Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 2802: Live my dead ghost every day (19)

When the twenty-six-year-old man said this, his face gradually became pale, and apparently he was worried about this memory.

White Lily can't help but feel awkward. After all, it's just a little girl, swallowing and swallowing. "Heshen brother, your friend... How could you suddenly commit suicide?"

Shen Mubai quietly sipped coffee, thinking, what could be, being riddled with ghosts.

"I don't know." He Wei smiled bitterly. "The police decided that he was suicidal. Auntie said that since he came back to play with us, he was locked in the room, not eating or drinking for three days. The fourth day At the time, everyone thought he was fine... who knows.."

"Do you think it is related to the pens you play?" Luo Fusheng frowned.

Although everyone does not believe that there are really ghosts in the world, they all know how to maintain awe. Ning believes that it is not credible, and must be avoided, which can be touched, and which can not be touched.

This friend like He Wei is obviously holding a joke and then committing taboos.

No matter how he died, things are connected, and they feel quite strange.

"Yes." He Wei showed some embarrassment and self-blame in his eyes. "If we didn't play that game, or if I started, I wouldn't have any later events."

"So, Heshen brother, you also think he is..." Bai Lili cautiously asked.

He Wei does not speak.

If he had been in the past, he played so many different games, and he said that he had something to touch, and it was not. But that can all be explained by science, but this time it is beyond his tolerance.

It is clear that during the day, a few people feel that they are hairy behind, and they feel a sense of coolness for no reason.

In the end, Luo Fusheng took the lead to break the silence. "Since you have some care for the pen fairy game, we will put our eyes on other games." He paused, turned his face and curiously said, " By the way, little naughty, the dish that you played last time, how it was planned, it’s quite a thing."

When Shen Mubai saw the sights of several people, he knew that they did not believe it. Originally intended to remind only a few words, but after the occurrence of the Ho Wei friends incident, she decided to say it.

So I held the coffee in my hand and rubbed it a few times. "Actually, we did call out something that day."

Bai Lili suddenly stunned.

Shen Mubai simply described the things of the day and filtered out the comparison.

However, Bai Lili was laughing out loud.

She couldn't help but look at it.

The other person covered his mouth, don't go to the side, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Little naughty sister, we don't believe you, are you sure you have a nightmare?"

He Wei’s look is not very good-looking, but his eyes are the look of inquiry.

Luo Fusheng said calmly and said, "According to you, there are obviously a lot of these dirty things. But a few of you can come back safely. If you just want to tease you, it will be a big expense."

Shen Mubai, "....."

She felt a little frustrated. Sometimes, no one believed in the truth.


She was surprised to say, "How do you know that we have nothing?"

Luo Fusheng said, "Last day, Lin Chengfeng came back live." He paused and continued. "And several other people's Weibo have also sent the latest news, but Lele and Zhao Yonghao have not told me yet. When will the fans resume live?"


. . .


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