Nana spoke earnestly, stretched out a finger and dangled it in front of Aina's eyes, she really didn't want Aina to follow her footsteps.

"No, I don't want to be an idol, and I really don't want to be an idol anymore. 』

After finishing speaking, Aina's mood was a little low, just like Nana was going to terminate the contract after finishing this time, and Aina was going to end her life in N City.But when it comes to things like signing a contract, Aina thinks of Qin Shi, who has been encouraging him to become an idol. This guy will not give up even if Aina has rejected him several times.

"Nana, how did you get out?If the other party really cares about you so much, they must be heavily guarded, right now there should be a lot of people looking for you outside? 』

"Hmph~ You don't even look at who this beautiful girl is, no matter what, I'm also a superhero, just use my sonic superpower to sing a lullaby, and those who are my fans will protect me The child was dazed by me, and it was not too easy to run out. 』

Nana straightened her chest confidently, the chest that could be held in one hand was swearing her existence, and looking at the slightly trembling little breast, Aina touched her flat chest in a strange way. A sense of loss arises spontaneously.

"However, it seems that a tracker is installed on the clothes that block other people's superpowers. Since I don't know which one it is, I don't care. They are probably coming here soon, right? 』

"Wow, don't, they won't embarrass me. 』

"I'm not quite sure, but most likely they will. My manager who has a brain is very aggressive. Most of the people he sends to find me are superpowers, and many of them are superheroes like us. Some people even break in for performance and money. 』


As soon as Nana's voice fell, the door was kicked open. A flat-headed man with a spear stood on the fallen wooden door, with a light smile on his face, his eyes locked on Nana who was sitting beside him. body.

"I found you Xiao Nana, you are really naughty, but my play time is over, hurry up and go back with my brother! 』

"It's really fast enough, but you alone can't take me back, and do you want to do something to the lady? 』

Looking at the flat-headed man standing at the door, Nana touched the cold sweat on her forehead. Although she knew that someone would come and grab her back, she didn't expect it to come so quickly.

"Who said I was the only one here? 』

After finishing talking, a violent explosion occurred on the wall to the left of Nana, and a man with no hair on his head jumped out of the explosion. He had pure black gloves on his hands, and a scar on his face looked very scary.

"C-rank explosive punch?He actually invited such a ruthless character, does he want to catch me back, or just kill me here. 』

"Yo hoo, can you only say that you are an idol?Looking at this tender white face melon seeds really moved my uncle's heart.However, the conditions put forward by your agent do not guarantee that you are safe and sound, as long as they can take you back.In this case, I don't seem to have any need to pity Xiangxiyu. 』

Explosion Fist squeezed his fist, and his scarred face cracked a smile. If the child saw Duo Duo, he would be scared to cry.He looked at the flat-headed man with a long spear beside him, and then both of them showed dirty and obscene expressions, apparently thinking about Nana and Aina's bodies.

"Really, what kind of guy is this brainless agent hired, and they all don't look like a superhero at all.It's time to withdraw Aina, this C-level explosive punch and a musketeer who is ready to upgrade to C-level, these two people are not what we can deal with together... Aina? 』

Nana wanted to greet Aina and run away, but when she turned around, she found Aina bowing her head and shaking slightly, as if she was frightened by these two vicious uncles.

"Hey, little girl, don't cry, uncle, we won't do anything bad to you, we just want you to play a game with us. 』

"Yeah, it's a little painful, but once you get used to it, it'll be very comfortable. 』

"It's nasty!It's a shame to be called a hero like you, Aina, cheer up, we're going to be caught by these two beasts at this rate! 』

In the face of the other party's vulgar words, Nana was very angry. She never thought that her manager would find these two superheroes who were indistinguishable from gangsters in order to catch her.What I didn't expect was that Aina, who was brave enough to intercept the bomb with his body, was now too frightened to move because of the two ferocious men.

"Wake up! 』

The Exploding Fist and the Musketeer were slowly approaching Nana and Aina step by step. Seeing these two stinky men keep approaching, Nana shook Aina nervously.Although she can run away alone, leaving Aina to run away alone is not something Nana would do.

"Hey, let's play with the uncles. 』

In a blink of an eye, the two big men were already close to Nana and Aina, and a hand was already on Nana's shoulder.

"It's over. 』

Nana's super power is biased towards the auxiliary system. She is approached by two strong men, and Aina is still in a state of motionless, basically it can be said that there is no backhand.

But at this time, Aina, who had been motionless, moved, and Aina, who had lowered her head, grabbed the arm of the flat-headed man on Nana's shoulder.


"Ahhhhhhhh! ! ! 』

The crisp sound of broken bones resounded from the flat-headed man's arm, his muscular arm was easily crushed by Aina.The severe pain caused the flat-headed man to let out a heart-piercing scream. Just listening to his screams could tell how much pain he was in.

"You uneducated little bastards, who allowed you to break into other people's homes at will, and break down the doors and walls of other people's homes? ! 』

Aina raised her head, her blood-red eyes stared at the surroundings, and a roar like an evil god came from her pink mouth.

98. Don't destroy other people's houses by the way

Aina was very angry, especially angry, to the point of wanting to hack the two people in front of her.Even now, Aina still can't forget the scene when her house was destroyed by the breath of the dragon. Aina couldn't forget the countless days and nights in her sleep. Time and time again, the house was destroyed by the breath of the dragon. They were about to be tortured insane.

It's hard not to care about it as much as before, but now two unidentified colleagues kicked the door of someone else's house without saying a word, and even the other side opened a big hole in the wall. It's just a naked provocation.

"None of you want to leave today! 』

Aina smiled evilly, with an ominous black aura all over her body. Aina, who had not been blackened for a long time, ran away again. This time, she was not possessed by Little Leina, and Phil was not caught.It was simply because someone destroyed Aina's house, even though the house did not belong to Aina and was the owner's property.

"You, you... don't scare others, you're just a woman, what can you do? ! 』

The explosive fist on the side was frightened by the appearance of Aina at the moment, and the black aura all over his body was very oppressive, but because of his own male self-esteem, he was unwilling to admit that he was frightened by Aina, He pretended to be tough and confronted Aina.

"You are such a woman! ! ! 』

However, Aina let go of the musketeer's shattered arm, and the backhand was a blow to the explosive punch on the side, but the petite pink fist had an amazing momentum.

"what? ! 』

The sudden punch made the explosion fist a little unexpected. Unable to dodge, he had to put his hands across his chest. Obviously the opponent's small hands looked so petite and pink, but Aina's fist made him feel very bad, as if Hit him and he'll die straight away.


Aina's fist hit Explosion Fist's arm and made a muffled sound, and a wave of air exploded on Explosion Fist's arm. A big hole was knocked out.

"I really fucked you, and you ruined a wall of Laozi's house. 』

Seeing the wall of his house collapsed again, Aina, who was already a little confused with anger, couldn't help but continue to swear, the human language mixed with Elvish language that no one could understand except himself, but the irritable mood in his tone Can still hear it.

『It was! 』

The Explosive Fist, which was lying in the ruins not far away, raised half of his body with difficulty, spit out a word at Aina tremblingly, and fell into a coma before his life and death were unknown.


"Don't move baby, or your head will bloom. 』

Even if the other party was unconscious, Aina still didn't feel relieved. He lifted up his sleeves and walked towards the place where the explosion fist passed out.Before Aina could take a few steps, a long gun that looked like a rifle was pressed against Aina's head. The musketeer whose arm was crushed by Aina was holding the long spear in one hand, while the other hand hung weakly around his waist. , at first glance, it was crushed by Aina.

"Musketeer, I warn you not to mess around. If you dare to shoot, I guarantee that you won't be able to mess around in the future. 』

Originally, Nana was startled by Aina's sudden action. When she saw the musketeer pointing a gun at Aina's head, she immediately panicked, trying to use her identity to make the musketeer stop.

"Oh, I'm really scared.This stinky woman broke my arm and knocked down my brother with another punch. Is it okay to give me a life? !I really don't know what kind of creature this monster is. I really didn't even think about knocking down the thick-skinned guy with one punch. I'm afraid it's not the reincarnation of his mother orangutan! 』

Aina's punch knocked the Explosion Punch into the air, and it really scared the Musketeer. Explosion Punch's rough-skinned head was deformed. Although it wasn't dead, it looked really scary. The deformed appearance of the skull is really shocking.You must know that the defensive power of Explosive Fist is not necessarily able to defeat the enemy with one move. Aina seems to be knocked down with one punch with all his strength. What kind of explosive power can it do?

"That's not because you deserve it, you seem to have nothing to do to catch me or something.And isn't it just an arm?With today's technology, even if your entire arm is cut off, the doctor has a way to get a new one for you.Exploding Fist didn't die either. Wouldn't it be better to send it to the medical center for treatment? 』

Nana tried to persuade the musketeer that if the other party accidentally shot, Aina's pretty face would bloom a blood-red flower, and a flower full of brains and blood was not very pretty.

"You say it's easy, you pay for the medical expenses?It's like I'm so rich. If I have money, will I still take this order? ! 』

The musketeer's emotions became more and more agitated, and the hand holding the spear kept shaking.The reason is that Aina, who was pointed at the muzzle, has never shown a panicked expression until now, as if she was not wearing a gun barrel but a water pipe on her head.

The dark aura emanating from Aina is also constantly eroding the spirit of the Musketeer. The Musketeer has gradually lost the ability to think calmly. If it drags on like this, the Musketeer will really shoot.

"Okay... I'm out I'm out..."

For the sake of Aina's safety, Nana had to compromise, but it was just some medical expenses. For a super idol like Nana, it was nothing but a fraction. Although she was very upset about giving money to others for no reason, the crisis forced her to do so. I can't help Nana tangled so much.

"No, dead people don't need treatment. 』

Just when Nana and the Musketeer were relaxed, Aina suddenly spoke coldly, the dark aura grew again, and wrapped around the Musketeer's body, making him feel as if he had fallen into the ice cave, which was very cold.

"Go to hell, monster! ! ! 』

At this time, the musketeer who finally started to relax a little bit, the fear in his heart swelled to the limit.The iron rule that superheroes can't kill their peers is ignored. The Musketeer just wants to kill Aina quickly. In his eyes, Aina is no longer a beautiful half-elf, but a bloodthirsty head. monster.

"Do not! 』

Watching the musketeer pull the trigger, Nana let out a piercing scream, and an emotion of self-blame flooded her heart.She began to blame herself, thinking that it was because she ran out for fun that Aina was involved in this kind of thing, and it was because of her that Aina was buried here at a young age.

Then the deafening gunshots did not sound as expected, and the musketeer really pulled the trigger, but his ancient-looking long gun did not fire, but a smooth crack appeared on the entire gun body.In the next second, the spear fell to the ground along with the musketeer's arm, and blood spurted out like a fountain, and Aina took the lead in staggering her figure to avoid being splattered with blood, causing the bath she just took to be soiled again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! 』

The arm was cut off, and the musketeer let out a scream like killing a pig, because the other hand was abolished by Aina long ago, and he couldn't even cover the wound.

"Today... I'll take you to the edge. 』

Aina stood aside, still with a weird smile on her face, this smile was even more frightening than Little Reina.I don't know when I was holding an exquisite long sword in my hand. I had just cut off an arm, but the silver-white sword was not even stained with blood, which showed the sharpness of its blade.

Looking at Aina Nana who didn't know when to take out her weapon, she was stunned for a second. Compared to the Musketeer being cut off by Aina's sword inexplicably, Nana felt that the Musketeer's exclusive weapon was easily cut off.You must know that as a superhero weapon and partner, the alliance will not give up the hardness of the weapon even if it is not powerful enough when making it. Otherwise, the superhero will cry and curse if the weapon is damaged during the battle.But in Nana's impression, the fact that a hero of the same rank cannot destroy the opponent's weapon, but today was cut in half by Aina, who had just been promoted to a D-rank hero, which really refreshed Nana's three views.

"Aina, what are you doing? ! 』

Looking back, Nana saw Aina holding her long sword high, looking like she wanted to give the musketeer's heart a chill, so frightened Nana rushed over and hugged Aina, stopping Aina from letting him Murder.

"They must die! 』

"Don't, don't, no one's sins will kill them, so there's no need to kill them, right? ! 』

"They ruined my house, and the sin is so serious that it has been recovered. It is good that I did not feed them to the dogs. It is my kindness to give them a treat. 』

"What kind of mercy do you call this? ! 』

Nana said with a bit of tears and laughter. Just when the house was demolished, she lost control. I really don't understand what happened to a boy like Aina, who has the property of a wife, to become the sick girl he is now. attitude.

"Okay, okay, someone will fix the house, so don't be angry. If you really kill these two people, the alliance will blame it, and it will be bad if you don't help you repair the house if you are angry. . 』


Aina, who has a strange power, was a bit difficult for Nana to hold, and finally had to use words to ease Aina's emotions. If Aina really stabbed with one sword and one sword, let's not talk about whether the alliance will repair Aina's house. Now, being caught for interrogation is indispensable. If this is the case, it would be meaningless for Nana to sneak out today.

As soon as the matter of the house was mentioned, Aina immediately stopped moving, and the murderous intention in her heart eased a lot. Her house was destroyed in front of her, so that not even the dust was left, which really left Aina a lot. The shadow said that the house he lives in now is not his own, but Aina still cherishes it very much.

"'re too cruel, I'm starting to feel a little pitiful for them. 』

The death penalty could be avoided, and Nana looked at the angry Aina with a cold sweat on the crotch of the Musketeer and the Exploding Fist. Although it was not a man, Nana still felt a piercing heart. The pain also silently labelled Aina as not to make him angry.

99. Gambling is a must not do

Explosion Punch and Musketeer violated the rules of the Hero Regulations that superheroes cannot harm each other. As the first to provoke a dispute and break into other people's houses, the Musketeer and Blast Punch won full responsibility for the incident. It was judged that the hero licenses of the two were to be revoked, but the results of this incident were somewhat intriguing. It stands to reason that the punishment they received should only be downgraded, and it would be too much to directly revoke the hero licenses.

Some people raised doubts about this, and then the alliance released the recent activity records of the two, and found that the Musketeer and the Exploding Fist had been in and out of the casino many times and gathered crowds to take drugs. This behavior of losing their superhero status is really surprising. , the league uses to convince those who doubt it.

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