Li Yu has arrived at the county seat.

The county town was dead silent, as if there was no one there.

Since entering the county, they slowed down the speed of the car,

Avoid making too much noise.

You know, although Xincheng is only a small town in the south.

But the population is also close to one million!

The closer you get to the center of the city, the more zombies there are.

At the back, Li Yu had to get out of the car, and followed the car while cleaning up the zombies surrounding him.

Fourth Uncle Li Hongda and Uncle Lai also got out of the car to help clean up.

Li Hang and Xiao Lue were driving behind.

I have to say, put a special stainless steel knife on Uncle Lai,

In addition, he has great strength,

Cutting down zombies is like divine help.

After that, several people have been in this formation:

Li Yu took the lead,

Fourth uncle and uncle Lai, one on the left and one on the right.

Two cars followed closely behind.

Slowly approaching the county police station,

The police station door is open,

There were still standing inside the guard booth, two zombies in police uniforms.

Everyone felt uncomfortable when they saw this scene.

In the county, the safest places have been breached...

Li Yu just watched it for two seconds before walking to the guard booth without hesitation.

Open the door!

In an instant, two zombies pounced on him.

Li Yu slashed at a zombie with his long knife.

In addition, zombies rushed over from the side.

Li Yu pulled out a Nepalese dagger from the buckle on his thigh, and stabbed the zombie's temple precisely.

Sheathed both knives at the same time,

Boom! Boom!

The zombie fell to the ground, neatly.

The whole process seemed to flow smoothly, and it took less than 2 seconds.

"Gudu." Li Hang swallowed when he saw it in the car:

My mother, this is so cool, I want to learn it.

After killing the zombies, Li Yu checked the corpse and found two guns.

The bullets were still full and not a single shot was fired.

Immediately, Li Yu began to walk towards the police station.

He was not familiar with the police station, but Xiao Lue often came to the police station to see his father and was very familiar with it.

Fourth uncle replaced Xiaolue in driving, and Xiaolue got out of the car to help guide.

After a while, I found the firearms warehouse where the guns were stored.

But there were still about a dozen zombies in police uniforms wandering around inside.

Behind the zombies, a huge silver door is over there.

Xiao Lue pointed to the door and said, "It should be over there, but I've never been in, so I'm not sure."

Li Yu looked around and estimated that the gun was there.

The fourth uncle was left on guard outside, always vigilant.

If a large number of zombies come over, you can let them get on the bus quickly.

The remaining four people went in.

Li Yu was in front and kicked the door hard, causing it to fly away.

Several zombies rushed toward them, and Li Yu slashed them with a knife.


The three zombies fell backwards, followed closely by Uncle Lai and the others.

In a few moments, these dozen zombies were eliminated by four people.

However, when I arrived at the silver door, I suddenly found that I couldn't open it and needed a key.

Several people searched the room, but did not find the key.

"Look for it on the body." Li Yu whispered.

Several people groped for the dead body on the ground, and finally found the key on a fat man in police uniform.

Open the door with a key, and a row of 79 submachine guns greets you.

I counted about 6 of them.

Next to the weapon cabinet, there are two 95 automatic rifles.

After seeing it, everyone was very happy.

Li Yu took a few steps forward, and found two more light machine guns on the table.

"Damn! Why are there so many!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation, and Li Hang immediately said, "Brother, come and see here."

Li Yu hurried forward and found a weapon box full of pistols.

Roughly counted, there are almost 15!

Everyone grinned happily.

No one has ever been in the police station gun store,

I thought the police station only had 10 pistols and it was enough.

But today it was discovered that the police station actually had such sufficient firepower.

Immediately afterwards, everyone rummaged around and found the bullet.

But there are not many bullets, each pistol is equipped with only 200 rounds of bullets...

But it also exceeded Li Yu's expectations.

Several people carried all the guns and bullets to the car,

The vigilant fourth uncle next to the car was dazzled,

See more things, also join in to help carry.

On the other hand, Li Hang was extremely excited.

Looking at the two rifles, his eyes were fiery.

Fourth Uncle, Uncle Lai and Xiaolue also looked at the guns, eager to try.

Li Yu thought for a few seconds, and finally urged everyone to quickly put the guns into the car.

He also picked up a submachine gun himself, tried it briefly, and it felt good.

But he didn't distribute the submachine guns to everyone,

Because he knows that everyone has never used a gun.

Except for the simple teaching of Li Hang before, the others have never even touched a gun!

There is no time now to teach everyone how to use a gun,

To learn how to use a gun, you must learn from the first time you shoot.

And shooting would definitely attract zombies.

If we rashly distribute submachine guns to everyone now, without anyone teaching them,

It is extremely easy to cause accidental injury.

Especially the recoil of the pistol, due to the bullet capacity of the pistol,

Usually less than a rifle of the same caliber, and the barrel is shorter.


The recoil force generated by the pistol is directly borne by the arm,

For ordinary people, it will startle when using a pistol,

It is inevitable to miss this point.


The muzzle of the gun will rise due to recoil.

If you don’t hold the gun properly when you fire the first shot,

Guns are easy to lose, which is very dangerous.

It's like having a firecracker explode in your hand

Although everyone is a little confused, but I believe that Li Yu will do this,

There must be a reason...

Since the end of the world, Li Yu's performance is enough to convince them,

From building bases, solving food problems, to solving bums who want to break into the base,

Li Yu's decisions and actions all confirm his correctness.

Everyone had just loaded the guns into the car.


The siren of a police car pierced the surrounding silence.

Like a drop of water falling into the calm water, the zombies all around ran towards the police station one after another...

The footsteps of zombies are like thousands of troops.


Li Yu said loudly: "Quickly retreat!"

Then he started his car and fled the police station.

But the zombies around did not seem to intend to let them go, and surrounded them from all directions.

"Xiaoyu, go from the back! Go from the back!!" Fourth Uncle shouted.

When he was guarding outside, he knew that the rear route was unobstructed.

And there don't seem to be so many zombies in the back!

Hearing what Uncle Si said, Li Yu told Li Hang, who was driving, to quickly turn around and gallop backward.

The fourth uncle in another car followed closely behind.

Unexpectedly, they were also surrounded from behind.

A dense crowd of zombies made one's scalp tingle.

"Keep driving, don't stop!" Li Yu shouted to Li Hang who was slightly stunned,

One side poked his head out, holding a submachine gun in his hand and began to shoot forward...

“Sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden”….

“Pfft, pfft”…

The sound of submachine guns and the sound of bullets shooting into flesh continued to be heard,

Xiaolue next to him, also through the glass window with a gap left,

Stab the zombies that are charging towards you.

The pressure on the fourth uncle following behind was not so great, as long as he followed the car in front.

With Li Yu's submachine gun firing, the zombies in front fell down like cutting wheat.

Finally a bloody path was found.

The car was speeding, and the number of zombies visible to the naked eye decreased.

Suddenly, the vision suddenly opened up.

Li Yu stopped the submachine gun in his hand,

Looking at the large number of zombie corpses that suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Hang and him looked at each other tacitly.

someone! ! !

They came to the police station and passed by here, so they didn't kill these zombies.

Who could it be?

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