Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1445: : Yangdi's guess is wrong?

As soon as Qing Luoluo appeared, he slapped the head of the fallen **** with a slap, which made Cat Emperor and Haotian speechless.

Haotian knew that Qing Luoluo was very strong, unfathomable and unpredictable, but he found the fallen **** for the sake of fragmentation.

Now that the fallen **** is dead, who is going to go to Fragment?

Qing Luoluo stepped on the void, with clear and agile purple eyes, staring curiously at the gloomy face of Cat Emperor: "What's wrong with you?"


The cat emperor fell silent for a while, and finally let out a suffocating breath: "Nothing."

"Oh, then I'm leaving."

Qing Luoluo waved his palm, and a circular crack of more than ten feet appeared in the void.

Staring blankly at the back figure walking towards the space crack, Haotian's eyelids twitched and asked faintly: "Are we going to the Beichen Empire next?"

"No, you can go wherever you want, without reporting to me."

Qing Luoluo's voice finally disappeared quietly as the space crack disappeared.

Looking down at the dragon body floating in the molten slurry, Haotian smiled bitterly: "Sister Cat Emperor, we have already got one piece of the four fragments. This second piece was destroyed when we saw it. ..."

"Then what to do, I can only find a way to collect the other two pieces, and then put the three pieces of fragments together, and see if we can find some clues." The cat Emperor was also helpless, looking for the fragments, but they spent money. Five years!

Five years is not long, but short, it is not short.

"Hey, why did His Royal Highness Luo Luo suddenly appear here?" Haotian dared not say anything, so he could only sigh.

Hearing this, Cat Emperor’s golden eyes condensed slightly, and immediately said indifferently: “She has never had a reason to do things. She appeared here because she felt the battle on our side, so I was curious to take a look.”

"Yeah, with her soul circle range, I'm afraid that there will be any disturbance in the ends of the world, I can't hide it from her!"



Cat Emperor and Haotian's plan was finally destroyed by Qing Luoluo's accidental accident in the deepest part of Luzhou in Beiju.

A few days later, the shocking battle that took place in the depths of the Bei Ju also spread smoothly to the Tian Wu League.

Tianwu League.

In the thatched cottage on the back mountain, Nie Feiyan waited respectfully, telling all the rumors about Beiju Luzhou.

The eyeliner of the Tianwu League over there did not see the battle between the night of the gods and the fallen gods, so people's guesses were all related to the rumored fire unicorn.

After all, the depths of the Beiju are too dangerous, the star realm powerhouse will fall into it if it is careless. Where can anyone know that behind the fire unicorn, there is still a fallen **** who is secretly healing?

In order to save Han Miaomiao, Bai Chen once felt the breath of the Fallen God, but the breath of the Fallen God was very disordered and deliberately hidden. In addition to the huge gap between it and Bai Chen's realm, Bai Chen did not Feel that the monster hidden under the glacier is actually a dragon!

But now, everything has become a mystery. Just like the situation reported by the Tianwu League, other forces in the Aolai Empire have also heard that the Dongfu of the Fire Qilin seems to have some restlessness.

"Master Yang, do we have to go to the North Club to have a look, if something really turns out to be a treasure, we can **** it!" Nie Feiyan raised his eyes and asked.

Emperor Yang lightly leaned on the bamboo rattan chair and shook his head decisively: "This Beiju Luzhou, whether we go or not, has no meaning."

"Probably not, in case..."

"Nothing in case!" Yang Emperor interrupted her and explained with a smile: "The power closest to Beiju is the Dragon King's Mansion. If there is any treasure born there, it must be taken by Long Ao's temperament. For yourself."

"Well, then we won't go." Hearing Emperor Yang's patient explanation, Nie Feiyan finally gave up the idea.

But just when she thought the topic was over, Emperor Yang shook his head again: "Although it doesn't make much sense, you still have to go through the door."

"Ah? Why?" Nie Feiyan was puzzled.

"Because of the Dragon King's Mansion, and Mr. Bai have always been good, this time the Beiju has such a big shock, no matter whether their Dragon King Mansion has benefited from it, other forces will have curiosity. The strongest of the Dragon King Mansion is only in the Star Sea Realm, we Thinking of Mr. Bai, I won't go to trouble, but Tianxu League will definitely not waste this opportunity."

Tianxu League, wolf ambition, the world knows that they will never give up what they want, and the means of fighting is extremely fierce, often causing tragedies that cannot bear to look directly at it.

"So, are we going to stop the Sky Void Alliance?" Unexpectedly, there would be a fight so soon, Nie Feiyan suddenly felt that the nameless fire in his body was burning, and it was already about to break through the clouds and burn the sky.

Emperor Yang nodded, took a deep breath, and then sighed: "This matter still depends on Mr. Bai's intention. Maybe he will arrange for you to accompany you soon."

"He?" Nie Feiyan curled his lips: "Sir Yangdi, you may be wrong this time. Mr. Bai already knew what happened in Beiju, but he didn't say a word about it, as if he didn't Take it to heart."


The Emperor Yang couldn't help putting down the tea cup he had just picked up in surprise, and said with doubts: "No, even I can think of it. With Mr. Bai's ingenuity, he should have already seen through it..."

"I didn't comment on this. Anyway, he threatened to visit Bai Qilin early in the morning, and he didn't show any words to protect the Dragon King's Mansion."

Emperor Yang was startled slightly, with a complicated expression in his eyes: "That's weird. He knew that the Dragon King Mansion was dangerous, but he didn't make a move and ignored it. This is what he did..." The Emperor Yang hesitated slightly, after a while. After thinking about it, he sighed: "I'm afraid he already has a countermeasure."

"A countermeasure has already been taken? This should not be possible. After the incident, we arranged the best secret post in Beiju's footsteps and rushed over without stopping. If Mr. Bai has already taken countermeasures, it can only prove that he is here. A long, long time ago, he took precautions. But at that time, how could he predict that something big would happen to the North Club?"

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