But half is still ok.

Although the success rate is only about two-fifths, she has no choice but to gamble. I hope that after doing so many world tasks, luck can be accumulated.

However, those medicinal herbs, the grass and blood, still spent a lot of effort. In half of her, she was still cheeky and borrowed. The most part of the head, and half of them were the savings and treasures of Liu Yuezhen. .

After a few days of running down, Shen Mubai was so tired that he finally collected everything.

In fact, those things are still second, the most crucial thing is the golden dragon on the body.

The system is in her mind. "The chances of success are not half, are you sure you want to take this risk?"

Shen Mubai said, "I don't risk it. Can you help me?"

The system has nothing to say.

It is not difficult to prepare a medicated bath. It is difficult to remove Jindan from yourself.

That Jindan is the lifeblood of the person who cultivated the truth. Shen Mubai digs it out as much as giving his heart a living shackle.

Anyway, the pain, Shen Mubai in this life, no, I don't want to realize the second time in the future.

At the moment when half a golden dan was taken out, the whole person came down as if it had been fished out of the water, and if it was a hairy hair, his face was pale and terrible.

However, she still had to modulate her body for a long time, and she rushed to Xiaozhuwu.

The feast was sitting on the futon and meditating deeply. After discovering the movement behind him, he got up and practiced a discipleship, and he said with a voice. "You have seen the Master."

Shen Mubai’s body was half-destructive and it’s not too much to be repaired. Her face is faintly pale, and it’s always cold and cold in front of the feast, and it’s not obvious for a while. “For The teacher is going to help you to get a pharmaceutical bath now. It is not convenient for a second person to be present. You should go out and avoid it."

The feast echoed back, "Yes, Master."

He took a few steps but stopped again.

Shen Mubai asked, "What?"

The feast turned and stared at her face and said, "Master, why is your face so pale?"

Shen Mubai’s heart suddenly bursts, but he is pretending to be indifferent. “Don’t ask more.”

Feasting the feelings, and hanging down the eyes to hide the look inside, and screamed back, "the disciples know the wrong."

After he went out to see the shadows, Shen Mubai was able to concentrate on the medicinal bath.

This process does not score, because there is a slight mistake, the composition of the medicated bath will be biased, thus affecting the success rate.

Moreover, Shen Mubai, who was dug up half of Jindan, is now physically weak. She has to put all her attention on the medicated bath. Naturally, she can't distinguish other minds and notice the situation around her.

It can be said that even if someone wants to kill her, it is not impossible.

However, the person who killed her did not have a pair of eyes outside the bamboo house.

The other party did not go far, but slowly walked back, and then looked through the window quietly, and the face was plain and waveless.

The woman in the house is wearing a white cloud suit, gold and silver trim lines, and large sleeves. It is a delicate and beautiful look. Her appearance is a very beautiful appearance. In the past, the impression was always too arrogant and unsatisfactory, so people ignored her appearance. Now the serious look, the sweat dripping from the forehead, people can't help but shine, my heart is very amazing.


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