There are some strange people that Esther knows.

Freinaya, whose scalp felt numb at the sight of Phil, complained in her heart, but her self-esteem, who was used to standing in high places for a long time, did not allow her to flinch, she turned her head and looked directly into Phil's eyes. , The sight alone can make people feel cold, and Phil, who was in high spirits, can't help but take a step back.

"Sure enough. 』

"That Xiaoli... Please introduce who the person behind you is. 』

At this time, the store manager stood up and broke the deadlock. Freinaya was a new face to them, so she naturally wanted to know her identity.


『My fellow human beings, just call me Freinaya, I’ll be Est’s older sister for now. 』

Xiaoli originally wanted to introduce instead of Freinaya, but she was interrupted by Freinaya as soon as she spoke.

"Who is Esther? 』

"The store manager Esther is Aina. 』

"Oh, oh, I'm used to calling Aina all the time, I kind of forgot Aina's name. 』

The store manager was still puzzled at first, who was Esther, and he suddenly realized after being reminded by Xiaoli.Aina has always asked others to refer to her by abbreviations, as if her full name was never mentioned except for the first meeting, probably because she didn't want to hear her name and then recall what happened in the Forest of Spirits.

"Then what are you doing here, Miss Freyna?We don't have any news if we come to Aina. 』

"I did come here to look for Esther, it's a pity that he's not here, but that's to be expected.I heard Xiaoli say that you are friends that Esther met here. There should be news about where Esther may haunt, right? 』

"I'm very confused, as I said before, we don't have any news at all. 』

Facing Freinaya's question, the store manager shook his head. If there was any news or clues, the store manager and the others would not stay here and do nothing.

"Hey, is there something wrong? Since you are Aina's sister, that means you wanted to leave with Aina from the beginning.If you want to take Aina away from me, even if you don't protect it well, you sister is really incompetent. 』

At this time, Qin Shi opened her mouth, accusing Freinaya of not protecting Aina well, and her tone was a little angry.

"It is indeed my fault for not protecting Esther, so I will come here now to find Esther's clues and find Aina to make up for my fault. 』

"That being said, Aina doesn't want to go with you at all, right?Otherwise, he wouldn't complain about the bad things at home all day long, and he wouldn't leave with that damned golden knight. To put it bluntly, it's still a matter of your attitude towards Aina. It's better for you to find Aina and bring him back to hell. We find it ourselves and hide it. 』

Thinking of Freinaya's identity, Qin Shi's mood became more and more unstable, and her words became more and more aggressive. After all, the origin of the relationship was because Aina's family did not give enough love to the young Aina, so that she could let her go. Aina has a slightly awkward heart.

"We don't deny it here, but I still have to take it back. 』

"You are not qualified to take Aina back. 』

"Why am I ineligible?A runaway child, as a sister, of course I have a responsibility to bring him home. 』

"Aina is not a child, he is qualified to dictate his own life, and you have no right to interfere. 』

"On our elf's side, he's just a twenty-year-old baby, and he hasn't even spent his infancy, so what ability does he have to dictate his own life? 』

"you......!A mere elf is really enough to fool people. 』

"Even with each other, our spirits are far less than cunning humans in this respect. 』

"Your words are really annoying, I really want to punch your pretty face. 』

"I would like to accompany you. 』

Qin Shi, who was getting more and more angry, squeezed her fist. She understood why Aina hated her family so much. With such a sister who would think she was right in everything, everyone would find it annoying.

"If it's a fight, count me as one, I think she's not happy too. 』

At this time, Phil stood on Qin Shi's side very tacitly, rubbing his hands together, his eyes glowing, and Phil wouldn't mind if he accidentally touched someone else's body, except for a fight.


Although very reluctant, Xiaoli must also join Freinaya's side, after all, she also wants to bring Aina back.

"Stop, stop! ! !Now is not the time for the four of you to fight. The main purpose now is to find Aina. The longer things drag on for a second, the more likely Aina will be in danger. As for whether Aina will choose to stay here or go back with her sister and sister , that is to wait until the end of the matter Aina chooses, now we need to join forces, otherwise there is no way. 』

At this time, the store manager once again cut to the middle to end the conflict between the two parties. Using his long-term experience in running a coffee shop and ordering wage earners, he quickly organized the battle force on the scene.

"That being said, how should we find Aina? 』

Nana, who had not spoken at this time, raised a question. From the beginning, she was thinking about whether to use the intelligence network that is directly an idol to collect Aina's clues, but the atmosphere at the scene never gave her a chance to speak.

"Of course we're collecting clues. We don't even know where Aina is now, and there's no way to talk about rescue. We must collect information about Aina to infer Aina's location. 』

"If I had been there, I could have used my camera to capture traces to track the other party, but at that time I wasn't there at all, and the traces would have been destroyed long ago. 』

Qin Shi pointed to her camera and waved her hand very helplessly, but then she turned her attention to Freynaya.

"In terms of chasing, it is the best at magic, aren't you elves very good at magic?Couldn't your unqualified sister have the proper magic to find Aina's location? 』

"I'm confused, I specialize in combat magic, and I don't know anything about ultimate magic. 』

"Wow, you are really useless, I think you should commit suicide. 』

Qin Shi frantically satirized Freinaya, and even Freinaya, a noble elf, couldn't help but feel angry, the magic in her body was constantly restless, and some wanted to think Qin Shi was blasted to ashes.

"You two, stop arguing, we're talking about business now! 』

The store manager felt a headache, even if it was an arrogant wage earner, teaching them how to cooperate is no more difficult than teaching Qin Shi and Freinaya to get along well.

"Magic... If it was that person, it might not be possible. 』

"Cat-eared girl, do you know anyone who can track magic? 』

"I don't think it's acquaintance, it should be said that Aina knows, you should remember that stinky long legs, when we followed Aina, the guy who was called by Aina as the witch, since she is Witch, then she should be able to find Aina's magic. 』

"Witch?It is true that if a witch with profound magical attainments can help and find clues to Esther, then the question is where does the witch live? 』

Hearing Phil's words, Freinaya thought it was feasible, but she felt a little nervous to get along with those witches with weird personalities. You must know that witches were called the incarnation of the plague in the old times, and brought a lot to the world. trouble.

122. Small animals are good friends of human beings

"Hey, stinky legs, are you sure you're here?No matter how you look at it, this kind of place is not a place for people to live. We are looking for a mysterious witch, not an ugly troll who eats garbage. 』

"Don't question me casually, dead cat ears, my memory is very good.Back then, I was here to see Aina and that witch come out from here. It stands to reason that when you followed Aina at night, you also saw them go in. Why did you forget? 』

"At that time, Aina was just here to say goodbye to the witch. You think that the other party is a witch who is proficient in all kinds of magic spells, using the dark and dirty alley as a cover and then using teleportation magic to leave, isn't it strange?So I didn't think she would be sitting in this kind of place, because it's just too unflattering. 』

"Whether it is there or not, we still have to go and confirm it first, this is our only chance. 』

After the discussion at the store manager's house, the girls immediately set off to the alley where Miss Witch was, according to Qin Shi's memory.But as soon as I came up, I was dissuaded by the stench of the alleys full of garbage. This explosive smell is too torturous for a girl's nose. It takes a lot to enter such a place. courage.

"It's a disgusting place, and it's a human habitation that smells like this. You can't find such a terrible smell in the forest. 』


As a "pampered" elf, Xiao Li was very disgusted by the smell of this alley, and her nose, which had never been so tortured before, was about to stink.Freinaya on the side was also very uncomfortable, frowning with a gloomy face, if it wasn't for the help of Miss Witch, she would have wanted to take Xiaoli away.

Even people who are not elves can't stand the smell. There are rotten garbage everywhere, and occasionally there are one or two corpses of homeless people, as if they are in the darkness of the street, hiding all kinds of nausea. things.

Everyone present had the same question, how did Aina, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, insist on walking in such a place?

"Smell... so good..."

After returning to their senses, everyone who had walked past the annoying garbage dump suddenly smelled a completely different fragrance from before.This fragrance is like the floral fragrance of lilies. The fragrance makes people feel peaceful. If you are not careful, you will forget everything. In the end, you will give up all your thoughts and only enjoy the fragrance for a while.

"No, you all sober up, don't be carried away by this fragrance. 』

Suddenly, Freinaya, who was still happy to be soothed by her nose, instantly realized that this fragrance was not ordinary, because of her rich experience. It has the effect of paralyzing the brain. If it is inhaled too much and is unprepared, the brain is likely to stop functioning, and in severe cases, it will be directly paralyzed into a vegetative state.

After being reminded by Freinaya, the girls instantly woke up and became wary of the good scent.Originally, Miss Witch's Mixiang never thought of hurting others, just to reward the insiders who came here with the stench of garbage dumps.If it was really just for defense, Miss Witch would not have set such a simple trap, and the incense she used would definitely be a high-end product that would definitely not be able to stand without a certain strength.

"What are you doing? Isn't there a way? 』

Overcoming the temptation of Mixiang, the girls came to the deepest part of the alley. The intersection that would not appear without special means was just a wall as usual.

"Hey stinky long legs, don't you remember it wrong?There is nothing but a wall here, let alone the witch's house is behind this wall, I don't think she has to climb over the wall to get home every time she comes back. 』

"There's no reason..."

Seeing this wall, Qin Shi's expression was a little tangled, and he began to wonder if he really remembered something wrong.At this time, everyone else looked at Qin Shi with accusing eyes. Anyone who walked a long and stinky road would feel uncomfortable, and it was not strange to complain subconsciously.

"Don't panic, this is indeed the home of the witch, and the incense of the psychedelic brain is the evidence. The reason why there is a wall now must be the witch's trick. If you can find it casually, those who died here will die here. The homeless won't just rot in the rubbish heap. 』

At this time, Freinaya was in time for the solution, and Freinaya, who knew magic better than anyone here, saw that this was a trick by Miss Witch's subordinates.

"Then let's search for clues! 』

Everyone looked around to see where the key to breaking the blindfold was, but after reading all the places, even the grains of dust were carefully looked at, even if they didn't find the key to breaking the blindfold.

"Let's come back another day, it's so dark here that I can't see anything at all at night. 』

After a fruitless search, the store manager began to retreat. She has always been a person who is used to going to bed early, because she has to open the store early the next morning, and going to bed too late will affect her business the next day.

"There's no way...let's come back another day. 』

"Meow~meow~meow! 』

"kindness? 』

Just when Qin Shi wanted to take everyone away, Phil, who was beside him, played with a black cat at some point, probably because he was wearing a hood with cat ears. This black cat that suddenly appeared was very It was to get close to Phil, constantly scratching Phil with its little meat claws, and sticking out his tongue to lick Phil's face.And Phil is also playing with the cat with a smile on his face. It is a cute picture of a girl playing with a cat.


This picture is really cute, so that everyone who was used to Phil's off-line appearance felt awkward for a while, and they didn't expect Phil to have such a cute side.

"Ah... what are you doing?gone back already?Are you looking for a witch? 』

Phil, who was suddenly called, was stunned for a moment, then looked back at others with a question mark on his face.

"You are embarrassed to say that we worked so hard to find a solution in a narrow alley, and you were alone beside you to fish and play with cats. I really envy me. 』

Cute cats have always been an effective weapon against girls. The cute black cat easily sprouted the girls present. Qin Shi couldn't help but reach out and want to hug the black cat, but this dexterous black cat Dodging Qin Shi's arm, he jumped onto Phil's head two or three times.

"Pfft, what a pity, it doesn't seem to want to get close to you. 』

"Tsk, damn, what an ignorant cat. 』

Seeing that Qin Shi was deflated, Phil laughed heartlessly, and the smile was so awkward that Qin Shi felt that he was about to explode with anger.

"Cough, I have found the solution. 』

Phil coughed twice, and the cat ears that seemed to be one with her moved, causing the black cat to scratch twice, almost making Phil cry out.

"You said you found a solution, what is it? 』

"Yes, we have to rely on this kitten. 』

Phil blushed and took the black cat on his head and showed it to everyone, and everyone stared at the black cat in cooperation.

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