Li Yu didn't speak anymore, pointed to the building next to him, and asked Li Tie to go there along the street next to him.

The steady man glanced at Li Yu, but said nothing.

Nothing else happened along the way.

When he was about to arrive next to the Glory Building, Li Yu suddenly saw a group of people in the car!

This group of people, both men and women, were walking towards the shopping plaza. Although they saw Li Yu's vehicle, they didn't pay much attention to it.

Li Yu narrowed his eyes, pointed his gun at the steady man next to him and said, "Are they your people?"

The steady man looked around the group of people, and finally saw a woman with short hair and glasses, and then said: "They are not with us."

"They belong to another force, and I originally wanted to join them."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

The steady man shook his head and said, "I didn't think it was important, and you didn't ask if there were other forces in the city."

Li Yu was a little speechless. The situation now was beyond his expectation. Although these people ignored them, Li Yu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't like sudden things.

So Li Tie was asked to find a hidden place and not go to the Glory Building for the time being. Now that new forces have emerged, he will not do anything until he knows the situation clearly.

After stopping the car, Li Yu looked at the steady man in front of him and stabbed his leg with a knife.



Before he could scream, Li Yu put a knife on his neck: "Shut up, if you dare to make a sound, I will kill you."

Immediately, Li Yu looked at him with sinister eyes.

He said harshly: "Tell me everything you know. If something like this happens again, I will kill you."

The steady man thought he had won Li Yu's trust, but the group of people he just met made Li Yu furious in an instant.

Moreover, in the hearts of steady men, those people do not pose a threat to them. Originally, he planned to join that gang, but his family was still with Boss Zhang.


The steady man seemed to fall into silence. Li Yu raised his hand again, judging from the situation, he was planning to stab him again. The steady man couldn't sit still for a moment.

He had just gritted his teeth to hold back, but now his leg was still bleeding. He didn't want to be stabbed again, so he immediately said: "There are two forces in the city, one is the one you just saw.

They have a total of more than 300 people. The main people in charge are Director Zhang and Officer Zhong. They are mainly people from the government and a few police officers. Later, they absorbed some students and teachers from nearby universities. Now more and more people are arriving. .

According to my understanding, they don't have many firearms. Although they feel pretty good there, the people in the government offices and the few police officers are not easy to deal with, but overall they are relatively good.

The force I am in now.

There were almost more than 200 people in total. Officer Ma was originally in charge there. Boss Zhang used to work in mining, and there were dozens of people who followed him. Officer Ma and Officer Xiao Feng were thinking of merging with Director Zhang. After all, it’s easy to get things done when there are many people.

But Officer Ma once went out and was bitten by a zombie for some reason. Officer Xiao Feng behind him also mysteriously disappeared. Later, Boss Zhang was directly responsible for the entire force. "

The steady man said so much in one breath, and then he covered the wound with his hand, as if he wanted to treat it. Li Yu glanced at him, and then threw out a medical kit.

The young man next to him quickly caught it and then helped the steady man's leg wound.

Li Yu said coldly: "Is there anything else? You haven't finished speaking yet."

The wound on the steady man's leg was just being disinfected by the young man with alcohol, and he suddenly gasped in pain.

Li Yu said: "I didn't stab that deep, only two centimeters. Tell me quickly!"

The steady man pursed his lips and continued: "I originally wanted to join Director Zhang's side, but Officer Ma and I are fellow villagers and knew each other, and he happened to invite me to join at the time, so I joined without much thought.

But who would have thought that Officer Ma would die later, and Officer Xiao Feng would be gone too. Those of us who joined later were completely on the fringes, and some people wanted to run over and join Director Zhang, but they were all suppressed by Boss Zhang.

He should also have a gun in his hand, and he also has dozens of people under his hands, all listening to him, so many people want to resist, but he has detained all our families.

So there's really nothing we can do.

Director Zhang was not united enough. Those police officers probably knew Officer Ma, and some suspected that Boss Zhang had killed Officer Ma and wanted to cause trouble for Boss Zhang.

But Director Zhang didn't want to make the relationship between the two forces too bad, so he fell into an embarrassing situation.

Although the two forces have conflicts, there is not much conflict. There may be some conflicts in private, but they still maintain restraint on a large level. "

When Li Yu heard this, he pressed his eyebrows with both hands.

He felt it was so complicated.

But the feeling doesn't matter, since there aren't many people with guns on both sides anyway.

And he only came to the city center to do three things: kill people! kill! kill!

Help Zhao Dapao take revenge and kill those bastards.

After sorting out his thoughts, Li Yu asked Li Tie to continue driving to the building opposite the Glory Building.

The vehicle was moving slowly, and the wound on the steady man's leg was no longer bleeding, and the leg was tied up with a bandage. He didn't feel so bad anymore.

As usual, they found an underground parking garage, and Li Yu and others climbed upstairs.

While climbing the stairs, Li Yu was at the front, vigilantly searching the surrounding area in case zombies appeared.

Maybe zombies like dark and cold places during the day. When Li Yu looked down to the underground floor just now, he saw a few zombies, so he blocked the underground road leading to the ground with debris.

In addition, the doors and windows from the ground to the first floor were also blocked.

Then slowly climb up the stairs, but there are basically very few zombies upstairs. Four zombies were eliminated along the way.

There was no electricity, so I had to climb up with my legs. But he was not so friendly to this steady man.

But Li Yu ignored him and asked him to follow him from the first floor to the seventh floor. Li Yu looked at the location upstairs, and then looked through the window at Yu Gutai in the distance.

So he said: "Let's stay here for now."

Everyone walked to the window, and Li Yu couldn't help but said: "Don't go there all at once, be careful not to be discovered by others, we are here."

So everyone leaned behind the curtains and began to examine Yu Gutai.

The side of Yugutai is smaller than Li Yu imagined, but it is a good place to guard against zombies.

But as for guarding against others, it's not very safe. I guess in Boss Zhang's mind, they feel that they are the ones looking for trouble, so why would someone look for trouble for them.

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