"What, so you bombed me just now?"

Kakashi covered his head, he felt his head was getting bigger, are all the kids so smart nowadays.

"Hee hee, Aunt Saori didn't tell us what this technique is at all, but we can feel the practicality of this technique, especially Sasuke didn't get any information about this ninjutsu at ninja school or other places. Everyone thought that this ninjutsu was created by Aunt Saori, but Mr. Kakashi knew it very well just now, which means you can do it too, so I will blow you up..."

Naruto put his hands behind his back and said proudly.


Kakashi's expression was a little gloomy, he felt that the task Hokage entrusted to him might be even more difficult than performing an S-rank task.

Such a smart student, I have to be careful every moment, every time I speak, otherwise, they don't need to search for it themselves, they can get the answer from me alone.

Kakashi really wants to teach those students before, at least they look like children, innocent and innocent.

But Sasuke and Naruto in front of him gave a feeling of facing an old fox.

"Who did you learn these theories from..."

Kakashi was really curious.

"Hey, this is what I learned from a notebook called Weiexpression that I found at home..."

Naruto said with a proud face.

"That is?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Kakashi suddenly thought of the days when Mr. Leng Tian became a shadow, it seemed that the interrogation of prisoners was extremely fast, almost never using torture.

At the beginning, he could tell from the few words of the hostile ninja whether the other party was hiding or lying.

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly remembered that when the teacher was instructing him, he also carefully observed each other's movements and expressions every time.

I remember when I was in Anbe, it was rumored that the teacher compiled a notebook on how to observe each other, could it be the one in Naruto's hand.

Thinking that they observed so carefully before, it turned out that it all came from that mysterious notebook, and Kakashi, who also just retired from Anbu, suddenly became curious.

He really wanted to see the experience recorded by the teacher, but from the perspective of these two little devils just looking at it, if he or the interrogating ninjas in the village got it, wouldn't it be even more powerful.

"Haha, Naruto..."

Just as Kakashi wanted to ask Naruto to borrow it, Naruto seemed to know it and said, "Mr. Kakashi, do you want to see the notebook I got?"

"Yes, can I?"

Kakashi asked with interest.

"It's not impossible for the teacher to read it, but can the teacher tell me who wrote it?"

Naruto looks like a curious baby.

"Haha, how do I know this, it's the first time I've heard of such a strange book?"

Kakashi said embarrassingly.

"That's right, so the teacher doesn't have some candidates in his mind? I found this from my home. Does the teacher have no doubts?"

Naruto asked step by step.

"Oops, I said, why did this kid tell me this note? It turned out that he still wanted to know about Teacher Leng Tian..."

Kakashi was on guard this time.

"Haha, the teacher doesn't know either, but if you give it to me, maybe I can refer to one or two, and even Naruto, if you give it to the village, I believe the third generation will see the value in it and will definitely reward you..."

Kakashi had no choice but to change the subject and use bonuses to lure them.

"Hee hee, let's think about it. In fact, the teacher doesn't have this notebook at all. I lied to you..."

Naruto put his arms around Sasuke and said, "Giving even such a valuable thing shows that our father is really not an ordinary person. Maybe that's why we can't know..."

"It must be the top secret, otherwise my brother would not have left the village selfishly, but don't you think Kakashi-sensei is stupid, maybe we can get our answer from him..."

Although Kakashi's wind detection is not as good as Lin and Saori, he can still overhear Naruto and Sasuke's words.

"Here, these two brats!"

At this moment, Kakashi really doubted whether their age really matched their minds?

"It seems to be more contemptuous..."

Kakashi thought sadly, at this moment Kakashi's eyes suddenly became sharp.

And Naruto and Sasuke threw darts and Kunai at the same time.


There was a whoosh sound, but there was no sound for a long time.

Kakashi walked over, only to find a snow rabbit there.

Seeing that it was a rabbit, Sakura couldn't blame Sasuke, so she said in a relaxed tone: "Naruto, don't scare everyone like this, otherwise we will all be scared to death..."

"Is it……"

Naruto said indifferently, and threw the kunai again at the same time as Sasuke. Although the kunai was thrown twice this time, Sasuke's kunai came first and caught up with Naruto's kunai first, making Naruto Human suffering is twice as fast.

"how come……"

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