Fortunately, he seemed to be fighting with Kid Konoha.

At this time, the little Izumo girl from Kurama's family came back suddenly, and saw Izumo appearing to help her, Naoki said repeatedly: "Izumo, go to help Xie, and make Shuhe more frantic. This is the battle between me and Teacher Leng Tian , you can’t intervene, go and help Xie get the third generation of Kazekage as soon as possible, and make a quick decision..."

Hearing Naoki's words, Kurama Izumo glared at Leng Tian and caught up with Scorpio.

"It seems that you have found a new companion..."

Leng Tian said calmly.

There have been too many differences in the current plot, especially when Naoki has joined Akatsuki, but this Akatsuki doesn't seem to be the Akatsuki he is familiar with.

"Hehe, teacher, you also surprised me. I didn't expect you to hide so much strength back then. Let me see how powerful your strange eyes are..."

Hearing Sheng Shu's arrogant words, Leng Tian shook his head and said, "I'm also curious about how much power you got from Zhujian Zhishu, let's see how strong you are in immortal mode..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Sheng Shu was shocked at first. He didn't expect that Mr. Leng Tian knew about his fairy mode, but what made Sheng Shu even more excited was that Leng Tian actually knew about the tree in the pillars!

"So teacher, you already know about the tree between the pillars..."

"Nonsense, as your teacher, of course I have to understand why my students defected. Danzo thought he was hiding something very deep, but he couldn't hide it from my eyes..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Sheng Shu also found out that Leng Tian's eyes were different. Different from the white eyes he knew before, Leng Tian's eyes at this moment already had three petals.

"Is this still a blind eye?"

Naoki was surprised for a moment, and then replaced by anger.

"Since Mr. Leng Tian, ​​you know, you should understand what Danzo did to our Thousand Hands Clan. He framed me and betrayed Konoha. It is him, and I will never let him go..."

Looking at Naoshu with eyes full of hatred, Leng Tian found that he had really changed.

It's just that when he became mature, he was more paranoid.

Leng Tian shook his head regretfully and said: "You can't deny Konoha's entire Konoha just because of Danzo's personal decision and what he did alone. You must know that there are not only your sister, but also three generations, your teacher and clan members. It is the village established by the first Hokage..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Naoki's face showed nostalgia, as if he had thought of something good, but then his face became ferocious.

"Unfortunately, it used to be, but now it's not..."

Seeing the determined face on Shengshu's face, Leng Tian also knew that it would be difficult to persuade Shengshu to return.

"Just let me see how much you have learned about Hashirama..."

In the cold weather, he didn't turn on the demon mode, he only used Tenseikan.

But even so, the power of recovery used by Leng Tian at the moment of reincarnation has surpassed the Hyuga clan in the past, maybe even Hyuga Tennin can't compare with him.

However, the plot of this world has already changed. Naoshu obtained the blood of Zhujian, opened the wooden escape, and with his chakras, he released ninjutsu one after another, as if he didn't need money.

"Wood Dun! Earth Dun! Wind Dun!"

The Rope Tree gained not only power, but also inheritance. Danzo's Hashirama Tree was cultivated using the blood of the Senshou clan, and he could only obtain a little regenerative power.

But the Rope Tree is different. When Danzō was buried under the Hashirama Tree, he not only obtained the blood of Hashirama, but also made his blood more pure, opened the Mudun, and received many from the Senshou Clan. Although memories are just fragments, there are countless ninjutsu in these fragments.

This is another reason why Rope Trees get stronger so quickly.

However, if these ninjutsu are good against others, but in Leng Tian, ​​they were all bounced back by his recovery.

"Hmph, since you've grown up so fast, the teacher will let you see my newly created ninjutsu, star shifting! Ning!"

Leng Tian said here, wrapping all the Shengshu in Shengshu, and then turned into a big hand, grabbing towards Shengshu.

This is an imitation of Otsutsuki Kaguya's move, and it is also Leng Tiandou Zhuan Xingyi's most powerful move.

"Hmph, Wooden Dungeon! Wooden Dragon Art!"

Eye Sword Leng Tian fused his own ninjutsu and bounced back, which was almost equivalent to Leng Tian releasing advanced ninjutsu.

But Naoki didn't care at all, and directly used more advanced ninjutsu to create a giant wooden dragon.

You should know that this is specially used by Zhujian to suppress the tailed beast. Once it is entangled, it will be absorbed by chakra.


The ninjutsu of the two collided together.

The current situation is that the cold weather is changing!Ning!You can turn your opponent's ninjutsu into your own ninjutsu.

If it was an ordinary ninja, the chakra in his body would have been exhausted by the cold weather.

But Zhishu is different from the chakra in his body, which seems endless, especially his fairy mode.

Leng Tian still has some understanding of the immortal mode. The immortal mode relies on the mixture of the person's own spiritual energy and physical energy. On the basis of creating chakra, he mixes natural power, and the energy of immortal art appears.

Before the formation of chakra in the fairy mode, the two kinds of energy must be balanced, and the force of nature can be mixed to maintain a balance, which is one-third of each.

If it exceeds one third, it will be swallowed by the force of nature, and if it is less than one third, the immortal mode cannot be activated.

In the comics, even though Zirai is working very hard, he still hasn't reached an absolute balance, so he needs the help of the Toad Immortal.

Naruto relied on the avatar technique to become a sage without relying on the toad sage to become a sage. As for the others, only the most mysterious Hashirama instantly became a sage without accumulating energy.

The same is true for the rope tree in front of him, so Leng Tian felt the power of the rope tree for the first time. In just a few years, he has already advanced to the peak shadow-level powerhouse.

The two fought inextricably on one side, but something different happened on the other side...

On the other side, Kazekage catches up with Shukaku, and he wants to stop Shukaku from falling into madness, because the place where Shukage goes is surprisingly Sand Ninja Village.

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