He rubbed his shoulders.

Even though he knew that Tsunade's action was unconscious just now, it did not hurt him lightly.

This reminded him of the pitiful eyes that many people looked at him in Hokage's office.

Now he understood what that meant.

Finally it was Lei Li's turn...

And his opponent was also a Konoha ninja. Seeing that it was Lei Li, he knew that he was not an opponent at all, so he consciously surrendered.

"Well, being able to recognize your own strength is also a kind of progress..."

The invigilator coughed and commented in disguise.


After Lei Li heard it, he dismissed it with contempt.

Lei Li looked up at Leng Tian on the other side, with a mysterious smile on his lips.

"You are my prey..."

Chapter 66 Konoha Gemini (for collection)

The fourth round was a contest between two Konoha candidates, and the tall candidate won in the end...

It was the turn of the watergate in the fifth round.

The remaining two candidates stared at the big screen nervously.

Because the next one is Matt Day.

Compared with others, whoever can pick up this bargain will definitely be able to advance.

In the end it was a girl who became Minato's opponent.

Although the girl was a little disappointed, when she saw the handsome Namikaze Minato, the girl blushed and said, "Brother Minato, I will cheer for you, you must become a Chunin..."

After finishing speaking, he weakly raised his little hand and said, "I admit defeat to the referee..."


At this time, Kushina showed an unhappy look.

When Leng Tian saw Jiu Xinnai's face, he quickly ran away...

When the last Konoha Shinobi met Matt Dai, his face was ecstatic.

"Haha, God help me too! I won the grand prize, and I actually won you, a ten thousand year ninja!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The examinee was so happy that he couldn't stand up straight.

This made the invigilator frowned a little, and said to Matt Dai: "The competition begins..."

Matt Dai assumed a fighting stance.

It's just that his opponent, I don't know if he was too happy, but he didn't express anything.

"Hey, the competition has begun..."

Matt yelled.

As if he didn't hear Matt Dai's words, this man was still laughing wildly there.

"Then I'm welcome!"

After Matt Dai finished speaking, he dodged and approached at high speed...

At this time, the examinee showed a surprised expression.

"what happened?"

While he was thinking, Matt Dai had already circled behind him.


Kicked him down.

After losing his balance, the candidate was thrown into the air by Matt Dai.

"The leaves represent the lotus!"

Maite Dai yelled, also jumped into the air, stuck behind his opponent, then hugged him and fell.


Matt Dai's opponent fainted directly.

Seeing this move, Leng Tian was slightly taken aback.

This is very similar to the eight-door Dunjia Biaolianhua move he reminded Matt Dai before.

Didn't expect him to figure it out so quickly.

Seeing that it was Maite Dai who won in the end, everyone else was speechless.

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