Qiuya smiled, guessing what Aina was thinking. After she went up to pay for Aina, she put the polly candy in the hand of the stall owner into Aina's hand, and took out a bag with a elf engraved on it. The wooden coins of the queen's head were placed on Aina's body, and the contents in this bag were enough for Aina to buy the entire stall owner and rub it more than enough, although there was no dirty slavery in the elf kingdom.

"That...isn't it too much? 』

Feeling the heavy weight in his hands, Aina's expression turned a little dark, and he didn't know how to exchange so much money.

"Not much, not much, it can be considered that my old aunt has given you less care for so many years, you can take it well, and you don't need to pay it back. 』

For fear that Aina would not accept it, Qiuya also had a rare opportunity to overwhelm Aina with her seniority, which made Aina open her mouth and didn't know what to say.

"No, is there any reason to borrow money and not pay it back? ! 』

However, when Qiuya said that she didn't have to pay back, Aina yelled like a cat with its hair blown up. Just now, I have been struggling with the boss for so long on the question of whether to pay back the money, and Qiuya suddenly came again. As soon as this came out, it went back to the topic at the beginning, and Aina, who didn't want to go whoring for nothing, once again activated his stubbornness.

160. Equivalent exchange is always good

Where has Qiuya ever seen such a stubborn Aina, and she was at a loss by Aina's aggressive aura everywhere.There is a kind of person who clearly guessed that he was borrowing money, but how could he feel like he was being called for debt.

"No need to pay back...I really don't need to pay back..."

Qiuya doesn't feel that she dares to collect debts from her own prince. As one of the heirs to the throne, even if Aina directly takes away Qiuya's entire elf, Qiuya will not complain at all, let alone being taken away. It's a paltry amount of money.

Besides, Qiuya's money can be said to be handed out by the elf queen herself. As the queen's son, Aina, there is nothing wrong with the pocket money from Qiuya, and Qiuya herself does owe Aina a lot of things.

"no!Today, you either promise me that you will come to collect debts in the future, or you can ask me to do something that I think can offset the money, or I will never collect the money today! 』

Aina was also extremely stubborn, holding the purse and talking loudly, attracting the attention of many passers-by. The elf who did not know saw the tension between the two and thought it was a young couple quarreling.

Aina said that for this sake, Qiuya didn't expect to let Aina obediently hand over the money.Looking at Aina's delicate face, Qiuya suddenly said with a little expectation

"Understood, can I let you do one thing? 』

"That's a strange statement... Let's just say it, as long as it's not too much, I'll agree. 』

Aina thrust her waist up as if she wanted to express her majesty, but her pretty face could only be regarded as cute and playful, and it didn't have the deterrent power that an adult and a D-class hero should have.

"Then... Aina, give me a kiss. 』

When Qiuya finished saying this, her elf's face turned red. Just by looking at it, she could tell how much courage Qiuya took to make this request.

Originally, Qiu Ya just wanted to send Aina off as an excuse, so that Aina could accept the money with peace of mind.But the more Qiuya looked at Aina's face, the more she felt that something was wrong. The elf Aina was so charming and charming.Qiu Ya, who originally had inexplicable ambiguous thoughts about Aina, recovered and expressed her inner desires.

"Eh...Ehhh? ! 』

This kind of request naturally made Aina scream in surprise, he was at a loss and didn't know what to say, and his flustered appearance was very cute.

But unlike the good atmosphere of the two, Little Leina on the side unknowingly changed into a very terrifying temperament, grinning at Qiu Ya as if she was going to rush up and devour Qiu Ya in the next moment.

"Can't you? 』

The splashed water can't be taken back. After realizing that she had said something terrible, Qiu Ya simply continued the topic with the idea of ​​breaking the can, because it was embarrassing anyway.

"That...it's not impossible..."

Facing Qiu Ya's answer, Aina did not refuse at all. Although he still seemed hesitant, it was not difficult to hear the meaning of gradually agreeing from the tone.Aina thinks so. As his elder, Qiuya is of the same generation as his mother. It is not impossible for Aina, a junior, to express her closeness a little bit.

Qiuya herself has brought a lot of goodwill to Aina, and Aina has seen her serious work more than once. As an excuse to reward and accept money, she really can't think of a reason to refuse.

"No... can't you? 』

Seeing that Aina didn't speak for a long time, Qiuya couldn't help but feel lost. She felt that she was too reckless, and she would definitely be extremely unwilling to ask her to kiss someone suddenly, but now Qiuya wants to let people who have prejudice against her It's no wonder that Aina didn't get rejected for doing this kind of thing.


However, just when Qiuya was about to give up, she suddenly felt a soft touch on her face. Although the touch was fleeting, it did not prevent Qiuya from flying towards the heaven at this moment.


Qiu Ya, who came back to her senses, saw Aina standing in front of her, writhing her body with a flushed face. The action just now must have made him feel extremely shy, so that now it is difficult to stand calmly in the same place. .


Just when the two were stunned, there was a roaring continuous applause from the surroundings. The reason was that after seeing the interaction between Aina and Qiuya, the surrounding onlookers mistakenly thought that another couple was born, and they liked it. This characteristic of joining in the fun is present no matter what race demihumans are, and such a romantic scene naturally caused the elves to roar.

What?How do you think Aina and Qiuya look like two girls?What's the big deal? There are plenty of elves who look like women in the elf kingdom, and Aina is not bad at all. Moreover, as an elf kingdom that is more tolerant of the same family, even if it is two girls who are in love Love will not discriminate in the slightest, but will give each other warm blessings.

And in the midst of the lively crowd, little Leina stood on the spot and gritted her teeth. The dark aura on her body kept surging, and the tentacles that turned into tattoos began to squirm restlessly. At this moment, all she wanted in her heart was to tear Qiu Ya into pieces. I don't think about anything other than my own thoughts.

Although I don't mind the Lord and other girls chasing me and me, but this is my date with the Lord, and I don't allow a stinky cat to disturb my sweet date with the Lord!

However, no one could hear Little Leina's inner roar at the moment, everyone was just joining in the fun, and didn't care about the emotions of the silver-haired little beauty beside her.And because of Aina's will, it's not easy for little Leina to get rid of Qiuya. Not only will she not get Aina's favor, but it will also make Aina hate herself.So although little Leina was very unwilling, she could only quietly watch the feeling of being treated as a grassland above her head.

At this moment, Lena just wanted to shout: You are a horse, why?

"I'm leaving. 』

The next moment, he couldn't stand the eyes of people around him. Aina said hello, then turned around and took little Leina's hand and left. The speed of escape could only make people see a puff of white smoke. How shy.

"I was kissed by Aina? 』

Qiuya touched her cheek that she had just kissed and muttered to herself in disbelief.She complied with the request of desire for a while, but she actually caught her eye, which made Qiuya not know whether to say that she was lucky or that Aina was really too kind.


Looking at the direction in which Aina was running away, Qiuya couldn't help but sighed, with an indescribable disappointment on her face.Originally, when Qiuya said kiss, she meant to kiss the lips, but in the end what she got was just being kissed on the cheek.

But one needs to know how to be content, one is lucky to be able to enjoy the taste of Aina's lips with his face, and it is too greedy to complain.Besides, it's not that Qiuya hasn't kissed Aina. When they first met, they kissed passionately, and their tongues were stuck in. Until now, Qiuya still has what Aina gave in her stomach.

"Ahhh...what am I thinking? ! 』

Recalling the shy memory, Qiu Ya couldn't help slapped her face in a panic like a little girl in her puberty.But this little girl's expression didn't last long, and the next second it turned into an extremely frightened expression.

If the elf queen finds out about this, I won't have to worry about surviving for the rest of my life!

Recalling that when Freya didn't say a few words to Eina when she just left in the morning, Abel took advantage of the chaos and kissed Eina. Now the entire back garden is about to be demolished.If Freya knew that Aina kissed Qiuya on the cheek, this idiot mother would definitely tear Qiuya's bones apart one by one.

"May the World Tree protect me from being discovered by Her Lady Queen. 』

For the sake of her own life, Qiuya couldn't help but put her hands together on her chest, closed her eyes and looked up at the blue sky, praying very devoutly.When she opened her eyes, there was a little more sadness, because until now Qiuya still thought that Aina was possessed.

"Wait for me, Aina-sama, I will definitely save you! 』

In the exchange between Aina and Qiuya just now, Qiuya believed that Aina, who is so serious about borrowing money, is so gentle, and that such a kind and beautiful person like Aina should not be controlled by evil.Thinking of this, Qiuya couldn't help clenching her fists and seemed full of energy, and the idea of ​​saving Aina as soon as possible became stronger in her heart.

On the other side, Aina, who was pulling Xiaoleina away, finally stopped, standing by the side of the street, squatting and breathing heavily. Before Aina could recover, Xiaoleina hugged her in dissatisfaction. Live in Aina.

"Ha...what's the matter...ha...all of a sudden? 』

"nothing. 』

In the face of Aina's question, Xiaoleina was completely in no mood to answer, and she was even more unhappy with the slow Aina.

"My lord, this big idiot. 』

Little Reina muttered at a volume that only she could hear, and buried her expression of deep resentment on Aina's stomach.Although she didn't know why little Reina would suddenly behave like this, Aina, who had always been fond of little Reina, could only smile wryly and pat her on the head.

"By the way, where is this place? 』

Aina looked at the unfamiliar street, because she ran too fast and didn't pay attention to how the road was going. When she came back to her senses, she found that she had lost her way. Aina began to worry about whether she would be able to return home before dark.

"Forget it, let's go casually first. 』

However, such trivial things as getting lost are not worth Aina's concern at all. After shaking the heavy bag in his hand, Aina couldn't help showing a happy expression on his face.Thanks to Qiuya, I was able to have the funds to play. Aina thanked Qiuya in his heart, but at the same time, he didn’t feel any uneasy conscience when using other people’s money, because just now Aina already thought that the money belonged to him. It belongs to the scope of borrowing, but I don't know how to think so much with my own money.

In Aina's cognition, he struggled to summon up all the courage to kiss Qiuya, and it was totally worth the money!

161. People should have some professional ethics

Although it's a bit unkind, but after getting the money from Qiu Ya, Aina and Little Leina have a lot of fun shopping, as long as there are delicious and interesting things passing by, Aina will buy them. Don't care about your money at all.

Soon, in the time when the two were playing happily, the time gradually came to noon and it was time for lunch. It stands to reason that Aina should go back to eat at this time, but the thought of the group of people at home woke him up in the morning. He cooks breakfast, but Aina has no desire to go home for dinner at all. I'm afraid it's not his turn to cook when he goes back.Aina herself doesn't resist cooking for others, but cooking for people she hates is another matter.

"Let's go, Reina, let's find a place to eat. 』

"Um! 』

Aina took Xiaoleina's hand and wanted to find a restaurant to eat. Of course, Xiaoleina, who was obedient to Aina, would not refuse. Xiaoleina, who was humming a little song with a happy face, even began to think about how to do it. Trick Aina to feed PLAY for herself.

"Help! ! ! 』

"O tentacle monster! ! ! 』

However, at this moment, a harsh cry for help came from the front of Aina. Aina frowned and looked ahead, and soon a large number of elf civilians rushed in the direction of Aina in panic, all with expressions on their faces. The panicked expression, combined with the tentacle monster they mentioned, and the constant vibration from the ground, Aina speculated that there seemed to be a big guy in front of him.

"Wanna go up? 』

"Of course...it's also work. 』

Among the panicked crowd, Aina showed a completely different look from others. Whether it was Aina's status as a superhero or his own thoughts, Aina would not just stand by and watch these elves suffer, even if they treat My own attitude is very bad, but Aina will not kill a group of people with a stick, who can guarantee that there are no people who will accept Aina?In Aina's cognition, Zhong Qiuya is one of them.

"...Well. 』

When Aina thought of Qiuya, he couldn't help thinking of his previous actions. Feeling very shy, Aina blushed slightly, but because of the urgency of the situation, Aina couldn't continue to think wildly.He shook his head, concentrated his energy, took out his weapon and rushed forward.

"There's a monster in front of this young lady, but it's not fun, so if you don't want an accident, run away with us! 』

At this time, some well-meaning passers-by saw Aina, a beautiful child, rushing forward desperately, and stopped to remind Aina that he was really friendly to the elves of the same family.But Aina didn't think about the words of these kind elves at the moment, he just wanted to rush to the scene to prevent things from developing in a bad direction.

"Wait a minute, miss!Miss!Hey, it's fine to leave this kind of thing to the guards. How can you be so brave as a girl? 』

Seeing that Aina ignored him and ran forward, some impatient elves couldn't help complaining.Fortunately, Aina's speed was fairly fast, and he couldn't hear what they were saying clearly, otherwise he would definitely feel very depressed.

There are quite a few handsome and cute boys in the elf kingdom, so why do everyone think they are girls at first sight?

Relying on his astonishing physical fitness, Aina quickly arrived at the scene of the destruction of the tentacle monster in people's mouth. He saw a huge octopus wreaking havoc, the tentacles under him waving irrationally, and the fragile wooden houses around were all destroyed. It was shattered, but fortunately the crowd evacuated quickly enough so that no one was injured by the collapsed roof.

This octopus is embedded with a huge sapphire on its huge edema head. It can be guessed from the huge magic power emanating from the sapphire that it is the power of the octopus to drive the body, and the inside of the sapphire can be seen vaguely. There was an elf sleeping in it, and I didn't know what was going on.

"As long as the dazzling gem is broken, this huge octopus will stop. 』

Aina analyzed it calmly, but in fact it is much more difficult to achieve this than what Aina said. You must know that the entire body of this huge octopus is 20 meters high, and the diameter of the sapphire accounts for four to five meters. Although it is huge, it must be very hard, and it is not something that Aina can easily crush.


At this time, little Leina didn't have the slightest thought of making a move, she consciously stepped aside and gave the stage to Aina.After all, this time is a good training opportunity for Aina. If little Leina is too worried about Aina's safety, please take action on everything, Aina will not have room to grow.

"Ah, ah, help! ! ! 』

A sharp cry for help suddenly attracted Aina's attention. Although the crowd was escaping fast, there were still people who were slow to suffer. For example, a female elf who just called for help accidentally twisted her ankle. The pain made it difficult for her to move, and the severe fear made her unable to move.

call out!

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