"Can this be called brotherhood?"

Tony was a little speechless.

When he saw the title, he thought Thor was going to join forces with Loki. But after watching the video, he realized... they were not joining forces at all!

Thor made it clear that they were not related.

Tony sighed helplessly.

"I've been worrying for so long in vain."

"However, the Anti-Thor Armor"

"Still need to put it on the research and development schedule"


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America never expected that this is the kind of brotherhood!

When nothing happened, they were just real brothers.

After something happened, they became adopted brothers.

"God's Friendship"

"Not that solid."

"But I support Thor."

Captain America represents absolute justice. He highly appreciates

Thor's act of sacrificing his own family for the sake of justice.



Nick Fury laughed angrily

"It gave me a big shock"

"I thought the two gods were going to join forces."

"I didn't expect Thor to cut off the relationship directly."

"I've been worried for so long."

Black Widow and Hawkeye were also stunned.

So this is what brotherhood is like? The guy who gave the video a title.

He's definitely a talent!


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner was stunned for a long time before he reacted.

Then he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

He had been worried for a long time.

After all, if the two gods join forces, it would be really difficult to deal with them.

Now it seems that the brotherhood is not that strong.

After all, what Loki did was too outrageous.

In two days, he killed eighty people.

The number is shocking!

Even if he is his biological father, he may have to distance himself from him as soon as possible.

Banner stared at the screen.

He couldn't help but start thinking.

Since Hawkeye is controlled by Loki and has not shown up until now, it means that what happens next will not be that simple.

Something else must happen!

Just as Banner was thinking, the video changed again.

【Famous scene 6: The first battle of the Avengers, a chaotic battle on the aircraft carrier!

Here they come!

Banner immediately perked up. The word

"Avengers" is used in the title.

It means that the original six-member team will gather to fight!

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor,

Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, all will be present!

The joint battle of six people can explain many problems.

For example, the uncontrollable Banner can finally join the battle and do some good things.

The blackened Hawkeye can finally return and fight with everyone!

Banner is a little excited.

After all, Hulk is irritable and has done so many bad things.

He can join the battle and do some good things.

The guilt in his heart will not be so heavy.



Nick Fury stood up suddenly.

"It’s finally here!"

"The first battle of the six"

"It must be very intense!"

Black Widow was also a little excited.

As an agent, she fights alone most of the time.

She is actually very lonely inside.

If she can have teammates to fight together, it must be a very happy thing!

Hawkeye was also excited

"It seems that my darkening is coming to an end."

"Finally I can return and fight with everyone!"

Hawkeye was so excited.

From the beginning, he was controlled by Loki.

This matter was like a thorn in his heart.

But now, the six-member team is finally going to fight together!

It proves that the blackening is over and they have returned to the right path.

Hawkeye is naturally happy in his heart.


"In the next battle"

"I must be better than you."

The widow smiled.

"What are you arguing about?"

"But I also want to say one thing"

"I must be better than you."

Hawkeye laughed.

"Then we'll see."


Stark Industries.

Tony was serious.

He was a little excited.

The Avengers, whom he had been waiting for for so long, were finally going to fight together!

"The big green guy is under control?"

"Is Hawkeye coming back too?"

"I don't know about me and Black Widow"

"Can you cooperate well?"

Little Pepper was a little speechless.

Even at this time,

Tony was still thinking about Black Widow.

As expected, this playboy's character can't be changed at all.



Thor wielding his hammer

"The Avengers' first battle?"

"It's time to act together"

"Let them take a good look"

"Between oneself and God"

"How much difference is there?"

Loki beside him couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

He said with an embarrassed look:

"Brother, have you ever thought about"

"You are fighting together, the target to be attacked"

"Actually it was me?"


"It does not matter"

"As long as it is a joint operation"

"I can beat anyone."


Okay, okay.

This is really brotherhood!

Who can beat you in the face of justice?

Loki pouted. He didn't want to tell Thor.

He was thinking, if the first enemy of the Avengers is really me, then it means that I have escaped.

Even the previous capture may be my own plan. Thinking of this, Loki felt better.

‘I'm Rocky’

‘How could he be captured by a mortal?’

‘This is all my plan! '

Loki thought to himself


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's muscles tense

"Are we going to join forces for war?"

"I rarely experience this feeling."

As a super soldier, there are almost no people who can keep up with Captain America in battle. Most of the time, he fights alone. Even if there are reinforcements around him, they can't help. But this time is different! This time, the teammates are all superheroes with special abilities. They can fight together and help each other. I can experience the feeling of fighting together!

"Let's get started."

Captain America's eyes were full of anticipation.


Many people think that the first time the six members of the Avengers fought together was when the Chitauri attacked New York.

In fact, it was not.

The first time the six members appeared in the same battle was when they were on a space carrier.

When they were flying in the sky,

Loki's men attacked them.

The Avengers responded in panic that time. All six people participated in this battle. However, the process was not beautiful.


【Spacecraft mothership, inside a laboratory】

【Tony, Banner, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor and Nick Fury】

【All gathered here】

【But the atmosphere is a bit weird】

【There seems to be hostility between them.】

【In the camera, Captain America and Tony fight face to face】

【Captain America: Without your suit, who are you?】

【Tony: Genius, millionaire, playboy, philanthropist】

【Captain America couldn't refute it, so he could only change the subject and argue.】

【Captain America: I've met many people who are ten times stronger than you. You are definitely not someone who would sacrifice yourself for others!】

【Tony: Who are you? Just a test subject.】

【Captain America: Put on your armor, let's fight】

【The quarrel among the crowd was very loud】

【The scene was very chaotic】

【Outside the space carrier, an aircraft is suspended】

【Hawkeye appeared on the plane】

【The hatch slowly opens】

【Hawkeye draws the bow and shoots arrows】

【With his ability, he can't miss.】

【The arrow is firmly stuck on the space carrier. 】


Nick Fury looks at Hawkeye

"What kind of arrow is that?"

Hawkeye's lips turned pale.

"Explosion Arrow……"

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