Chapter 128 Tailed Beast Riot

Even though half of his body had been revealed, no one in the delivery room found him.

They couldn't think of anyone who could break through the protective circle of so many people outside and enter here silently.

Uzumaki Kushina's chakra belonging to Nine Tails became more intense, but her face and body were covered with layers of curse seals, which were obviously the sealing technique prepared in advance.

"Ah!" Kushina tried to twist her body, but was locked by several medical ninjas.

Even so, it still drove a few ninjas to swing on the huge hospital bed.

The absolutely black and white body moved on the ceiling, the speed was not fast, but very even, and it didn't take long to reach the top of the hospital bed.

During this process, no one noticed the slightest abnormality, and everyone focused on Jiu Xinnai's delivery.

Lake Biba kept comforting Kushina, and his hands were not idle, constantly wiping the sweat from her face.

"Soon, soon!" Muttering incessantly, Bibahu looked at the half-baked baby, his face was full of anxiety.

Although she also knows some medical ninjutsu, she is old after all, so the work here is only to give Kushina some psychological assistance.

After all, she is someone who has experienced it, and has a good relationship with Jiu Xinnai.

"Aw! Aw!" The child's loud voice sounded, and a medical ninja wrapped the current Hokage with the cloth he had prepared long ago.

"Okay, okay!" Lake Biba leaned closer to Kushina's ear, because childbirth is physical work, and Kushina had to resist the Kyuubi's riot, which seemed to be very difficult, so she was very weak at this time .

Slowly opening her eyes, Kushina smiled, Kyuubi seemed to know that there was no chance, so she also started to calm down, so she wanted to ask someone to hold the child for her to see.

But the moment she opened her eyes, she saw a yin and yang face on the ceiling.

Bai Jue smiled playfully at Kushina who seemed to see him, and the latter's expression changed instantly.

"What's the matter, Kushina?" Lake Biba was not a powerful ninja, so he didn't notice it.

Zizi!Different from the sound of thunder and lightning, this sound is like a bubble expanding instantly.

And the moment Bibako finished speaking, white paste emerged from the entire ward except Kushina, and it turned into white in the blink of an eye.

【Spore Art】

This is Baijue's unique ninjutsu. It can hide the spores in the enemy's body. When needed, it can turn into Baijue's clone and affect the enemy's body movements.

"Damn it!" Kushina was Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and a powerful ninja after all, and she immediately realized it.

Pushing off the quilt covering her body, she was about to get up.

But there was a figure faster than him.

Jue swooped down from the ceiling and approached Kushina in an instant.


A pitch-black hand pressed on Jiuxinna's abdomen, and a circle of black runes spread from the palm to her whole body in an instant.

Not only did it destroy the sealing array that Kushina had prepared before and suppressed Nine-Tails Chakra's broken body, but also destroyed a corner of the sealing technique that sealed Nine-Tails in the body.

boom!The red chakra instantly broke through, blowing away several struggling medical ninjas in the room, destroying everything in the room.

"Let's go!" Jue looked at Jiu Xinna who was frozen in place, and slowly sank into the ceiling, they were about to get out of the way!

Outside the delivery room, the ninja guarding there sensed the situation in the room and broke in directly.

The weak Kushina was sealed by Heijue, and a corner of the seal was destroyed.

Kyuubi gained power in an instant, and began to affect Kushina like crazy.

If it was the original, as the last face of the Uzumaki Clan, in this case, Kushina could barely suppress Kyuubi.

But Heijue didn't know what he did just now, which made Kushina lose the ability to extract chakra. In addition, he had a baby before and struggled with Kyuubi, which wasted most of his energy.

At this time, under the influence of the Nine-Tails Chakra, she slowly lost consciousness, and a strange red chakra coat was forming outside her body.

"Damn it!" Lu Jiu had been staying not far from the hospital, and rushed over when he heard the movement.

As soon as he came, he saw the half-tailed beast-like Kushina who was confronting Anbu ninja.

"Give me the baby." Lu Jiu saw Anbu holding the baby in his arms, and pulled him into his arms.

He can't let Minato's child have an accident here. Although he doesn't know where Minato has gone right now, as Hokage's assistant, he must protect this child.

Roar!Kushina lost consciousness and roared like a beast.

Just now she was fighting with Nine Tails for the ownership of her body, but the gap between humans and tailed beasts appeared at this time.

Kyuubi has been fighting against the seal when she was about to give birth, but she is still alive and well.

Kushina couldn't do it anymore, the impact of Nine Tails one after another made her fall in many ways.

Snapped!A red tail smashed around, completely destroying the room at the same time.

"Quickly, take Bibako-sama down, and the rest of the people are here to hold Jinchuriki!"

Lu Jiu glanced at Sarutobi Lake Biba who had fallen into a coma, and Bai Jue's avatar had long since disappeared here, and no one saw it.

Everyone here started to move, and Lu Jiu hugged Naruto who was still struggling, and stayed away from here.

He is not a fighting ninja, so he needs to keep a distance from the enemy in order to fight better.

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