Chapter 0016 Thirty times leverage, buy the shares of the Zhongba Group again!


“Mr. Qin!” As soon as he saw Qin Luo, a smile immediately appeared on Shao Jiahui’s face: “Long time no see!” ”

Qin Luo sat down and said, “Mr. Shao, promoted?” ”

“A little mention, not worth mentioning!” Shao Jiahui politely spoke: “Thanks to Mr. Qin’s guidance, I have made a lot of achievements during this time!” ”

Now Shao Jiahui is also doing things to see how much land there is under the other party’s assets to judge the potential.

This judgment, although not necessarily guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

However, there are at least six or seven percent accuracy.

This is already quite powerful.

Shao Jiahui naturally treated Qin Luo very politely, his own performance was also made from Qin Luo, and now he has also undertaken a lot of business, and now he is naturally very enthusiastic when he sees Qin Luo.

Qin Luo sat in front of Shao Jiahui and said, “I’m busy opening a company during this time, you know, this is just done, there are still a lot of things!” ”

Shao Jiahui immediately smiled and said, “Understand, understand, I should call President Qin now!” ”

This Shao Jiahui is also responsive, and when he opens his mouth and closes his mouth, he is a mouthful: “President Qin, which stock do you want to buy this time?” ”

Qin Luo asked, “How many shares does the China Pakistan Group have now?”

Shao Jiahui quickly picked up the phone, and after consulting it, he spoke: “Now it is 25.4 yuan a share!” ”

“Lowered?” Qin Luo asked.

“Yes, it’s just lowered in the past few days, President Qin, it’s really time when you withdraw, just in the past few days, you directly fell eight yuan!” Shao Jiahui said with a smile.

“Do you know what the reason is?” Qin Luo asked.

“This, I really know, all this time, I have been paying attention!” Shao Jiahui quickly spoke: “Just two days ago, it was said that Sun Hung Kai gave up the acquisition plan, and now Sun Hung Kai is investing in Junhui Port in Manhattan Hill, in addition to abandoning the acquisition, it also sold some shares!” ”

Qin Luo nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: “Okay, I’ll buy the shares of the China Pakistan Group again!” ”

“You, do you want to enter at this time?” Shao Jiahui was slightly stunned, and couldn’t help but say: “But now it is still a continuous decline, you want to choose to enter the market at this time?” ”

“Didn’t I say that before?” Qin Luo smiled and spoke, “What we want to look at is not a simple operational problem!” ”

Shao Jiahui said: “Even if you only look at the land, I think it is difficult for the Sino-Ba Group to have the possibility of substantial growth in a short period of time, do you plan to hold it for a long time?” Keep waiting? ”

Qin Luo said, “Count it on!” ”

Shao Jiahui said, “Then, how much do you plan to invest this time?” ”

Qin Luo opened five fingers.

Shao Jiahui asked, “Fifty thousand?” ”

“Five hundred thousand, give me thirty times leverage!”

Qin Luo smiled and said, “Buy all the shares of the China Pakistan Group!” ”

Shao Jiahui was sluggish for a long time, and couldn’t help but say, “President Qin, are you really sure?” 500,000, 30 times leverage, that’s 15 million, close to 600,000 shares? ”

Qin Luo nodded: “Yes, it is 600,000 shares, I am still very optimistic about the shares of China and Pakistan Group, I want to do 30 times leverage, buy them all!” ”

The muscles at the corners of Shao Jiahui’s mouth couldn’t help twitching a few times, only feeling that Qin Luo’s guy was simply not too bold.

Last time it was okay, a mere three or four hundred yuan, and if the loss is gone, it will be a loss.

This time, it is 500,000, and it will be leveraged 30 times.

500,000 is gone, but it is really lost.

However, for Qin Luo, now is the best opportunity to step in.

Sun Hung Kai withdrew though.

However, in fact, Sun Hung Kai negotiated and cooperated with Eagle Group, and Sun Hung Kai sold all its shares to the Paliburg Group, a subsidiary of Eagle Group.

In order to completely win the China Pakistan Group, Paliburg Group began to take out a full 260 million Hong Kong dollars.

On the other hand, the Yan Chengkun family was not idle, pulling Xinchang Real Estate to start an anti-takeover war.

The result of the war between the two sides was that the stock price soared all the way to 56 yuan a share.

Although in the end, although the Yan Chengkun family kept the Zhongba Group, it also greatly consumed the liquidity of the Yan Chengkun family.

600,000 shares, counting the shares issued by the China Pakistan Group, can already reach 1.5 percent of the shares.

Don’t look at just one and five, when the two sides are fighting hotly, this 1.5 is enough to turn the tide of the war.

At that time, whether it is the Yan family coming to find themselves, or the Eagle Jun Group coming to find themselves.

He can sell his shares for a high price.

Shao Jiahui originally wanted to persuade again, and then, after thinking about it, he still forgot.

His own investment vision is afraid that he can’t compare with Qin Luo, since that’s the case, then he still honestly obeys Qin Luo’s words, and he lets himself buy so honestly buys.

However, Qin Luo’s purchase immediately caused the stock price of Zhongba Group to fluctuate.

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