Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1098: : Sad, not bad!

Ouyang Zhi stepped back two steps, shook his head vigorously, his vision gradually became clear.

Looking directly at the black-robed man with a sneer in front of him, Ouyang Zhi disdainfully said: "Tsk, Situ Zhaonan, a genius of the Xiaoyao Guild, I didn't expect even you to become a running dog in the blood realm."

"Don't say it so ugly, I know that your four Xiaoqingshu have deep prejudice against the blood realm..."

"Not very deep!" Ouyang Zhi dropped the wine jar, smashed to pieces: "I hate it!"

"Okay, just treat it as deeply disgusting, but I won't discuss this with you today. I just want to say that a peerless beauty like Han Tianrou is born beautiful and has a prominent family background. If you can get a hand, wouldn't it be..."


Ouyang Zhi lifted the folding fan and shook abruptly. A powerful wind whirled through the void instantly and struck Situ Zhaonan directly.

He interrupted again, Situ Zhaonan's face sank, and he stepped on strange steps under his feet, avoiding Fengxuan: "Ouyang Zhi, don't toast or eat fine wine, I am also kind, so that you can hold it. The beauty is back!"

"Oh, kind? Don't be kidding! You don't even know what Han Tianrou is good about! I tell you, her origin and her beauty are of little importance to my uncle. What I like is her kindness!"

"Oh, so, would you rather be sad and get drunk by yourself than to cooperate with me?" Situ Zhaonan's calm eyes flashed with coldness.

Upon seeing this, Ouyang Zhi snorted coldly: "I'm sad, not bad!"


The breath of the five-star sea realm burst out from Ouyang Zhi's body in an instant, and the terrifying heat wave stirred the sky's great changes.

Glancing indifferently at Ouyang Zhi, whose face was red and drunk, Situ Zhaonan seemed to be sorry, and slowly shook his head: "It's a pity, you can choose to live, but you have to die."

When the folding fan closed, Ouyang Zhi coldly snorted with a disgusting expression: "There are only three stars in the sea, even if I am drunk, what can you do?"

"Samsung, are you sure?"

Situ Zhaonan narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Why, the fact that you are in the Three Stars and the Sea Realm has spread all over the world. Now, do you still want to cover it up?"

"How should I put it... the three-star sea realm is indeed my usual strength, but ah~ I have a secret, even President Xiaoyaozi doesn't know."

"What's the secret?"

"What about me~ I am actually better than President Xiaoyaozi!"

As soon as the voice of Situ Zhao's southern dialect fell, his sneer face suddenly became fierce and ferocious. As his pupils were blood red, eight huge tentacles suddenly grew out of his back, and then his body and skin began to gradually darken. He gave birth to long white hairs, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a half-human, half-demon spider spirit.

As his appearance changed, his realm suddenly soared, and he immediately soared from the three-star sea realm to the top of the star sea realm!

"You turned out to be the pinnacle of the Star Sea Realm?! You, what kind of monster are you, Warcraft?!"

Ouyang Zhi finally showed a touch of horror.

However, he hadn't reacted yet, Situ Zhaonan bent over suddenly, and a black tentacle on his back pierced Ouyang Zhi's chest.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Ouyang Zhi's vision blurred for a moment.

"Why don't you speak anymore? Yes, I almost forgot, my tentacles are extremely poisonous~ Hahahaha—"

Situ Zhaonan suddenly pierced Ouyang Zhi's tentacles, and the miserable Ouyang Zhi was flung out, and then fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Ouyang Zhi's lips were already purple and black, and his spiritual power was scattered all over his body, but instead was wrapped in a strange black mist with extremely corrosive power.

Feeling the poisonous fire attacking his heart, he lay down on the ground embarrassedly, raised his head stiffly, looked in the direction of the Han family, and smiled without fear: "Heh... Tianrou, you must... safe and sound..."

Using all his strength to say the last blessing, Ouyang Zhi, a generation of arrogant, civil and military, finally completely fell.

Situ Zhaonan, who had restored his original appearance, glanced at Ouyang Zhi, who had lost his vitality, and couldn't help but sneer: "Hey, the world says that the most sentimental Ouyang Zhi in the Four Little Youth Books is the most sentimental, but now it seems to be a little off. It’s just that, although you are emotional and infatuated, it’s a pity that you don’t know how to lift up~ Alas! Before you die, pray for the cold and soft peace, but how can she be safe? Lord Flower's plan has long been implemented. "


On the edge of a forest cliff in the suburbs outside the southern city gate of the imperial capital, the cold wind was miserable. Situ Zhaonan bowed to the black robe man in front of him and said: "Master Flower, as you expected, Ouyang Zhi did not cooperate with us. According to the plan, I have killed him."

"Very good, worthy of being an elite of Wanchao Pavilion, really good!" Hua Dounan stood on the edge of the cliff with his hand in his hand, said lightly.

Staring directly at his back in awe, Situ Zhaonan muttered: "Then next, shall we continue to help Yaotian?"

"Ah, Lord God's orders, you and I just do it, after all, Yao Tian is a very useful chess piece." Hua Dounan sneered.

"Yes!" Situ Zhaonan said.

"Okay, you go back first and follow the plan."


Hua Dounan is now the Great Elder of the Blood Territory, serving Yao Tian, ​​but in fact he is the divine envoy of the Wanchao Pavilion of the Western Regions, and his position is equivalent to the Nangong Liucheng in the Southern Region.

Seeing that Situ Zhaonan had gone away, Hua Dounan sighed: "Oh, Lord God really knows everything like a god, it can be compared to our Southern Territory's Tianji Guest!"

"Well, the God Lord is indeed very powerful, so I am willing to serve." Xiao Huan quietly appeared on Hua Dounan's shoulders, looking directly at the vast green forest in front of him, and the majestic and vast capital behind the green forest, golden eyes appeared densely. Angrily: "Bai Chen, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, even if this Han family has you and the young master of the sanctuary, it is still impossible to stop me!"

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