"That, that's to prove that the spicy strips are super delicious!"

Gabriel rolled her eyes, and said nonsense solemnly:

"It seems that when many people are happy, they will shout 'I'm going to die', 'I'm going to die' and so on... The Reaper Latiao comes from this meaning! It means happiness to the extreme!"

Shut up, your ability to talk nonsense in a serious manner has improved a lot, so let this kind of lies fool Satania, that idiot!

"Here, eat quickly." Gabriel urged.

Hua Ye snorted and reached out to take it.

He has heard of the name of Reaper's Spicy Strips. It is said that it is made with the hottest chili in the world. Generally, people who have eaten it will cry bitterly and doubt life.In fact, it is similar to canned herring, which is used to challenge people, not a regular snack.



No normal person would like to eat the kind of canned herring that can stink up a house for a week, and is even banned by airlines as nuclear-weapon-grade food, right?

The same is true for Reaper Latiao. The purpose of making it is to let people challenge the limit, not for people to enjoy. There was even a news report not long ago that a teenager was sent to intensive care because he ate too much Latiao Room rescue.

Hua Ye casually opened the bluffing box and took out a small spicy stick from inside.

That's right, there is only a small spicy stick in the box that is bigger than a palm.

After unpacking the inner package, Hua Ye frowned slightly and said:

"I ate?"

"Yeah." The crippled angel hesitated for a moment, then said, "Just eat a little... don't blame me for being ashamed."

Hua Ye shrugged and casually took a bite.

The taste is really spicy as rumored, but that's it. Compared with the sting of the goddess of death's tail, it is completely within the acceptable range.

Seeing that Hua Ye's face was not red, he was not panting, and he was eating spicy noodles in a leisurely manner, Gabriel couldn't help but widen his eyes, and asked nervously, "Are... are you okay?"


"Don't you think it's very spicy, and you really want to go crazy?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "It's not as exaggerated as you said."

"Could it be that I bought fake products? I heard that most of the things bought online are parallel imports..." the useless angel muttered to himself.

If it's really Reaper's Spicy Tiao, it's impossible to have no reaction at all, right?

It’s like closing your eyes when you sneeze, and you need to bend your knees when jumping. This is an instinctive reaction of the human body. After eating something too spicy, it will open its mouth wide, stick out its tongue, and burst into tears, like a different kind of zombie.

"Let me have a taste?" Gabriel hesitated and couldn't help but said.

Apparently, she also became curious and wanted to verify the authenticity of the rumors about this hot strip for herself.


Hua Ye responded, and handed over the spicy strips casually.

The crippled angel subconsciously wanted to open its mouth, then suddenly came back to its senses, shook its head with disgust in its eyes, and said, "Don't want this end, you've already bitten it, isn't it disgusting?"

What's disgusting?

I have kissed you so many times, and I have eaten a lot of saliva!

"Go aside, I will do it myself."

The useless angel waved his hand with disgust in his eyes, took the Reaper spicy stick from Hua Ye's hand, and didn't take it rashly, but put it under his nose and smelled it, and said to himself: "It smells very spicy. It's pungent, it doesn't look like a fake... But I can't tell, many things smell bad, but taste delicious, such as stinky tofu and coriander, it's like this..."

"Bite a little bit, it shouldn't be a problem... right?"

Seeing Hua Ye standing by the side as if nothing had happened, Gabriel subconsciously thought, "It doesn't look like that, if he can eat, I can eat it too".

"I'll try it..."

This crippled angel carefully put this Death Grim Reaper into its mouth...

Chapter 568 A Kiss Under the Moonlight

This useless angel opened its small mouth, and lightly bit the front end of the Reaper Spicy Tiao.

In the beginning, I didn’t really feel anything special. As for the scenes in those costume TV dramas, where someone drank poisonous wine and then fell to the ground and died within a second, it was actually just an exaggerated expression.

In reality, even if you accidentally drink pesticides such as dichlorvos, it is impossible to die on the spot. As long as you induce vomiting in time, and then send it to the hospital for gastric lavage, it can actually be rescued (true story).

"Could it be that I bought a fake Reaper's Spicy Bar? It really doesn't look very spicy..." Gabriel thought subconsciously.

However, after two seconds, Gabriel's thought of "it's just that, it's not as scary as the rumors on the Internet" was quickly shattered by the terrifying reality.

It was as if a flame had begun to ignite in his mouth.

From a single spark, it developed into a prairie fire in an instant, and there was even a tendency to burn more and more, until the head was burnt into a paste...

It can be clearly seen that this crippled angel instantly froze in place as if it had been cursed by Medusa's petrification.Then his eyes widened suddenly, and a rare "horrified" Yan Yi appeared on his small face, which made Hua Ye want to take a picture of it as a souvenir.

"Water, water..."

Gabriel hissed and exhaled cold air, his voice was trembling, and there were even crystal tears in the corners of his eyes.

"There is no water." Hua Ye shook his head.

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