The ability shown by Leng Tian just now convinced him that Leng Tian's wind-sensing ninjutsu is different from what he knows, and perhaps after his improvement, it has become unbelievable.

"Leng Tian, ​​Hokage-sama has issued an order to bring Kushina back, because she is..."

Tsunade didn't say what happened next.

Leng Tian nodded.

I don't know what I'm thinking in my eyes.

Jiraiya still couldn't believe it and asked, "Can you really find out where they are fleeing?"

Leng Tian replied indifferently: "At the border of the Land of Fire, I heard Sand Ninja's plan is three times farther than this..."


Hearing Leng Tian's words, Zilai was also dumbfounded.

At this time, Leng Tian stopped suddenly, and there were several forks in the road ahead.

"Damn, they definitely planned it, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen such a path..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Leng Tian nodded in agreement.

At the same time, thinking that the three of Yunin had been challenging around the village before, everyone thought that Yunin was declaring their strength.

Now it seems that they simply took the opportunity to check the terrain of Konoha.

At this moment, from another direction, Leng Tian suddenly heard a rustling sound.

This sound is very unusual, like the sound of a person running at high speed.

"They went back again, in the other direction..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, several people were taken aback again, they didn't expect Yun Ren to be so cunning.

Looking at the direction Leng Tian was pointing at, Jiraiya and Tsunade Hime's hearts sank at the same time.

There is no way to return to the country of thunder.

Instead, go to the junction of the country of Sichuan and the country of rain.

The Land of Rain and the Land of Rivers were originally one country, but due to years of fighting, they became two countries.

This ninja war is because the country of rain began to expand the country of Chuan, which caused the country of Chuan to ask for help from Iwa Ninja.

Unexpectedly, the target of Yun Nin's escape is actually the battlefield...


Tsunade and the others figured it out.

Now that Konoha is fighting Iwanin and Urenin, it is the most chaotic time there, and if you want to escape Konoha's pursuit, that is the easiest place to escape.

"It seems that their plan this time is not a day or two, it is so detailed..."

Jiraiya said with a heavy analysis.

They all know that the more detailed the other party's plan is, the lower their chances of recovering Kushina...

When they were chasing Kushina in cold weather.

A dark man from Hokage's office appeared here.

If the cold weather is here, you must know it, it is Danzo!

"What's going on, I heard that Yunin kidnapped Kushina?"

Danzo walked in, chilling the atmosphere of the whole room a bit.

The three generations are also experienced people, and they have come through all kinds of storms.

Facing Danzo's accusation, Sandai Hokage said in a very calm tone: "This matter is my fault. If Kushina disappears in the end, I will take full responsibility..."

"Full responsibility, of course you have to pay full responsibility. If Kushina disappears in the end, I will impeach you for Hokage responsibility, and I will demand to take over Anbu!"

Danzo finally stated his purpose.

Looking at the old friend who fought side by side with him in front of him, a trace of anger flashed in Sandai's eyes.

Anbu ninjas belong only to Hokage's assassination force, they belong to the elite among the elites, and Danzo's request to take over Anbu is just like hokage's right to be emptied.

Hearing Danzo's request, the people around did not dare to breathe, only Uchiha mirror frowned and wanted to reprimand.

At this time.

Three generations suddenly said: "Okay... If Kushina cannot be rescued this time, I will hand over Anbu and let you take responsibility!"

Uchiha Kagami took a deep breath, and anxiously said to Sandai: "Thirdai Hokage-sama, no, this is..."

Sandai waved his hand at Uchiha mirror, and said: "Old Uchiha, needless to say, I believe Danzo made this request with me because he has his own ideas, right..."

Speaking of which, the three generations here are staring at their partner.

Under Sarutobi's eyes, Danzo finally turned his head and said:

"As expected of my old partner, I actually saw it through early in the morning. Yes, it is the stability that the village needs most during the war. In order to stabilize the village, we need to use some special methods. I know that there are many things that Hokage-sama cannot make decisions. If that's the case, I'll handle it..."

Chapter 70: Cloud Ninja's Response

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