Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1468: : Tianxu strong will finally appear!

So, seeing now, Bai Chen was suddenly curious, what kind of strength Fei Lian, the strongest of the four Tianwu Xiaoqiangs who had never met before, would be...

Shouldn't that, Fei Lian's strength is already close to me...

Bai Chen's heart couldn't help tightening, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

What he saw now was the power of the Tianwu League.

But he is not a fool. Since the Tianxu League can be equally famous in the Aolai Empire and the Tianwu League, it will definitely not be as weak as it seems on the surface.

Therefore, in the Tianxu League, there must also be hidden existences that can match the Tianwu four small powers!

"Bai Qilin, the old man, as the backing of the Aolai imperial family, will definitely not be defeated by you!"

Long Aotian took off the purple robe on his body at will, his sturdy body, supported the strong clothes inside.

At that time, the spiritual power fluctuations at the peak of his Heavenly Dao Realm also became irritable.

Seeing that there was still a clear gap between the spiritual power of the palace master and the opponent, Li Yinyao looked back with fear.

He clutched his trembling legs, looked at the arrogant Bai Qilin in the sky with bitter eyes, and then at Wang Xiaoyu in the distance, biting his teeth with anger, and finally fled back.

Seeing the fleeing figure clearly, Bai Qilin twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and said indifferently: "Long Aotian, your proud disciple has already escaped for his life, won't you?"

As soon as he said this, Long Aotian's face suddenly became gloomy.

At the juncture of life and death, his most trusted disciple ran away, which was a great shame to him.

However, Long Aotian still breathed calmly, and smiled calmly: "The little one is seriously injured. Staying away from here at this time is also a wise choice for me to dispel my worries."

The words are extremely beautiful, in fact, Long Aotian couldn't wait to break the evildoer's head.

It's a pity that Li Yinyao has now been kicked off by Tang Qin. If his head is broken off again, it will really be pity from the sky. It will snow in June.

Suddenly, the eyes of Bai Qilin and Long Aotian became extremely sharp.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two figures coincided with each other, galloping away at the same time, and finally collided fiercely.

Those two powerful people finally fought under the high attention of the imperial city.

The colorful energy ripples in the sky bloom like lotus flowers. The scene is very gorgeous, even more dazzling than the fireworks rising in the New Year.

But the people of the imperial city, and even your majesty who was hiding under the clothes of the coat of arms, were breathing stagnant.

What they can do now is to pray silently, hoping that Long Aotian, the patron saint of the empire, can win the final victory.


"Leader Bai, why don't you leave here with Xiao Yu first, I will wait for the opportunity to help Bai Qilin." Because the soldiers around had already lost their helmets and unloaded their armor and escaped without a trace, Tang Qin simply called Bai Chen.

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled helplessly: "You girl, you have been so badly injured, you are still brave!"

The tone of the speech was mixed with a touch of concern and a strong sense of anger. After Tang Qin heard it, a blush instantly appeared on his cheeks.

"I, I'm okay, I have taken the recovery medicine just now." Tang Qin said angrily.

In fact, she also knew that Bai Chen was angry, because she bravely challenged Long Aotian and was injured, so Bai Chen was really angry.

"You Nizi..."

Because Wang Xiaoyu was beside him, Bai Chen couldn't say more, but sighed helplessly.

At this moment, Tang Qin and Wang Xiaoyu's expressions condensed at the same time.


The two looked diagonally forward almost at the same time, and saw two men in black robes standing calmly on the high wall of the imperial city.

Tianxu League...Nangong Xiuze, Qin Xuan!

Seeing Qin Xuan, Tang Qin's face immediately became cold.

In the same way, Qin Xuan's eyes burst into utter anger.

"Tang Qin of Tianwu, the successor of Xuanyuan, we finally met!" Qin Xuan smiled, holding a long sword proudly, his spiritual power fluctuating, and it also surged out in an instant, and endless hatred erupted in his eyes.

At the beginning, he was defeated by Tang Qin in the snowy area of ​​Beiju, but he was very unwilling!

However, after feeling that the energy fluctuations in this guy's body were much stronger than before, Tang Qin couldn't help being shocked: "You guy is actually in the five-star heavenly realm."

"You fart!"

Qin Xuan was furious.

At the beginning, he and Tang Qin were both four-star heavenly realms, and they were both equal. But now, he has improved by one star with complacency, but Tang Qin has improved by two stars.

Therefore, what Tang Qin just said was ironic in Qin Xuan's ears!

"Tang Qin, I want to single with you!" Qin Xuan suddenly raised his hand and pointed out of the imperial city.

Hearing this, Tang Qin snorted coldly, her expression changing.

"Go." Bai Chen, who was sitting still on the bamboo stool, suddenly said.

Tang Qin was slightly startled.

Looking at Bai Chen's calm and smiling eyes, she hesitated a little, and finally stopped talking nonsense.

"Xiao Yu, the leader of the White League is left to you, anyway, I hope you can protect him thoroughly. Of course, if you don't want to do this, I promise you will regret it!"

After putting down this threatening sentence, Tang Qin's figure flashed before rushing away from the imperial city.

Upon seeing this, Qin Xuan twisted his body on the spot, just like a fool, dancing a very enchanting dance full of femininity.

"Hahaha, little beauty, I can finally fight you to the death. Today, there can only be one between you and me, oh yeah!"

Qin Xuan raised his fist, swears to himself, narrowed his eyes, and turned into streamer, chasing Tang Qin's direction.

Until now, beside Bai Chen, besides Wang Xiaoyu, there was only Nangong Xiuze standing indifferently on the wall.

"Leader Bai, can Tang Qin suffer such a serious injury?" Wang Xiaoyu asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Bai Chen's mouth twitched, fingers interlocked, and pressed against his chin. His calm and deep eyes flashed with a soft touch: "Don't worry, even so, that yin and yang guy will never be Tang Qin's opponent. ."

? !

Wang Xiaoyu really didn't understand why this guy trusted Tang Qin so much.

You know, Qin Xuan is the only disciple of the Gentleman Sword Ye Gu Yue, who has obtained the true biography of the Gentleman Sword, and he almost rarely meets opponents in the same realm.

And Tang Qin was so badly injured again, why did Bai Chen trust Tang Qin so much.

In fact, while she was questioning Bai Chen's inexplicable self-confidence, she ignored that Tang Qin has not used the power of the underworld until now!

That power of blood succession, but the ability that even the Sky Void Alliance had to fear!

Nangong Xiuze's arms crossed his chest, cold eyes looked down at Bai Chen with a calm face, and turned to Wang Xiaoyu: "Wang Xiaoyu, there is only Bai Chen here, so you don't have to pretend anymore. Come with me Get rid of him, Lord Night God promises that in the future empires, you will always have a place for you to watch!"

[PS: The next day after the fifth change. For my new book "Celebrating More Than Years (Ye Qingmei, I would trouble you all for your support. Thank you very much. It is a short and medium story. Please let others see the power of our evil emperor fan group! 】

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