And Sand Ninja Village and Wu Ninja Village have already formed an alliance with Konoha, and Yunin Village prefers to go straight, of course, it is not ruled out. After all, they have tried Konoha's idea again and again, but this time this kind of temptation no matter the method It's still Onogi's idea that Tsunade and Leng Tian can feel the tricks.

"I'm afraid Onoki will feed tigers!"

When Leng Tian said this, Tsunade immediately responded: "Have you confirmed Akatsuki's position?"

"Almost, Amane Village has been captured by Madara. The new Yahiko Amamage will be near Sand Ninja Village for the time being, but Akatsuki's real location should be Taki Ninja Village. I believe they have formed an alliance with Ohnoki with another identity. ..."

Hearing Leng Tian's analysis, a trace of hatred appeared on Tsunade's face.

"This lingering Onoki, sooner or later, I will beat him face to face until he can't get up!"

Onogi has been targeting Konoha since World War II.

Although Sannin didn't participate in the battle between Bai Fang and Shinnosuke, Leng Tian did. From his mouth, he also knew Ohnoki's frightening combination of earth escape ninjutsu and blood succession limit.

What's more, what's even more frightening is his strategy. He can use Hanzo, the peak powerhouse, as a gun, which also shows his grasp of people's hearts.

"It's a pity that he met Uchiha Madara, and there are still mountains high. Sooner or later, he will suffer a big loss in Akatsuki's hands!"

Leng Tian said indifferently.

"You seem to be very pessimistic about Onogi, and even though he is an enemy, our most terrifying enemy now is Uchiha Madara. Once Onogi suffers, our strength may be weakened even more..."

"I understand the meaning of the teacher, but sometimes the matter of forming an alliance is not as simple as Terumi's meditation. The major ninja villages will not sit at the negotiating table if they are not threatened by Akatsuki. On the contrary, I think that Iwanin village and Only when Wu Ninja Village truly feels the horror from Akatsuki will it take the initiative to find us and form an alliance with us..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Tsunade nodded.

"I will deal with the matter this time, and I will not be indecent if it comes and goes. I will also send some small gifts to Onoki, so that he knows not to think that he can do whatever he wants with Akatsuki's combat power..."

When Leng Tian said this, there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes, only at this time Jing Yin really felt the fear of the person in front of him.

"Teacher, I want you to come here this time to treat the injuries of Mr. Duan and Matt Dai together. I also need you to do an operation with me..."

Leng Tian said suddenly.


Tsunade was shocked when he heard that Leng Tian was going to treat the injuries of Duan and Mattai.

After all, Tsunade and Leng Tian knew best about Duan and Mattai's injuries back then.

You must know that Leng Tian is Tsunade's disciple. In addition to passing Leng Tian's strange power ninjutsu, Tsunade's medical ninjutsu is also passed on to his disciple.

In particular, the reason why Leng Tian made Tsunade want to recognize this disciple was because of his breakthrough in treatment. It is no exaggeration to say that Leng Tian's medical theory has already surpassed her master.

Now many of Konoha's medical theories are the contents of Naruto's black notebook, and it is also the content that the third generation wanted to read before he was alive.

But even so, the injuries of Duan and Maitedai ​​couldn't be healed well, forcibly treating them would only make their injuries worse.

But Leng Tian brought it up again this time, which gave Tsunade a glimmer of hope, after all, Tsunade knew his disciple best.

If he is not sure, he will not say it.

"Why is it cold, you really thought of a way to treat them?"

Seeing the teacher's excited expression, Leng Tian nodded lightly.

"I didn't think of it before, but this time I went to Xingren Village to get this, so I found a way..."

In the expectant look of Tsunade and Shizune, Leng Tian took out the star obtained from Hoshi Ninja Village...

"This is the star of Star Ninja Village, what are you using it for, don't you think so?"

Tsunade asked in surprise.

"That's right, Tsunade-sensei used this star to reshape their bodies..."

Leng Tian said slowly while holding the star in his hand.

"You mean it can cure Broken and Matt Dai?"

Tsunade still couldn't believe it.

"Soon you'll understand..."

Leng Tian looked at the star in his hand and said slowly, maybe even the people in Star Ninja Village have not discovered the other valuable function of this star, which is that it can reshape the human body, but this also requires someone like Leng Tian who can see through the other person's body People from the Hyuga clan can do it.

Duan, led by Tsunade anxiously, walked into Konoha Hospital.

Seeing that Leng Tian was also there, Duan was a little surprised and asked: "Leng Tian, ​​when did you come back?"

Leng Tian had visited Mr. Duan before, but because of Uchiha Madara's crisis, Leng Tian and Mr. Duan only met once.

This is the second time they have met.

"Just here, teacher, how are you recently..."

Leng Tian asked with a smile.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Duan looked into the distance with a wry smile and said, "It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, but fortunately, being able to stay with Tsunade all the time is the greatest luck in my life..."

"Teacher, Tsunade-sensei and I have been treating you this time, so that you can recover your body and use ninjutsu again..."

Leng Tian said it.

"How sure are you?"

Sure enough, when he heard Leng Tian's words, Duan immediately asked excitedly.

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