The master was noncommittal about this answer, and continued to ask: "Then what if you only let Ye Hai use the first spirit ring?"

Tang San's eyes suddenly lit up!

Most of Ye Hai's combat power is on the second martial spirit. His second martial spirit "Golden Dragon Seat" is very powerful on both ends of offense and defense. Even if there is no spirit ring attached, it is extremely powerful!

If Ye Hai wasn't allowed to use the "Golden Dragon Seat", his first silver "pocket watch" with martial spirits, the main ability was control, and it was single control, Tang San and the others had a good chance of winning!

The Shrek Seven Devils nodded again and again and said, "Yes!"

The master said: "Okay, Ye Hai, you only use the first martial spirit to fight them."

Ye Hai: "..."

Master, have you asked my opinion?

They say they can fight if they can. This is treating me like a sandbag...

Ye Hai pondered to himself.

Dai Mubai currently has three spirit abilities. When the White Tiger King Kong changes, his power is a little weaker than if he didn't use the "Golden Dragon Seat". With the addition of Tang San and Ning Rongrong's enhancements, Ye Hai's power would be lost. What an advantage.

Tang is bound and has strong control.

The others, Ma Hongjun, can only breathe fire, Oscar can be ignored, and Zhu Zhuqing's two spirit rings are almost meaningless.

With only Xiao Wu, Ye Hai didn't know what to do.

When fighting in a team, what the rear of the team is most afraid of is agility spirit masters. Ye Hai is fighting against a team by himself, and his back is equivalent to the rear.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu are both agility spirit masters. Although Zhu Zhuqing is fast, he can still defend himself. The third spirit ability that Xiao Wu has newly acquired gives Ye Hai some headaches, because Xiao Wu's third spirit ability is teleport...

Xiao Wu's three spirit abilities are: waist bow, charm, and teleportation.

After finding the opportunity, a teleportation came behind the enemy, and the waist bow was activated to solve it.

"Let's have a look first..."

Ye Hai raised his head and said to the Shrek Seven Devils, "Come on, you can do it with just one martial spirit!"

"it is good!"

Dai Mubai let out a loud roar, and the White Tiger King Kong transformation activated, all muscles swelled, from a handsome man to a muscular man.

Dai Mubai rushed over madly. As a strong attacker in the team, Dai Mubai never lacked courage, even when facing an opponent of the same level as Zao Wuji, he was never in vain!

With a loud phoenix ming, Ma Hongjun's martial spirit was possessed, and a hot line of fire followed behind Dai Mubai, hitting Ye Hai!

"The Seven Treasures are famous, and one is called: Strength."

"The seven treasures are famous, and the second is: speed."

Two rays of white light fell on Dai Mubai's body, Dai Mubai's whole person seemed to be a little more mad, and the tiger's claws stretched out and grabbed Ye Hai.

Ye Hai smiled lightly, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and punched Dai Mubai with a punch!


Ye Hai's fist hit Dai Mubai's palm, Ye Hai took a step back, but Dai Mubai stepped back again and again!

"Haha... it's my turn!" Ye Hai laughed loudly, followed by Dai Mubai who was retreating, and attacked!

This advance just avoided Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire, and Tang hood came down!


Ye Hai smiled slightly, the first spirit ring on the silver "pocket watch" lit up, the speed of the giant net in the air slowed down, and Ye Hai narrowly avoided the giant net.

"That's okay too?"

Tang San's eyes almost bulged out in shock!

Although Ye Hai's first spirit ring has a "slow" control skill, its essence is to slow down the time flow of a certain thing. Not only people and spirit beasts, but objects can also be controlled "slowly". live!

"Come again!"

Ye Hai once again punched back Dai Mubai, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass entanglement and Zhu Zhuqing's ghost thrust attacked!

"Settled in advance!"

Right at this moment, the second black spirit ring on Ye Hai's martial spirit suddenly lit up, Dai Mubai only felt that the White Tiger Vajra Transformation that could last for half an hour suddenly disappeared, and he felt weak for a while.

At the same time, Ning Rongrong only felt that the two boosting skills on Dai Mubai began to draw her spirit power frantically, and in an instant her spirit power was not enough to support the two boosting skills.

The two boosting spirit abilities of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda disappeared, which was why Dai Mubai felt weak.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Hai swept the palm of Zhu Zhuqing's wrist, forcing her to back up, then regardless of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, he rushed past Dai Mubai and came to the rear of the Shrek Seven Devils. There were only Ning Rongrong and Oscar!

Although Ning Rongrong and Oscar were also retreating when they saw Dai Mubai retreat, they never expected Dai Mubai to retreat so fast, so the two of them were not far from Ye Hai now.

Ye Hai rushed up furiously.

At this moment, Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, who had been looking for opportunities, Ye Hai was right in front of her, with her back turned to her!

"good chance!"

The third spirit ring on Xiao Wu's body flashed, and a red light enveloped Xiao Wu's body. The next moment, Xiao Wu came behind Ye Hai!

Chapter 80 Brother, Can You Take It Easy?

As soon as Xiao Wu came to the back of Ye Hai, she saw Ye Hai with a few blue silver grass on her body without turning her head back:


Then, Xiao Wu only felt that her body was slow.

Xiao Wu was shocked, but she didn't look back when she saw Ye Hai, so according to the original plan, she kicked her legs and jumped high, and then her calf clamped Ye Hai's neck, and her upper body leaned back. The next moment, her waist bowed. Coming soon.

Ye Hai felt helpless when Xiao Wu saw the opportunity.

If he didn't rush forward and let Dai Mubai and Tang San catch their breath, he would attack wave after wave, and it would be difficult for him to find a breakthrough opportunity.

He found out when Xiao Wu teleported behind him, but Tang San had already rushed over in front of him, obviously trying to block Ye Hai with his body, preventing him from rushing towards Ning Rongrong and Oscar, Ye Hai only had time to use it. A spirit ability slowed down Xiao Wu's speed, and then met Tang San.

Ye Hai kicked Tang San away, Xiao Wu had already pinched his neck, and Ma Hongjun's second flame also sprayed over.

Fortunately, Ye Hai used his soul skill in advance, otherwise he would have given up now.

Ye Hai repeated his old tricks, reaching between Xiao Wu's calf and his neck with his hands at the critical moment, padding his neck a bit, so that Xiao Wu would not bow down and throw herself into a dog.

Xiao Wu's waist bow is activated!

Ye Hai kicked his legs on the ground and performed a backflip with Xiao Wu's strength, but because he stretched out his hands, Xiao Wu did not have absolute control over him. Freed from the lock.

He held Xiao Wu's two ankles with both hands, and the two swirled a few times in the air. Ye Hai was finally free, and with a flick of both hands, Xiao Wu was thrown towards the two assistants at the rear.

Ma Hongjun withdrew the flame just now, Ye Hai and Xiao Wu were spinning in the air, he was afraid of accidentally hurting Xiao Wu.

Seeing Xiao Wu being thrown out, Tang San hurriedly wanted to come over to catch Xiao Wu, but he was kicked out several meters by Ye Hai just now, so he couldn't make it in time, and watched Xiao Wu being thrown at Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong hurriedly caught Xiao Wu, and the two stepped back.

Ye Hai took advantage of the gap between Dai Mubai and Tang San before they could attack, and rushed to Oscar's side.

Oscar swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother, can you lighten it?"

Ye Hai shook his head, punched Oscar with a panda eye, and said, "Okay, you've been eliminated, let's go."

Oscar opened his mouth, but in the end didn't say anything, and retreated a few meters back.

Ye Hai turned around, looked at Dai Mubai and the others who were lining up again, and said, "Now, there are only six of you left!"

Ning Rongrong said unconvinced, "Why did Oscar leave? He can continue to fight!"

Ye Hai said lightly: "You can pretend that Oscar is dead."

Ning Rongrong: "..."

Oscar: "..."

Flender said coldly: "If on the battlefield, Oscar was surrounded by the enemy, he would have died. In fact, if Ye Hai hadn't said a few words to Oscar just now, Ning Rongrong would not have escaped. "

Ye Hai said to Ning Rongrong, "In other words, you are already dead."

Ning Rongrong: "..."

Dai Mubai coughed lightly and said, "Then our brothers, we will avenge Oscar!"

Ye Hai stepped forward slowly and said as he walked, "I think you should mourn first."

Dai Mubai: "..."

When Ye Hai was only two meters away from Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai suddenly shouted, "Go!"

Dai Mubai's white tiger transformation made his whole body swell up, and Ning Rongrong's increase also fell on Dai Mubai's body.

At the same time, Ye Hai also took a step forward and punched Dai Mubai back. This time the formation of Dai Mubai's group shrunk a lot, and this retreat revealed Tang San, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing on both sides.

These three people, Tang San was behind Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were one position behind Tang San, so after Ye Hai rushed past Dai Mubai, he met Tang San.

Tang San's hands turned black jade, and Ye Hai met each other's palms. Tang San retreated, but Ye Hai's momentum was also stopped.

Ye Hai rushed past Dai Mubai, and met Tang San again, and his momentum was not very strong, so he was blocked by Tang San.

If Tang San couldn't stop Ye Hai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing would be behind him. This was the second set of tactics that the Shrek Seven Devils had just thought of.

Although the first set of tactics is scattered, it is not easy for Ye Hai to defeat each other, but it is also difficult for them to support each other, forming an attack formation where you come and go, but Ye Hai rushed to the end and destroyed Oscar.

This time, they tightened the lineup and used the strength of the entire team to counter Ye Hai, and it really worked well.

Seeing Ye Hai stop, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu changed from defense to attack, and attacked Ye Hai from left to right. Behind them, Ma Hongjun also spewed out a flame!

"It's really unpleasant!"

Facing the attack of the three, Ye Hai could only retreat.

Without the "Golden Dragon Seat" possessed by his body, he did not dare to resist Ma Hongjun's flames, Zhu Zhuqing's ghostly claws he did not dare to use his fleshy palms, and Xiao Wu's soft attack could still resist one or two...

But Xiao Wu has teleportation, she is also an unstable factor, maybe she will jump on Ye Hai's head at some point and give him a waist bow!

If there is a "Golden Dragon Seat" possessed, Ye Hai can resist these attacks hard, and he rushes directly to the end. In less than three seconds, a string of sevens is completed.

When Ye Hai is possessed by the "Golden Dragon Seat", his defense is even more abnormal than the defense of the five-ringed soul king Ye Zhiqiu. Six years ago, he was able to resist a single Zao Wou-Ki's Vigorous King Kong Roar, although he could only resist Just a moment, but you must know that Dali King Kong Roar is Zao Wou-Ki's sixth spirit ring, and its attack power can be imagined!

The attack of the Shrek Seven Devils is like a younger brother in front of Vigorous King Kong Roar!

You can only use the first martial spirit, Ye Hai should be counseled, Ye Hai is watching the situation while stepping back.

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