Su Jinyue shook her head and sighed, looking at the Jin family and the Lin family who were still arguing, and the faint figure floating beside them, "We are outsiders after all." Lin Muzhu didn't want them to interfere. Her business.

"Then we call the police and let the police come and check it out." Han Bing said. Anyway, she wouldn't let Lin Muzhu die unclearly.

Su Jinyue looked at the two police officers who came by, "Lin Muzhu jumped off the building because of a miscarriage and couldn't think about it for a while. Jin Shouyi can't be convicted." Jin Shouyi and Lin Muzhu are husband and wife. , It can only be regarded as an accident, even the law cannot interfere.

"Aren't we able to do anything?" Han Bing asked discouragedly. Asking her to do nothing, she felt a panic in her heart.

Su Jinyue took out a talisman and handed it to Han Bing, lowered her head and whispered in Han Bing's ear, "You stick it to Jin Shouyi's body." What they can do now is to teach Jin Shouyi to Lin Muzhu.

"Good." Han Bing immediately smiled. How could sister Jinyue's Fuluo be a normal Fuluo? Now that scumbag is going to be unlucky.

Holding Fulu in his hand, Han Bing walked towards Jin Shouyi.

Under the gazes of everyone, Han Bing stopped in front of Jin Shouyi, took out a small book from his bag, and shook it in front of Jin Shouyi, "Jin Shouyi, this was the last time Lin Muzhu left me. , She said there are many secrets about you here."

Jin Shouyi was taken aback, and quickly reached out to grab it, "You give it to me." Lin Muzhu, the **** woman, even kept such a hand, he underestimated her.

Han Bing said a few times, and asked Jin Shouyi to **** the little book and the talisman that Su Jinyue gave her.

At the moment when Jin Shouyi grabbed the notebook, an insignificant light escaped into his body.

After grabbing the book, Jin Shouyi quickly opened the book, but saw that there was nothing in the book, he knew that he had been fooled by Han Bing, "Are you kidding me?"

"What are you doing so nervously? Did you really do something shameful?" Han Bing smiled and took back his notebook, and looked at the two policemen who were looking at this side. "Uncle policeman, you have to check it out." , Never let a bad guy go." Now I feel much better.

"Asshole!" Jin Shouyi raised his hand, so angry that he wanted to beat Han Bing.

Han Bing has quickly avoided, "I am not Lin Muzhu, if you dare to touch my hair, I will let my man let your Jin family disappear in the capital." With Wei Yuanxing's temper, if you know that she has been caught People will definitely do it if they hit it.

Jin Shouyi snorted coldly, ignored Han Bing, looked at the Lin family and said, "If you want to take care of Lin Muzhu's funeral, you can do it yourself. I won't care."

"Jin Shouyi, are you talking about human words? Mu Zhu is your wife." Lin Mu was shaking with anger, coughing constantly. How could Mu Zhu live so hard to marry such a man.

"She was pregnant with a child when I married her. Who knows who owns that child." Jin Shouyi sneered.

"Yes." The mother of gold said in agreement.

" are too much..." Mother Lin couldn't breathe, and fainted when she rolled her eyes.

"Old woman, old woman, don't scare me." Father Lin hurriedly pinched Mother Lin.

Lin Mudong and Lin Mu just stepped forward and stopped the Jin family mother and son who were about to leave, "You are not allowed to leave unless you speak clearly today."

"Sister Jinyue, when did it happen?" Han Bing arched Su Jinyue with his hand. She is looking forward to it!

"It's coming soon." Su Jinyue sighed in her heart as she looked at Lin Muzhu whose figure was getting fainter. If there is an afterlife, I hope she can find her own happiness and stop being like this life.

A sharp pain churned in Jin Shouyi's stomach, Jin Shouyi's expression changed, and he squatted down holding his stomach.

Lin Mudong and Lin Mu

I was stunned for a while, looked at the policeman on the side, spread his hands, "Comrade policeman, we didn't hit anyone."

The two police officers nodded.

"Shouyi, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Jin Shouyi didn't seem to be pretending, Old Jin was too anxious.

"I have a stomachache, Mom, you can help me to find a doctor, I'm almost dead." Jin Shouyi felt that he was about to faint with pain.

There was also a doctor watching the excitement. Seeing Jin Shouyi's situation, he walked forward quickly.

Seeing the doctor, Jin Shouyi quickly grabbed the doctor tightly, "Help me...I'm going to die of pain..."

"Deserve it!" Han Bing happily waved his fist. The more Jin Shouyi hurts, the happier she is.

Lin Musheng walked into the hospital and saw that the square of the hospital was full of people. He stepped up in surprise and squeezed into the crowd.

As soon as he entered the crowd, Lin Musheng saw Su Jinyue who was watching the excitement, and greeted him happily, "Doctor Su, instructor Zhan, why are you here?" He hasn't seen Su Jinyue and Zhan Yi for a long time. It's cold, I heard that they have gone abroad and went to a remote place.

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