Deflect the shadow blade, and then cut off the hair on the side of Hyoudou Issei, and then the shadow blade immediately bent and cut towards the back of Hyoudou Issei's head.

"Wait a minute!"

While speaking, another magic bullet hit the Shadow Blade, causing it to deflect.

The shadow blade retracted, and Azi Dakaha looked at Suzeks who was on the side. He was the one who fired the magic bullet just now.

Not only Aziz Dakaha, but even Orpheus on Aziz Dakaha's shoulder looked over curiously.


Orpheus held the plate handed over by Aziz Dakaha, and asked while eating dessert while tilting his head.

"Are you going to fight Dad too?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

Suzeks smiled wryly.

"Then, what do you mean by blocking my fight?"

If Aziz Dakaha asked and interrupted his battle, if there was no legitimate reason, Aziz Dakaha would not let it go easily.

Some of the other demons on the side were very nervous, worried that the Demon King would clash with Aziz Dakaha, while others were very happy, hoping that the Demon King would conflict with Aziz Dakaha.

"Your Excellency Az Dakaha, I have no intention of interrupting your battle with [Sekiryuutei], but please listen to me."

Instead of fighting, Suzeks chose to persuade.

"Your Excellency Azi Dakaha, although [Sekiryuutei] wants to challenge you, his power is completely useless at this time, not only me as the devil king, but even my sister, his master Li Yasi may not be able to defeat him, so at this time he challenges you, you accept his challenge, the result is very simple, he will be directly killed by you, this type of challenge, whether it is Sekiryuutei, oh, I say here Sekiryuutei Ddraig, or you, should be bored."

"This generation of [Sekiryuutei] Hyoudou Issei challenged you to die, then the result is that he died, and his artifact resides in Sekiryuutei Draig's [Sekiryuutei's cage hand] will be transferred again Hosting in another human soul, in this case, the challenge of Sekiryuutei Draig is meaningless, and it is also meaningless for you to accept the challenge. Doesn’t the identity of the Dragon Emperor challenge you?”

"So I hope you can wait for a while, wait for Hyoudou Issei to display the power of Sekiryuutei, and then challenge you, that is the real challenge to you instead of Sekiryuutei Draig, isn't it? "

After hearing this, Aziz Dakaha didn't look at Suzeks anymore, but looked at Hyoudou Issei. After being looked at by Aziz Dakaha, Hyoudou Issei swallowed again.

The meaning of Suzeks is obvious, that is, let Aziz Dakaha let Hyoudou Issei go first, because Hyouto Issei, who challenged Aziz Dakaha on behalf of Chiryuutei Ddraig, has no Sekiryuutei at all With that level of strength, challenges cannot represent Draig, so in order for Hyoudou Issei to truly replace Draig to challenge Aziz Dakaha, he needs a period of time to grow until he has grown to a certain level Now, after being able to exert the power of Ddraig [Sekiryuutei's caged hand], it will not be too late to challenge Azi Dakaha.

Because by that time, his value has already been reached, even if he is killed by Azi Dakaha, Suzeks will not care too much. The value, the value to Rias as a follower.

Of course, if Aziz Dakaha did not exist, Suzeks might not think so, and maybe he would train the [Sekiryuutei] Hyoudou Issei, but now he is not as good as Aziz Dakaha. If existence is the deadly enemy, then there is no need to think about it. It is impossible for Sazeks to touch Aziz Dakaha for Hyoudou Issei. This kind of existence that one person can kill the race of demons is an existence that must be loved, not to mention that there is an [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus beside Azi Dakaha.

"That's right, that's it, Your Excellency Az Dakaha, as Ise's master, I also want to ask you to stop for a while and give Ise some time to let him grow up to be familiar with [Sekiryuutei's cage hand] Strength, if you can play at a level equivalent to Sekiryuutei, let him challenge you at that time, I think it can represent the real Sekiryuutei Draig even more, and you will be more happy to do so, Mr. Az Dakaha Is not it?"

Rias stood in front of Hyoudou Issei, asked Az Takaha, and then looked at Issei, to be precise, it was Issei's gauntlet, the green on [Sekiryuutei's cage hand] gem.

"I think His Excellency Draig thinks the same way. Even if it's a challenge, the master who uses you must be able to really qualify for the challenge, right?"

"That's right, I agree with that."

Draig's voice came from the gauntlet.

"It takes a period of time for my partner to grow up to show my strength, so I agree with you."

Draig is very clear that Issei is now looking for death to fight Aziz Dakaha. He didn't expect Issei Hyoudou to defeat Aziz Dakaha at the beginning. He just said it was a challenge, and Issei Hyoudou The same is true, he wanted to help Draig avenge and help him defeat Aziz Dakaha who killed him, so he also agreed to challenge, but this challenge meant to fight Aziz Dakaha in the future, It doesn't mean to start fighting now.

Azi Dakaha's habit is that since he said to fight, he will start fighting now, so Azi Dakaha will directly withdraw the illusion and return to the original state to prepare for the attack of Hyoudou Issei.

Seeing that the guys who challenged him said so, Aziz Dakaha did not choose to make a move, but agreed with them. After all, there is no need for Aziz Dakaha, who is not an 'absolute evil' now. Although it is my habit to kill the opponent without saying a word, it is not necessary now.

"Then, I'll stop for now."

Hearing what Aziz Dakaha said, Rias and Suzeks breathed a sigh of relief, and most of the demons also breathed a sigh of relief. It was a pity that there was no fight, and it was a pity that the old devil faction The most important Hyoudou Issei also let out a big breath.

"But I made an agreement with you."

Aziz Dakaha spoke next.

"You are my challenger, then, I promise with you that when you master the power, I will definitely accept your challenge!"

"At that time, I will give you absolute glory!"

Suzeks nodded happily.

"Well, that's it."

'【Sekiryuutei】The death time has been delayed. '

Chapter 30, a young life!Master Long is watching cartoons!

The so-called magic sword refers to the sword that hosts this powerful force. Because they are often very powerful and covered with blood, they look very evil, so they are called magic swords by people. Because the magic sword is too powerful, Therefore, their users sometimes become obsessed with power and become depraved and bloodthirsty, so the magic sword is an ominous sword in the eyes of many people, and those who can really control the magic sword are called For the magic swordsman.The opposite of the magic sword is called the holy sword.

The so-called holy swords refer to swords that are as powerful as magic swords. They are often called swords of justice, with the attribute of light and justice, but in fact they are just praised by people. Even holy swords are full of evil spirits. Human blood isn't it?For example, [EX-calibur] and [Durandal] among the most famous holy swords in Europe, these two swords are very famous holy swords, one is King Arthur's sword, and the other is a hero Paladin Roland's sword, these two swords have unique stories in myths or historical stories, of course, these two holy swords really exist, and they are covered with blood, just like someone said, The sword is the murder weapon!So a powerful sword is even more powerful weapon!

Of course, the holy sword will also degenerate into a magic sword. For example, the most famous example is Lancelot, the chief of the twelve knights of the round table under King Arthur [Knight of the Lake], he holds the same level of holy sword as King Arthur's [EX-calibur] [Undestroyed Lake Light], but because of killing other knights of the round table, it became a magic sword, which is a well-known story.

And this time the incident has nothing to do with Lancelot's [Undestroyed Lake Light], but with the [EX-calibur] held by King Arthur who Lancelot served.

In this world, King Arthur exists, and [EX-calibur] also exists, and the story of [EX-calibur] in this world is different from the stories in other worlds. As the sword of King Arthur, the owner of the strongest saint The [EX-calibur] of the name of the sword was broken, and the church used the fragments of the broken [EX-calibur] of King Arthur to make six replicas of the [EX-calibur], and handed them over to the six churches for selection The person who is selected uses it, and the selected person is called the holy sword user.

Over time, these six holy swords were scattered everywhere, and now someone wants to collect them all together and recast the strongest holy sword 【EX-calibur】!

Underworld, the territory of demons, the home of Serafur, the demon king Leviathan, because Serafur is responsible for taking care of Orpheus, so Orpheus and Aziz Dakaha, the father and daughter, live in Here, of course, the main purpose is to give Orpheus a comfortable environment. Azi Dakaha doesn't care. He said that it doesn't matter even if he lives in the magma. He won't affect his mood because of the bad environment. , and he doesn't need to sleep or anything, basically rest means sitting cross-legged.

Serafur, who is in charge of taking care of Orpheus, also spent a lot of thought in order to satisfy Orpheus and Aziz Dakaha, such as giving Orpheus and Aziz Dakaha the live-action animation starring himself. Look at Kaha, teach Orpheus how to transform into a magical girl, and bring Orpheus to a concert. After all, she is an idol in the underworld and has many concerts.

And Orpheus also found it very interesting, especially Serafur's lively personality, coupled with Orpheus's IQ like a mentally retarded, the two of them... No, these two demons and dragons get along very well, especially when singing Yes, Orpheus seems to like this kind of event very much, and even asked to participate, Serafur naturally had to agree, so there was only one concert of Serafur before, and now there are two concerts of Orpheus and Serafur With the concert, as time goes by, Orpheus even begins to gather popularity, and has become the second idol of the underworld.

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