The three of Hua Ye got off the car at the station, and then walked towards the mall together.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly. On the square in front of the commercial building, there are many pedestrians, and there is an endless stream.

"Let's go directly to the third floor? Buy the bathrobe first, and then do other things." Tax-evading Lafite stretched out a slender finger and said, "When I checked the guide last night, it was said that the shop selling bathrobes is on the third floor Woolen cloth."

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded in agreement.

The goal of this operation is to buy one or two yukatas for summer festivals. Although they can also be ordered online, it is better to come and try them on in person.

After all, many clothes look very beautiful on the Internet, but they are not the same when they are worn. When the time comes to return them online, they have to pay for the shipping fee and argue with the merchant. It is estimated that it will take ten days and a half months to go back and forth... …

Two words: trouble.

It is precisely for this reason that clothing stores are still thriving today when many physical stores are dying.

The dark-bellied girl glanced at her bright eyes and smiled, "I'll ask Hua Ye to help me choose."

So why do you let me choose the clothes you wear yourself? It's already a face-saving thing to accompany you, okay?

The three of them talked without stopping, and went directly to the shop selling bathrobes on the third floor.



A female shopping guide in a pink lace bathrobe smiled and bowed.

Rafael nodded slightly, and said, "We're here to buy bathrobes."

"Then do you want me to introduce you two? Recently, there are several beautiful yukatas."

"Okay, trouble."

"This way, please." The shopping guide smiled as he led the way, "These are the most popular styles of bathrobes recently, you two can choose according to your preferences..."

"No need." Rafael shook his head suddenly.

Then, under the surprised gaze of the shopping guide, the black-bellied girl suddenly blinked, looked at Hua Ye, and smiled coquettishly: "My opinion is not important, as long as Hua Ye likes it. o(* ≧▽≦)ツ”


Your sister, now that there are outsiders around, are you getting skinny again!

I like that you are wearing a white bunny girl's clothes, and then you have a chain around your neck, you should show me it! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Cough cough."

The female shopping guide gave Hua Ye a subtle look, then saluted again, and said, "Then please choose the three carefully, the fitting room is next to you, please call me again if you have anything to do."


When the shopping guide left, Alice puffed up her mouth and muttered, "Why did Lord Bai Yu say such a thing just now? Just ask him to help carry the bag. How does he know whether the clothes look good or not?"

"Hmm..." Rafael stretched out a finger, lightly tapped her pink lips, looked at Hua Ye, and said, "Because...women are the ones who please themselves, right?"

Hua Ye's face was expressionless.

I can't believe what you're saying now.When you attended the birthday party last time, you said that there would be a kiss reward in the future. Although you didn't expect it at all, you haven't cashed in until today, and you didn't even mention it. Sure enough, it's a blank check again!

"No." Alice wrinkled her little nose, and looked at Hua Ye with wide eyes. "This guy's relationship with so many girls is unclear. He must be a pervert, right? And he still has facial paralysis. Don't laugh..."

A black line fell from the top of Hua Ye's head, he snorted, and said:

"Who do you call facial paralysis?"

Hey, I can't pretend I didn't hear this sentence.

It's just because of indifference and not too many emotional fluctuations. Indifference does not mean facial paralysis!

Facial paralysis is actually not an attribute, but a disease. It is a facial stroke, which leads to poor blood circulation in the face, which leads to uncontrolled facial muscles, resulting in crooked mouth, squinted eyes, drooling and other common diseases.

Seeing Hua Ye's staring eyes, the little bean quickly hid behind Rafael, hugged Rafael's arm with both hands, then poked out his little head, and stuck out his small pink tongue at Hua Ye, pretending to be cute. grimace.

"If not, then, why don't you laugh?"

Hua Ye: "..."

Smiles have nothing to do with feelings, you can smile when you are happy, such as the exclusive smirk of silly meow, and you can also laugh when you are unhappy, such as a wry smile.You can also laugh crazily when you are in pain. After all, a smile is actually a manifestation of facial muscles and has nothing to do with your mood.

Hua Ye could naturally laugh.

It's just... I don't have the mood to laugh at all, I just laugh to cater to the needs of others, of course I don't want to.

"Look, let's see?" Alice stuck out her little tongue, "Can't you laugh?"


Rafael cleared his throat, stretched out a slender finger, and called out delicately: "Student Hua Ye, look at me, look at me!"

Hua Ye looked over.

This dark-bellied girl stared at her with autumn-like eyes, blinked her big eyes, and then thought of something happy, and suddenly let out a chuckle.


Your sister, this is clearly a dark smile!You must have thought something terrible in your mind!

"Eh? No response." The black-bellied girl withdrew her smile and puffed her cheeks. "It is said that a smile is like a yawn, and it is contagious. If you want to judge whether a person is staring at you, just hit one Yawn, if the other party yawns too, they must be looking at you..."

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