Ah Xue pulled back her memories and walked directly to the place where the monster eggs were. Looking at the monster eggs of all sizes in front of her, Ah Xue was stunned.

"Little demon, there are so many eggs here, how should I find them?"

"Master, please let Huoxuan try."

Ah Xue lowered her head and thought,"Isn't it sleeping? How can we try?""

"Stupid master, you and Huoxuan have a life contract. As long as you put your hand on the egg, Huoxuan with the phoenix blood will naturally feel it."

"Oh, okay."

Axue was about to reach out to try, when suddenly a voice came from beside her

"Liu Axue?"

Axue looked up and saw………………Luo Qing

‘How could it be such a coincidence? The egg has not been found yet. '

Luo Qing looked at the little girl in front of him, and thought that it was because of her that Li Qian was punished to the cliff of reflection. He was very unhappy, and squinted with contempt,"Are you going home or to gain experience?"


"Junior Sister Liu is already in the late stage of Qi Refining. Her cultivation speed is really fast. She is worthy of being Jianfeng's last disciple."

Luo Qing said with sarcasm in his tone. After he finished speaking, his eyes involuntarily looked at a fist-sized black egg. Just as he was about to reach out to take it, Axue's eyes moved, and he quickly reached out and grabbed the black egg into his hand. At the same time, the Flamingo King Egg in the space shook.

The bloodthirsty demon vine said in surprise,"There is a reaction, this is it."

After the bloodthirsty demon vine finished speaking, a crisp voice came from Axue's consciousness again,"Master, I seem to feel a powerful call."

Axue was delighted,"Huoxuan, you woke up!"

"Yes Master"

"Something was calling me just now, so I woke up early."

The bloodthirsty demon vine stretched out its vines and patted it gently,"Don't worry, the master found a good thing for you, and I will send it to you after the master finishes the things outside."

Huo Xuan heard it and said sensibly,"Okay, master, you go and solve it."


Ah Xue looked up at the receptionist,"How much is this?"

The receptionist saw that the egg seemed to have not been asked for a long time, and there was no spiritual power fluctuation. He casually said,"Two high-quality spiritual stones."

""Wait!" Luo Qing shouted hurriedly.

Axue took out two high-grade spirit stones and put them on the position of the egg, then looked up at Luo Qing,"Is there something wrong?"

Luo Qing said, suppressing his anxiety and uneasiness,"Junior Sister Liu, can you give me this egg? I will give you an extra high-grade spirit stone."

Axue's eyes turned cold in an instant,"Senior Brother Luo, I don't lack that high-grade spirit stone."

Luo Qing asked hurriedly again,"Then how much do you want, you say?"

"I don't want spirit stones"

"What do you want?"

Ah Xue said silently in her heart, 'I want you to die, go now.'

She said impatiently,"I have something else to do, bye."

Then she walked out.


Luo Qing hurriedly grabbed Axue's sleeve.

Axue looked at the hand holding her sleeve, her eyes were as cold as broken ice chips, she raised her head and asked in a bone-chilling voice,"What?"

Luo Qing was stabbed by her cold eyes, and involuntarily let go of Axue's sleeve,"No, Junior Sister Liu, listen to me, I really like this egg, I think it has a good relationship with me, you can say you want anything, I will exchange it with you."

"Do you still remember? I was the one who brought you into the sect, and the bond between us is deep."

He said, and gave Ah Xue a meaningful look.

Ah Xue looked at her sleeves with cold disdain, thinking about how to deal with them cleanly, and just threw them away, and did not notice Luo Qing's eyes, otherwise he would definitely disgust her.

"Senior Brother Luo, that is your sect mission. You don't need to explain it with fate. It's not appropriate."

"Junior Sister Liu!"

Luo Qing stared at Axue with an incredible expression on his face, accusingly saying,"How can you be so ruthless! If it weren't for me, could you have made it to Xuantian Sect? Could you have been accepted as a disciple by Master Han Feng?"

Axue was particularly annoyed by his self-righteous behavior, and looked at him dangerously,"Why, you want to rob too, right?"

"Stealing someone's opportunity is easy to do but not pleasant to listen to. Do you believe that I don't have to wait until I return to the sect to make the image stone appear in front of the sect master?"


Ever since Liu Axue left the secret realm last time and filed a complaint with the sect master, causing one inner sect disciple to be punished and another to be expelled, everyone in Xuantian Sect knew that Axue had a photo stone in her hand.

Hearing Axue mention the photo stone, Luo Qing didn't dare to force him anymore,"What did Junior Sister Liu say?"

"Since Junior Sister Liu is unwilling, how can Senior Brother force her to take her away?"

"Junior Sister Liu, please."

Ah Xue didn't look at Luo Qing any more and turned to leave. She heaved a sigh of relief after leaving the Space Law House and put the dead egg in her hand into the Space Law House.

‘I almost missed the opportunity, luckily I reacted quickly’

"This egg is very hard, Huo Xuan, can you break it?"

Huo Xuan's voice came,"Master, don't worry."

The bloodthirsty demon vine took a look at the space. After the Xitu, there was another mountain in the space."Huo Xuan, I will send you to that mountain for retreat."

Huo Xuan said happily,"Okay, thank you, little demon sister"

""Little demon sister?" Ah Xue asked doubtfully,"Little demon, are you a girl?"

Are demon vines divided into male and female?

"Of course I am a woman."

After saying this, Xixue took Huoxuan to the distant mountain.

"Master, I'm going to retreat."

"Well, go ahead."

Luo Qing looked at Liu Axue's back as she left, his fists clenched and he looked at her angrily.

‘Liu Axue, you dared to snatch things from me after you robbed Junior Sister Li. I think you don't want to live anymore.’

‘Even if you have Jianfeng to protect you, I, Luo Qing, will always have a chance to kill you. '

Luo Qing suddenly remembered that year at the Xuantian Sect market, the situation of Li Qian and himself was so similar, and Liu Axue's movements and expressions were also so similar.

Could it be that there is some extraordinary monster in that egg?

Thinking of this, Luo Qing was furious and shouted angrily,"Liu Axue!" After

Axue left the magic house, she did not go anywhere else, and walked directly out of the market to the inn.

Meng Yue, who was waiting for her in the lobby of the inn, saw Axue walking in against the light, and quickly stood up and said happily,"Fairy Axue, you are here."

Axue nodded,"Yeah"

"How's that guy?"

"I have already washed up and am resting in my room."

"Well, let's go and have a look together." Ah

Xue was having a headache at this moment. She had bought the person, but what should she do in the future? How should she get him back to Medicine King Valley?

Annoyed, Ah Xue followed Meng Yue up to the third floor,"Fairy Ah Xue, this is it."


Meng Yue stretched out her hand and pushed open the door, and Axue saw a handsome young man sitting on a stool next to the table.

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