"Remember, this is just a qualifying round. If there is a death or someone maliciously destroys someone's foundation, everyone on this stage will be eliminated."

"Start now."

The disciples below had been sharpening their fists for a long time, and were extremely excited. When they heard that they could start, they responded loudly,"Yes."

Soon the arena was filled with the first wave of people. After Yu Huachen confirmed that there were ten people on each arena, he opened his mouth and said loudly,"Start."

All kinds of spells and magic weapons flew everywhere on the arena. Every disciple showed his magical power and used his best means of attack.

After a while, someone fell off the arena, was kicked off, or was knocked down by the explosion, in all kinds of postures.

Soon there was only one person left on the ten arenas.

Under each arena stood a disciple from the Law Enforcement Hall, who was specifically responsible for recording the final results of each arena.

After the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall wrote down the people left on the arena,

Yu Huachen said,"The next batch."

This time, Jun Xie, Bai Su and others flew onto the stage, each occupying one position.

Seeing that they were the ones to come on stage, the disciples below hesitated for a moment, but in the end, several direct disciples jumped onto the stage.

Bai Su looked at Ye Ziyi in front of him with a flash of eyes, 'I was afraid you wouldn't come.'

Ye Ziyi was dressed in a white disciple uniform, weak and delicate, with soft hair gently tied up by a white hairband, draped over her back, like silk, exuding a faint fragrance.

In her fair jade hands was a fiery red sword, which looked extremely conspicuous, and the three flower-guarding messengers behind her were elegant and polite.

The three flower-guarding messengers were Wen Zijun, the third disciple of Yaofeng, and Bu Fan of Lingshui Peak and Wan Qi of Lingzhu Peak.

Both of them were in the late Jindan stage, and were also admired followers of Ye Ziyi.

The other five remained neutral.

Ye Ziyi looked at Bai Su opposite her, who was alone, with a hint of complacency in her eyes,"Junior Sister Bai, aren't you going to find two helpers?"


Looking for a man?

Bai Suzhen was speechless and didn't know what to say. She just showed a white sword with purple patterns on it.

"Ice Thunder Sword!"

Someone on the stage said the name of the sword, and the disciples watching below immediately became active.

"That's right, it's the Ice Thunder Sword"

"Every disciple of Jianfeng has a very powerful sword"

"That's because the owner of the sword didn't bury them."

"Perhaps only in their hands can these swords become famous."

"To be remembered by people"

"Yes, Senior Sister Bai originally had the dual spiritual roots of ice and thunder, and this ice and thunder sword was a perfect match in her hands."

"Your words……………It seems to be correct."

"It is said that the other half of a sword cultivator is his sword, isn't it a match made in heaven?"

Ye Ziyi on the stage heard the discussion and praise from the audience, and a stern look flashed in her eyes

"Today I want to see the power of this Ice Thunder Sword."

Bai Su chuckled,"It just so happens that I also want to let Senior Sister Ye have a taste."

Bai Su raised her eyes and looked at Ye Ziyi and the other four people opposite,"Are you coming together? Or one by one?"

"Why don't we just go together and save time?"

Bu Fan glared at Bai Su with sharp eyes,"Arrogant"

"Stop talking nonsense and get started."

Bai Su summoned the white Ice Thunder Sword, which instantly split into a hundred identical swords, with purple lightning surrounding the white swords.


One hundred swords stabbed at Ye Ziyi and the other two at once, following Bai Su's command.

Ye Ziyi's face changed drastically, and she waved her Fire Spirit Sword to fend off the surrounding Ice Lightning Swords in a hurry.

Ice overcomes fire, and with the power of thunder and lightning, Ye Ziyi barely managed to resist.

The thunder spirit power on the Ice Lightning Sword was transmitted to Ye Ziyi's arm along the Fire Spirit Sword, and the electric shock made Ye Ziyi's arm numb.

Bu Fan used a soft sword to use the meaning of water, which continued to separate the surrounding Ice Lightning Swords.

Bai Su cursed him inwardly, and strengthened the output of thunder spirit power, water It can be electrified, and the thunder spirit energy flows along with Bu Fan's water spirit energy to Bu Fan's body.

Bu Fan's body trembled instantly, and he quickly used his spirit energy to block it.

Wen Zijun flipped his folding fan up and down, and the fire and wood spirit energy continued. His brows were slightly furrowed, and he looked a little depressed.

He was in the early stage of the golden elixir, and one move against Bai Su could determine the outcome.

Wan Qi took a step back, and a green flute was blown gently, and an invisible sound wave spread around.

Wan Qi's sound wave not only blocked Bai Su's ice and thunder sword, but also continued to spread, and the five people who were watching the battle People and Bai Su were all affected.

The other five people's consciousness was attacked by the sound wave, and they felt an unbearable headache. They quickly mobilized their spiritual power to resist, but it was useless.

Bai Su's consciousness felt a pain, and the small jade sword in the sea of consciousness shook lightly, spreading a layer of protective net to protect Bai Su's consciousness.

Bai Su's consciousness came back to her senses, her eyes turned cold, and the 100 ice and thunder swords changed immediately, facing Bu Fan and the other four, spinning the sword body and stabbing.

Bu Fan was shocked,"She actually has a magic weapon for consciousness defense."

Bai Su flew into the air, stopped spinning, and her ink-colored hair flew back along the white disciple uniform, forming a sharp contrast.

She crossed her hands in front of her chest and swung them violently to both sides.

The ice and thunder swords in front of Bu Fan and the other four instantly accelerated their rotation speed and stabbed the three people violently.

Bu Fan and the other four looked heavy, and hurriedly worked together to use a defense shield to block it.

Bai Su's eyes flashed. She took out a thunder talisman, with a mischievous smile on her face, and threw the thunder talisman at the four people's defense shield

"Senior Sister Ye, go on."

Ye Ziyi's face changed,"Despicable!"

Immediately followed by a loud bang, Ye Ziyi and the other four were blown away and fell under the ring.

Bai Su retracted the Ice Thunder Sword and looked at Ye Ziyi under the ring, sneering,"Despicable?"

"Is a thunder talisman despicable?"

"What does it mean that Master Mu Feng poisoned my senior brother?"

"How dare you!"

Ye Ziyi shouted angrily.

"How could you arbitrarily arrange for me to be the master of Yaofeng?"

Bai Su quickly made an apologetic gesture,"I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"Look at me, why can't I control my mouth?"

"What if I go out far away in the future and get hunted down, and implicate a group of innocent people?…………"

"What should I do?"

"" Alas!"

The other five people on the stage were enjoying the show, but Ye Ziyi, who was in the audience, was so angry at Bai Su's action that she blushed and her heart beat fast, and she left with her sleeves swung.

Bai Su stretched her neck and shouted,"Alas! Why are you leaving?"

Wan Qi frowned and looked at Bai Su unhappily,"Junior Sister Bai, please forgive others when you can."

Bai Su's eyes instantly turned cold,"Oh, you are talking to the wrong person."

"You should tell your junior sister Ye"

"I, Bai Su, am a person who likes to fight back."

"Don't give me the idea of repaying evil with kindness. What is that? I don't know Bai Su."

"But since you like to say this, you must remember to forgive others when you can."

"Don't implicate innocent people."

"Go after your Junior Sister

Ye." Bai Su babble on and on, and Wan Qi's face changes again and again like a palette.

Finally, he flicked his sleeves and left.

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