
Freinaya didn't speak, just stood there and looked at her mother indifferently, staring at the elf queen with her icy eyes.

"It's still the same as when you didn't like to talk. Obviously, I used to sit next to little Aina and say shy words when he was sleeping. 』


The Elf Queen "inadvertently" told Freinaya's dark history in a nostalgic tone, but the thing that was enough to make Freinaya ashamed to shout did not shake her figure, just the look of her eyes became colder.

Really patient.

The Elf Queen opened her mouth and didn't make a sound, but Freinaya could read lips, so she understood what she was talking about.The elf queen finally turned her head to look directly at Freinaya, and then went to the bottom of Freinaya's feet, with a smile that seemed like a little devil at the corner of her mouth.

"Today is black, so bold and mature. 』

"you! 』

The scenery at the bottom of the skirt was all seen, and Freinaya couldn't hold back the emotions at the corners of her mouth. She stared at the elf queen, gnashing her teeth. Even if the other party was her own mother, Freinaya still wanted to. Poke a big hole in the head of the elf queen with an ice pick, and take a good look at what this unruly old woman is thinking about all day long.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, Mom, I know it, my dear daughter has also reached this stage, and she wants to challenge mature dresses, but she is shy and can only try to wear clothes that ordinary people can't see. I feel this way. I understand you.Mom, I had this period when I was young, and I was just like you back then. 』

The elf queen chuckled, looking at the tulle skirt she was wearing, no matter how she thought about it, her words had no credibility to convince others.

"...**. 』

In the end, Freinaya couldn't help but swear at her. Although scolding her mother is not a good thing, the Elf Queen really made Freinaya in a bad mood. Naya has a good temper.

"Ha ha. 』

The Elf Queen let out a silver bell-like laughter, and ordinary people would fall into a state of daze just by hearing the sound, but this was of no use to Freinaya, who was an Elf and a girl.

The elf queen stood up from the throne, dragging the soft tulle gracefully towards Freinaya step by step.Seeing her mother constantly approaching, Freinaya's heart did not fluctuate at all, and she still stood there motionless.

"Hey, daughter, why did you come back alone? 』

The elf queen circled around Freinaya. Although the beauty of the beauty was very beautiful, the picture in front of Mingren's eyes was not two beautiful flowers, but a silver-white rabbit about to be strangled by a golden poisonous snake. screen.

"Astor, he refused to come back with me, and was taken away by an S-rank hero. 』

"Oh?Your dear brother was snatched by a stranger. 』

The elf queen raised her brows and looked at Freinaya's unwavering face with interest.

"As the best eldest daughter, you can't even protect your younger brother.This is not like you, my dear little Freinaya. In my eyes, you are a very good and talented person. You can do anything you want, but I don't want you to be like this~ no use --'

The Elf Queen gently held up Freinaya's right hand and placed it on her soft chest, then reached out and grabbed the palm of Freinaya's left hand, held it up and rubbed it on her face, like a sapphire Deep eyes stared at Freinaya's lips, and licked her lips seductively, as if she would do something like a lily blooming at any time.

"About this matter, I hope you can give me an explanation.My dear eldest daughter couldn't bring back her younger brother, so I reunited with him after four years of loneliness. 』

141. Family members should be casual and harmonious

"The opponent is too strong, Xiaoli and I are not opponents. 』

Facing all kinds of teasing from the Elf Queen, Freinaya said calmly with her eyes closed.The Elf Queen, who didn't see the interesting picture, looked very disappointed. She let go of Freinaya and turned around like a dancing butterfly, and let herself fly around Freinaya again.

"It's not like you to admit defeat so honestly. 』

The elf queen said boringly, complaining that Freinaya was too familiar with herself.Just like what Elina said, even if her mother is off the line, she will not be cruel enough to hurt her child. In her heart, she is very concerned about her child, but her clumsy way of expressing it is not. very good.

"I think it's easier than being cheeky and trying to be brave than admitting your failure. 』

Freinaya said indifferently, took out a small stone from the pocket of her skirt, and threw it without warning like the elf queen.The elf queen naturally wouldn't be hit by this little trick, and she reached out her hand to easily catch this weird stone.

"Record crystal?Still a very precious species. 』

Looking at the thing in her hand, the elf queen showed a very interested expression, raised her eyebrows and touched the crystal in her hand.The recording crystal, like its name, records things, and the crystal in the hands of Freinaya, the eldest daughter of the elf royal family, is naturally the highest. For people with weak magical perception, the stone is even harder to spot than a tiny camera.

"Then what do you want to show me? 』

Saying so, the Elf Queen has already activated the crystal. Not long ago, the picture of Freinaya still in the exhibition was projected, and there was a pair of soft peaks on the picture. Just thinking about it, you can understand that this stone is being Put it somewhere that can make your nose bleed.

"what is this?This tone really doesn't suit you, haha~"

The recording crystal can not only record the picture but also the sound, so the elf queen soon heard Freinaya, who was trying to disguise or let herself go, talking to Aina with her soft and cute eyes, getting used to her usual indifference. The elf queen who looked like she was about to burst out laughing when she heard the contrast in Freinaya's tone, but in fact she was lying on the ground in disgrace, rolling on the floor with laughter like a bear child.

"Show you Esther..."

Freinaya had blue veins on her forehead, and she said in a calm voice that she really wanted to kill her relatives right now and be a motherless child.

"what? !Little Aina, where are you? ! 』

However, as soon as she heard the news about Aina, the Elf Queen instantly retracted her nonsense attitude, stood up from the ground nervously, held the stone tightly in her hand, and put her face in front of the screen with wide-eyed refusal. Letting go of any detail about Aina feels like I want to shove my head directly into the picture.


However, the next second of the picture made the elf queen, who has a very rich experience in elf life, a little unpredictable, because she saw a woman who looked almost exactly like her responding to Freinaya with a very gentle smile, which made the elf The Queen felt for a moment that she was looking in the mirror.

『This feeling...this temperament...is it Aina? 』

After a short period of observation, the real elf queen soon discovered something was wrong with her other self. Take this smile as an example. I can't show such a gentle smile. I am familiar with the elf queen. Seeing this smile, you can recognize that the other party is not himself.

In the knowledge of the elf queen, there is no one but Aina who can show such a healing smile.

"Ah?~, my lovely son, he actually likes mom me so much, and he doesn't hesitate to dress up as me to satisfy his vacant maternal love. Mom, I'm so touched. 』

After realizing that this fake elf queen was dressed up by Aina, the elf queen stretched out her arms and hugged herself as if she had taken the wrong medicine, and kept twisting her body like a snake-fucking flute. The flushed look is thought provoking.

"Hey, what are you doing crazy?Why do you think Aina is dressed like this because she likes your incompetent mother? 』

Freinaya covered her forehead with a headache. Having such a humiliating mother really made her feel ashamed, but her words filled the ears of the Elf Queen with a smell of vinegar.

"Hey~ Little Freyna, are you jealous?Are you unhappy that little Aina is closer to my mother? 』

The elf queen laughed and spun around Freinaya with a mean face, but she didn't feel dizzy after turning around so many times.The elf queen is so lively and with her ageless face, she really looks as lively as a cute and energetic naughty little girl, but in fact she is just too old to go to the street and catch anyone who can be the other party's great-grandmother. The old woman is just selling tenderness.


As a daughter, Freinaya knows the real age of the elf queen. Seeing that a person who would not feel disobedient to be her grandmother sells tenderness in front of her, Freinaya feels the same as Xiaoli before. A stomach ache, enduring the pain and the thought of wanting to complain, she looked at her mother with contempt. If she accidentally said something, the Elf Queen would not be able to destroy her daughter, but she would still do it by lifting her skirt and spanking. come out.

"Ah, there's no way to do it, after all, compared to the lively, cute and virtuous mother, it's easier to get close to my sister who only puts on a boring and stinky face all day, Xiao Ai. It is not impossible that Na likes his mother. 』

The elf queen was humming with joy, and she was convinced that her thoughts were true, and she was very much looking forward to meeting Aina.Freinaya, who was on the side, scratched her head. She felt that she was about to scratch her head bald today, and the stretched ice face had been shattered many times.

"Before that, let's find a way to bring Esther back. At that time, whether he likes your mother or not, let him tell you face-to-face. 』

Let Esther say how much he hates you in person, I see if you can still talk.

After speaking, Freinaya complained in her heart. When she thought of the woman who was off the line in front of her screaming in desperation, Freinaya's mouth couldn't help but go up crazily, just imagining it. Not cool.

"Yeah, after all, someone is too useless, and parents need to be involved. 』

"Humph. 』

"Tell me what do you want?Is it by the army or what?Anyway, it's good to bring my cute little Aina back. You can destroy N City if you want. 』


Freinaya wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. It's really a shame that her mother can say such words casually. She is obviously one of the highest-ranking superheroes, and it will come out of her mouth like a super terrorist. words.

"It's more than that serious, just let Father-sama pick it up in person. 』

"Let that bastard go? 』

Mentioning her husband, Freinaya raised her eyebrows with a complicated expression on her face.

"Father, you can finally take a vacation in a few days, right?Just let him pick Aina back, 100% there will be no accidents, and at the same time let him apologize to Esther in person. 』

"That stinky man works all day and leaves me alone in the palace, so lonely to death, let him go to hell to know if he will go?I think he just got tired of playing and wants to have an affair. He can't find a woman's house all day long. I really don't understand how I got blind and married such a stinky man who doesn't care about his family. 』

Freinaya angrily slapped the wall and directly slapped the hard crystal with a slap print.Looking at the elf queen who suddenly got angry, Freinaya really wanted to say: Are you qualified to speak to others?

You must know that Aina has been left out for so long, and the biggest reason is the Elf Queen herself. It was she who ruined the atmosphere of the entire Elf Kingdom, which caused the embarrassing scene of Aina.Also, although Freinaya doesn't want to admit that her mother is so beautiful, it's almost impossible for a normal man to change his heart when he gets her love. Saying that his father has an affair is really wronging others.

"If you don't want your father to go, you can pick it up yourself.Didn't you say that Esther loves you very much?If you pick him up, he should be very happy. 』

"I think so too, but I don't dare to go out of the forest, it's not that you don't know what will happen when I go out for a walk. 』

The Elf Queen waved her hand in trouble, as if picking up her son was a chore.However, Freinaya understands that with the appearance and temperament of the Elf Queen, no matter where she goes, she will cause a commotion. people.

"Then let Father go? 』

"I don't want to, but that's all I can do.Although he is also a big celebrity, basically no one has seen his face. As long as he dresses up a little and goes out, he will be regarded as a strong man at most, and his face is very ordinary and will not cause any trouble.Really...I don't know how I liked such an ordinary man myself. 』

The elf queen said with a blushing face, and only when she thought of her husband would she show a rare expression full of girlish hearts, which also showed that the two truly loved each other.

"Okay, the matter is settled like this, please contact your father and mother, and I will go back to rest first. 』

"Yes yes yes, rest well my daughter, mother will always love you all. 』

The elf queen waved her hands at Frenaya and said warm words, but her indifferent eyes seemed to drive Frenaya away. Seeing this scene, Frenaya didn't say anything, and they have been together for more than 20 years. She still knows exactly what kind of virtue her mother is, and she is used to saying goodbye to this unscrupulous mother and daughter. It would be better to say that if one day the Elf Queen really said goodbye from the bottom of her heart, it must be very bad day.

142. Babies are the crystallization of parental love

Freinaya left the palace and bypassed the palace.Walking back to the residence by an inconspicuous path, looking at the trees and flowers along the road, Freinaya felt an unprecedented calm.


"I am back. 』

Freinaya pushed open the door and greeted the empty hall. An inexplicable sense of loneliness welled up from the depths of her heart. This feeling of no one responding was very empty, making people feel While in a trance, I felt a sense of sadness.

『Est, he... have you ever felt a similar feeling? 』

Freinaya, who was stunned by loneliness, thought so, and her guilt towards Aina deepened.In fact, the room was not empty. Freinaya pushed Xiao Li's room away, and at a glance, she saw the blonde girl huddled on the bed like a cat. The quilt on her body was scattered, and it couldn't cover the girl well. body of.

"What a fool. 』

Freinaya quietly stepped forward, tidied up the quilt for Xiaoli and covered it, fluttered her golden hair, and gently kissed Xiaoli's white forehead.

"Good night, my sister. 』

After that, Freinaya quietly left Xiaoli's room, not even making a sound when the door was closed, for fear that Xiaoli, who was sleeping soundly, would wake up from her sleep.

"Ha~ah~ am I sleepy too? 』

After closing the door, Freinaya slapped her as if infected, her tired eyes aching slightly, and a strong sleepiness reminded her to rest as soon as possible.

"If you don't take a good rest... not. 』

As she said that, Freinaya opened the door next door, but the door she opened did not belong to her own room, but belonged to someone who had left four years ago.

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