Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2191: sudden onset of dust-free


Ye Qingqing took out the golden needle, sterilized it, and quickly stuck it in Cui Shi's mouth.


After a while, Cui Shi felt better, at least he didn't feel sick as much, but his head still hurt so bad, especially in his temples, it was like there were thousands of needles stuck in it, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.


" hurts..."


Cui Shi couldn't help groaning, leaning weakly on the assistant, his forehead dripping with cold sweat and looking very bad.


Ye Qingqing frowned, motion sickness could never have such a big reaction, she held Cui Shi's wrist, her pulse was in a mess, and she couldn't hear it at all. Under normal circumstances, people with this kind of pulse must be seriously ill. , life is not long.


But she thought that Cui Shi's condition was okay, he didn't look like a seriously ill person, and it didn't match the chaotic pulse.


it's wired.


"How is Master Cui's health? Is there any dark disease?" Ye Qingqing asked directly.


The assistant who knew Jade Gourd can speak very fluent Chinese, because he lived in Huaxia with his father and brother for a while, so let's call him Assistant A.


"Master is in good health. He will have two general physical examinations for him every year. All the indexes are normal. However, after coming here, Master's sleep is not very good. Not acclimatized." Assistant A said.


"I remember that the master lived here for a while, right? Was there such a situation at that time?"


Assistant A shook his head, "No, Master has not lived here for a short time. He always comes here several times a year, and every time is very pleasant. This is the first time that I have discomfort. It's strange."


"it hurts……"


Cui Shi's body curled up in pain, and his mind was a little blurred.


"Miss Ye, please help Master, please!"


Assistant A is very anxious. If something happens to the master, he and his companions will definitely be severely punished.


Ye Qingqing frowned. She has ruled out the acclimatization. She has come here so many times without any problems. It is impossible that she will not accept this time.


"I'll give the master pain relief first."


Ye Qingqing tried to use the method of treating ordinary headaches. She stabbed several needles on both sides of Cui Shi's head. She moved very carefully. After each puncture, she had to observe Cui Shi's expression to see if it eased.


But it didn't seem like the effect was too obvious. Although Cui Shi's pain eased a little, he was still in a semi-consciousness, sweating profusely.




Cui Shi suddenly mumbled something in a dream, speaking in Goryeo, Ye Qingqing couldn't understand, but Assistant A translated it, Ye Qingqing was inexplicable, who was there?


What does the master want to express?


She asked several but Cui Shi passed out and didn't say a word anymore. The situation was very bad.


Because Cui Shi had an accident, the driver stopped the car on the side of the road and said that he would return to Kyoto and take Master Cui to the hospital.


The two assistants also agreed that they were more afraid of Cui Shi's accident than anyone else. The hospital was well-equipped and could definitely cure the master.


Wuchen has always been admiring the scenery outside the window with relish. She likes the mountains and forests. The forest here suits her very well, but the car stopped, and she found out that Cui Shi had an accident.


The old lady and none of them objected to returning. Of course, Cui Shi's health was the most important thing, but Wuchen was a little unhappy. She didn't like the city at all. It was so comfortable in the mountains. In front of Cui Shi.


"It's you who are playing a ghost again, get out of my way!"


Wuchen was full of dantian energy, and shouted at Cui Shi, which startled everyone, and looked at her in astonishment.

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