Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1508: : Break tears into laughter

After a great battle, the mountains and forests within a radius were a mess.

The cloudy sky, the clouds dissipated again, and the bright sunny day was restored.

But the cracked land is because of this unprecedented battle, where the branches and forests were destroyed and the vegetation turned to ashes.

The breath of death loomed in the clouds and mist.

In the depths of the clouds, Xiao You's cry was so painful.

Nie Feiyan helped Fei Lian who was seriously injured and came to Xiao You's side. Looking at Xiao You's crying look, she was already crying to the point of exhaustion. Nie Feiyan pressed her fragrant shoulder with heartache.

"Xiao You, didn't you still persuade me yesterday that people can't come back to life after death? Be lighter and live well..."

Listening to Nie Feiyan's comfort, Xiao You cried even harder.

"Sorry, I didn't know that my dear relatives left, it was so heartache, sorry."

Tears had soaked her sleeves, but the cool breeze was still ruthlessly blowing, blowing a few pieces of dust onto Xia Daotian's old face that was already iron.

Extraordinarily cold...

"Grandpa Xia, how do I explain to the master, how do you want me to explain, Grandpa Xia——"

Xiao You fell on Xia Daotian's chest, crying in despair.

master? !

At this moment, Nie Feiyan was obviously taken aback, she turned to look at Fei Lian, both of them were puzzled at the same time.

But Xiao You is really distraught now, she doesn't know what she said wrong, and doesn't want to think too much.

"How should I face the master! How to face Sister Mengyao! How to face Sister Tang! How to face Xiaoya—and Brother Guo, scholar... Grandpa Xia, I would rather die if you die than me It's you! Open your eyes and look at me. I beg you to tell me what the **** should I do!"

After all, Xiao You is still young, and after this heartache, he is on the verge of collapse and almost crying crazy.

She hammered Xia Daotian's chest with a fist and a punch, tears could not stop flowing. Suddenly, the calm chest trembled violently, and Xia Daotian with black blood drops in the corner of her eyes suddenly opened her eyes and took a mouthful. The black blood came out!


Seeing this horrible scene, even Nie Feiyan Nie forced the king, but Hua Rong was shocked and she jumped on the spot.

! ! !

Xiao You fluttered from the ground as if struck by lightning, trembling her fingers, and pointed at the bitter Xia Daotian, terrified: "Grandpa Xia, Xia Xia Xia, are you cheating?!"

"What kind of scam, old man, I'm not dead yet, oops!" Xia Daotian twitched his **** old face, and the pain called a grin.

Hearing this, Xiao You was dull for a while, and finally burst into laughter, and fell down in Xia Daotian's arms, sitting up and crying: "Grandpa Xia, I thought I would never see you again, I was really scared to death. !"

Feeling the trembling of the tender body in his arms, Xia Daotian showed a relieved smile.

"I originally came to Aolai Empire with Xiaoya secretly, so I thought of the boss, maybe I would come here first. Later when I arrived in Beiju, I found out that Mr. Tianzhi was named Bai Chen. Happy. But Xiaoya suddenly disappeared. In the past few days, I was looking for her and I accidentally saw the big guy. He mistakenly identified me as God Lord Xia, and threatened to kill you. I will try to trick him into leaving. , Seeing things fail on the way, I thought about it, this is about to finish Liao~ I want to die Liao..."

"Then how did you come back to life again?" Xiao You pushed him away, her muddy face full of surprise.

Hearing this, Xia Daotian smiled: "Old man, I am the one who is most afraid of death. You see, you are all so tough, but I don't know that it will be hundreds or even thousands of years before returning to the Origin Realm. So when I was bored, I was afraid of death, I was afraid of death, I was really afraid of death. And in those days of fear, I thought, if one day I really encounter danger, there will always be some way to save my life. So I refined a kind of pill, called the Pill of Fake Death."

"Fake death pill?!"

"Well... this fake death pill is a magical pill that can make people lose their breath and heartbeat in a short time, and cause the illusion of bleeding from the seven orifices, and this pill is not toxic, nor does it have any side effects. After a while, people I was able to live again. When I found out that the big guy wanted to kill me, I took out the Sipa that had been soaked in the Pill of Fake Death in advance, and threw it as a Poison Pa, pretending to be a poison to kill him. It’s an illusion, and that big guy won’t be so easily poisoned, so he put this silk paw on my nose, wanting to let me die by his own means."

After listening to Xia Daotian's narration, Xiao You couldn't help but widen his eyes: "But if he strangles you directly, wouldn't it be useless?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Daotian smiled bitterly, raised his eyes angrily, muddy old eyes, and a faint rejoicing: "Yes, you are right! But if you think about it, if there is no such thing as this suspended animation, the probability of him breaking my neck, That's 100%! But what about the fake death pill? He might use this thing to poison me, make me suffer the consequences, or choke me to death on the spot. And this extra probability is that I survived The only hope... Fortunately, God has pity on my old man and made me bet, and it is not in vain that I made this pill in advance."

Xiao You heard it and laughed out: "Grandpa Xia, you are really amazing. It's no wonder that the master said you have many wicked ideas, and he also said you...!!!"

At this moment, Xiao You, who gradually recovered his calmness, realized that he had said so much wrong.

When she looked up, she saw Fei Lian with a solemn face and Nie Feiyan with doubts.

"Bai Chen, is your master? This old man also knows you...?"

Nie Feiyan finally couldn't help but ask, the doubt in her eyes was mixed with a touch of solemnity and anger.

[PS: Sincere apology, so bitter, hard to speak out. Risking my death and frankness, I hope that the evil emperor I seriously conceived can bring you a wonderful and happy and different reading experience...The plot has not yet reached the Beichen Empire, the wonderful plot is behind, I will write every detail carefully, To make the plot more graphic, to make the characters’ feelings more sincere and vivid...I was hospitalized with a back injury a while ago. I saw the blessings and understanding of many people. I really thank you. Writing a book for you like this is the best in my life. Happy thing! 】

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