"Even if you are very popular, it doesn't mean you can play with other people's feelings and bodies casually!"


Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

Your sister, what do you think I made her swallow!It's ice cubes!Ice in an iced coke, not some crappy deoxyribose alright!

"That, that..." Alice's face flushed red, and she finally regained her breath, with tears in her eyes still choking from a cough, she hurriedly explained, "Teacher Jing, you misunderstood..."

"It's such a time, you still help him explain?!"

Jing Kei was so angry that she wanted to burst into tears: "Could it be that he was brainwashed by him!"

Wash your sister, I am not interested in this little bean, there is no need to brainwash it!

"No, no, it's me... ahem!"

Alice was still trying to explain, but unfortunately she couldn't help coughing again in the middle of her words, her little face was flushed, she was a little retching, and she covered her mouth in pain.

Jing Kei paused, with an unbelievably shocked expression on her face, and her gaze at Hua Ye had turned into a black hole: "Could it be that Alice is still pregnant with your child?!"

Your uncle's child, did I use my eyes to make her pregnant!

"That's not the case!"

Hua Ye stood up angrily.

Jing Keai took a step back subconsciously, and at the same time turned her head slightly, as if to prevent her eyes from being polluted by something terrible.

"See it clearly!" Hua Ye said with a dark face, "I didn't take off my pants at all!"

The reason why he only stood up now to produce physical evidence was not to misunderstand Jing Keai on purpose, but because the space-based rail gun had just entered the stage of gaining momentum and had just restrained itself.

Jing Keai looked over and saw that the jeans Hua Ye was wearing were zipped up well, and there were no scary tools exposed outside, so her complexion finally improved a bit.

She saw very clearly just now that Hua Ye had both hands on the table and had no time to put away the tools of the crime. The same was true for Alice. Now that her pants were intact, she was obviously not doing that kind of thing.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you."

Jing Keai quickly apologized, since she wronged the wrong person, she should apologize instead of just saying nothing because of her status.What should be one is one, what should be two is two, this is why she is still very popular even though she often beats students with her fists at school.

"But..." Jing Keai changed the subject and asked in a strange tone: "Why are your pants wet?"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and turned to look at Alice.

The short bean's face turned red immediately, although he really wanted to say that it was the saliva after the ice cube in his mouth melted, and then because his head hit the table, a little bit flowed out of his mouth accidentally, it was just a coincidence It just happened to be sprayed on that kind of place, nothing...

How could it be nothing!

Just now this guy obviously put that disgusting thing on his lips!

Absolutely impossible!

Seeing the blond girl with blushing face, lowered head, who looked like a wronged little daughter-in-law, nana, speechless, Jing Keai couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at Hua Ye, his eyes were filled with disdain again.

"Hey, Teacher Jing?" A sweet voice sounded from behind the two of them.

Raphael, who went to the bathroom, came back just at this time.

Alice trembled all over, quickly raised her hand to cover her face, and lay down on the table.


Hua Ye felt that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to clean himself up.

Aren't you usually super arrogant and talkative?

Now when it's time for you to explain, you actually pretended to be an ostrich, that's too much, hey!

"What's the matter?" Raphael blinked and asked curiously.

Jing Keai looked at Hua Ye, said ah, but didn't say anything, but said, "I'm not the person involved, you can ask yourself."

"Student Hua Ye, what's wrong?" The black-bellied girl narrowed her eyes and looked at Hua Ye with a smile.

Although it is still smiling and sweet, it is clearly scary!

Jing Keai crossed her arms, although she really wanted to stay and watch the next development of the Shura field, but she felt a little bad, after all, she was also one of the causes of the incident.

So she coughed lightly and said:

"Then go ahead, I'm going shopping with my friends..."

He covered his forehead with one hand, waved his hand and said, "Anyway, I don't know much about you young people..."


Jing Keai took a sip of her drink, gave Hua Ye a look of "buy life insurance as soon as possible", then turned and left.

"Student Hua Ye!" The smile on Lafayette's face disappeared, and her cheeks puffed up, "Alice is still a child..."

Although he didn't say the second half of the sentence, the meaning in his eyes was quite clear.

"Bullying a child will hurt your conscience, right?"

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