This marketing method is similar to the Want Want Gift Pack and the Three Hamster Snacks Gift Pack in later generations.

Naturally, this kind of operation is very effective. After all, everyone has to stock up on New Year’s goods during the New Year, and also prepare some New Year’s gifts for the children at home, especially those who work outside. Bringing such a gift pack of Donghu Liangpin snacks back to your family you haven’t seen for several months Children, the children at home will definitely like it very much.

Therefore, the shipment volume of this New Year gift package launched by Donghu Liangpin is quite good.

Lin Shen parked the car at the entrance of Donghu Liangpin, and then walked into the factory gate of Donghu Liangpin. Lin Shen randomly asked an employee wearing work clothes and asked where Lin Guohui was now.

As a result, the employee told Lin Shen that Lin Guohui was now at the second factory.

Lin Shen was quite surprised and said,”Factory No. 2?”

“It is another factory of Donghu Liangpin.”The other party replied

“Donghu Liangpin has opened a branch?”Lin Shen was a little surprised. It seems that Lin Guohui spent a lot of money this year.

“Instead of opening a branch factory, he bought someone else’s food factory.”This employee heard Lin Shen speak with an accent from Donghu County, but he didn’t know what happened to Donghu Liangpin, which was quite surprising.

After Lin Shen inquired, he learned that this year, a Donghu County family followed Donghu Liangpin’s food business The food factory that produced it closed down inexplicably. The reason for the closure was very unreasonable, because the owner of this factory unexpectedly made a fortune in just one year after starting a food factory. When he participated in social gambling, he lost all the cash in his food factory’s account.

Then, the once prosperous food factory collapsed overnight.

Lin Shen asked in detail.

He learned that this food factory was the one in the county that Lin Shen had heard about before, which produced bagged melon seeds and alcoholic peanuts.

The owner of this food factory was also a shrewd business genius.

The melon seeds are all fried.

Their melon seeds are not fried, but boiled.

During the cooking process, spices and herbs such as licorice are added, so that the melon seeds produced by them are not only clean, but also have spices.

(All the bagged melon seeds on the market now are boiled, not fried.


Later, the boss even added vitamin C when cooking, claiming that eating his cantaloupe seeds was okay. To supplement vitamin C and prevent colds, in this era of universal health care, the sales of this alternative melon seeds have been rising.

In the early days, their melon seeds also held prize promotions. If you buy their melon seeds, you can win prizes such as bicycles, umbrellas and cantaloupe seeds. Waiting for the prize, he successfully opened up the market.

It can be said that every step the boss took was wonderful, but it was a pity that he went astray and lost all the company’s cash flow by gambling.

The cash flow was gone and he still owed suppliers. With the money for the goods, the only choice was to close down.

After the bankruptcy, this food factory was acquired by Donghu Liangpin under the leadership of Lin Guohui, so now Donghu Liangpin also produces snacks such as melon seeds, Jiuguan peanuts, and broad beans.

Listen to this. After the employee finished speaking, Lin Shen suddenly realized that something like this had happened this year.

For some reason, Lin Guohui didn’t mention it to him on the phone.

Thinking of this, Lin Shen asked the employee about the address of the second factory. , learned that it was not far next door, and then went out to drive towards the so-called second factory. In fact, this second factory was not far away, only four hundred meters away. After all, it was a neighbor of Donghu Liangpin.

This is the so-called food industrial park planned by the government.

This factory has now been replaced by the Donghu Liangpin brand. Lin Shen walked into the factory and soon saw Lin Guohui directing a group of employees to load a truck. Goods.

When Lin Guohui saw Lin Shen, he said happily:”Xiao Shen, are you back? How did you come here?

Lin Shen smiled and said,”Dad, you hid it well enough. You didn’t even mention such a big thing to me.””

Lin Shen has given all his companies full operational autonomy. As long as it is for the development of the company, they can make their own decisions.

But after all, Lin Shen often talks to Lin Guohui on the phone, and Lin Guohui will mention other matters to Lin Shen, even if he is He knew about the dried fruit and nut planting bases established in Yunnan Province, but he never mentioned the acquisition of this food factory to Lin Shen.

“Isn’t this just to give you a surprise? Lin Guohui said with a smile.

Since last Spring Festival, Lin Shen revealed to Lin Guohui that he had shares in Life Essence Oral Liquid and Zulong VCD. Lin Guohui, who had always been complacent about his achievements, was hit hard, so this year he He worked harder than before. He acquired a bankrupt food factory and expanded his business scope. He said it was to surprise Lin Shen, but Lin Shen somewhat believed it.

“Xiao Shen, I’m still busy today and won’t be able to go home until the day after tomorrow. Tell your mother when you get home.”Lin Guohui said.

The day after tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, and Lin Guohui is always busy on that day every year.

“Dad, you don’t need to be so busy at work. You can leave most of the work to others in the future. Since you are such a high-ranking official now, it stands to reason that you only need to go around eating and drinking with others.”Lin Shen couldn’t understand that Lin Guohui liked the idea of doing everything by himself.

“Normally I don’t care much about it, but isn’t it the end of the year? Many people who were far away from home went home first. I’d better come over and keep an eye on it. Lin Guohui said.

Lin Shen saw several employees loading goods into the car. At this moment, a man in his thirties came over with a shipping order.

“Mr. Lin, I checked the documents.……”He had just finished speaking when he saw Lin Shen next to him and was stunned for a moment.

“Oh, Manager Gao, this is my son and the largest shareholder of our Donghu Liangpin.”Lin Guohui quickly introduced Lin Shen

“Manager Gao? Lin Shen was stunned. He had just heard that the employee of Donghu Liangpin said that the man who lost the cash flow of the food factory by gambling was also named Gao,”What’s your name?””

“My name is Gao Lei.”The other party said in confusion.

Is that the gambling dog? Why did Lin Guohui keep him?

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