily.

The Tianxu League would actually send two disciples from the Reincarnation Realm to guard a cave in the depths of the barren grass, and people can't help but wonder what is in the cave.

A cold wind passed by, and a slender woman walked across the grass. Her beautiful figure and charming face made the two town cave students roll their throats, and when they saw it clearly After the four snow-white tails swaying in the wind behind the woman, she immediately took back the greed in her eyes and showed deep awe.

"Elder Tianhu, how come you have time to come to the dungeon so late?" When the woman walked to the cave, one of the men laughed.

Hearing this, the little Tianhu cleared his eyes and moved lightly, and said softly: "Why, do you want to stop me?"

"Uh, that's not... It's just the Great Elder. You know, our brothers are guarding the forbidden prison of our Heavenly Void Alliance. The prisoners in it are all extremely important people. The Great Elder Xiaohuan is going to march. Tianwu previously issued a death order, no one can enter..."

"Xiao Huan is the great elder, but my little Tianhu is not?!"

"No, no, Elder Tianhu calms down his anger!" The man hurriedly lowered his eyes, panicking in his heart.

"Step aside."

Little Tianhu raised his cold eyes slightly and said lightly.

Upon seeing this, the two stared at each other in a daze, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

After hesitating for a while, they finally gave way.

As he walked straight into the cave, the voice of the little Tianhu came slowly and slowly: "I will speak with a little brain in the future, otherwise my brain will be lost, but it will never grow back~"


The two swallowed droolingly, exactly the same.

In their eyes, this is nothing more than the truth that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, but how do they know that Xiao Tianhu's trip is for her purpose.

Walking into the gloomy cave, it was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers, but Xiao Tianhu's golden eyes could see everything.

In the same way, Bai Chen lying in the sleeves of the little Tianhu, his red eyes could clearly see the illusion inside.

The slippery road is surrounded by stone walls. Every time you walk a distance of 100 meters, there will be an iron prison with a person in it.

His eyes swept over these people, and Bai Chen shook his head frequently.



A helpless sigh sounded from Xiao Tianhu's sleeve, and she silently curled her lips: "Go inside and it won't matter!"

"Then you have to go inside and talk about it." Bai Chen's face was extremely gloomy, and he hadn't seen Xiaoya yet.

Outside of the Tianxu League, he and Xiao Tianhu have already inquired, and there is no where Xiaoya is in any place, so they came to this back mountain to see if Xiaoya exists in this most mysterious place. .

Bai Chen expects Xiaoya to be locked here, as long as Xiaoya is in the hands of Tianxu League, he can rescue her out.

But if Xiaoya wasn't here, the only one in Aolai Empire capable of taking Xiaoya away would be the mysterious Liuguang Island.

I'm desperate when I think about it, and I can't find a place...

With the gradual deepening of the little Tianhu, Bai Chen discovered that the strength of the imprisoned people he saw was obviously stronger than one.

By the time the little Tianhu came to the deepest place, the people inside had already possessed the strength of the heavenly realm.

To trap people of this kind of strength, the spiritual formation he holds is also extremely powerful.

"Look, no, I'll help you, don't blame me." Little Tianhu spread out his hands at will.

Bai Chen looked gloomy, staring at the stone wall in front of him, and said indifferently: "Is there someone behind this?"

"Yes, but he is not the person you are looking for either." Xiao Tianhu said lightly.

The one behind him was a traitor from the Tianxu League. It was an old fellow. After she entered the league, Ye Shen mentioned it.

But Bai Chen didn't believe it, his eyes condensed, and the stone wall in front of him gradually turned into nothingness. Inside was a disheveled old man with empty eyes, sitting there quietly.

"Oh, it really isn't." Bai Chen retracted his gaze and sighed in disappointment: "Let's go."

After this guy can see the wall?

The little Tianhu frowned, but did not ask, and went straight back.

Along the way, those wicked and wicked people who were chained, faced the little Tianhu, not even daring to let out a fart.

It can be seen what kind of deterrence the Little Tianhu has against them now.

In fact, Bai Chen had more or less felt that the little Tianhu should have reached the star realm. As for the number of stars, he still doesn't know.

Back at the residence, Xiao Tianhu stood in the yard and squinted his eyes with a smile: "Bai Chen, we can be considered as cooperation. Don't forget to help me win the Bodhi leaf from Xuanyuan Ancient Tomb."

"Cut~" Bai Chen looked sideways with disdain: "You didn't help me find Xiaoya, what kind of cooperation is this?"


At this moment, the four fox tails of the little sky fox stood up immediately, and they seemed to be very angry: "Bai Chen, don't go too far. I also helped you find people. Can't find me to blame? Can't you tell? Talk about morality!"

"I'm telling you the morality of a stinky fox."

"Are you fooling?!"

"Yeah, I was shameless, what's the matter, refuse to accept me?"


Unexpectedly, Bai Chen turned his face and refused to recognize him, and Xiao Tianhu's expression was completely gloomy.

The little hand clenched his fist tightly, the space around it had faintly cracked, and the face of the little Tianhu was even more embarrassing and hideous.

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